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Thread: Impeach Obama?

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by ClydeR View Post
    What a backward country. Their president is named Jens. About half the men there have names beginning with the letters "Bj" which nobody can even pronounce. And they're complaining about global warming, even though they're in the Arctic and would definitely benefit from warmer weather.
    How are any of these statements relevant? And please explain how anyone benefits from global warming? Christ, you're dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by AnticorRifling View Post
    Please note I left my computer on and my weiner dogs have been moderating these forums.

  2. Default

    ClydeR - please read constitution before making claim. I don't really like Obama, and think he's a puppet, but you can't impeach him for accepting titles of nobility or accepting gifts from foreign kings. You can impeach a sitting present by: Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    Accepting gift or title is none of those. sorry!

  3. Default

    Oh, and yes, under Article I, Section 9, a person in office cannot accept titles or gift without the consent of Congress. I'm sure Congress will go ahead and let this slide, since it is a Dem majority.

    Not to rip on you, but did you get this info from Rush today? You can feel free to read the constitution here:

  4. #14


    You do realize that Clyde is a persona attempting a Colbert on this message board right?

    He composes posts that are so far to the right in a parody of the tea-bagger/religious right ignorance.

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