Quote Originally Posted by Shaelun View Post
I went to fix what I thought was a bug in the Wizard/SF interpreting code, and I don't really see one. I do however notice that the `%c' and `%s' character sequences appear to be case sensitive; I changed it for the next version, since Lich is supposed to behave exactly like Wizard/SF when running one of their scripts. For the time being, try changing those to use lower case letters instead.

As for rewriting it in Lich format...
spell = Script.self.vars[2]
Script.self.vars[1].to_i.times { cast(spell, 'Wizard') }
Script.self = lookup and retrieve the current script object
vars[1] = the command-line variables are stored in this array for every script
to_i = to_integer (convert from a string to an Integer class object)
times = that many times, execute this block
cast(spell, 'Wizard') = handle casting the spell on the target ('Wizard' here -- type ``;man cast'' in-game for details)

That should do it. Long chain of methods, but it was easy enough to come up with off-hand.
The only thing that .lic version doesn't do that my .cmd would is loop through multiple cast of multiple spells...such as .sg 4 401 406 414...where there I'd get 4 cast of each spell.

I looked at your lich docs this weekend and played around for a little while...I didn't pick up on things as quickly as I'd have liked to but I didn't have as much time as I'd like to have had either.

Maybe for the time being since my time is short I'll concentrate on trying to make some more of my .cmd scripts work when run through lich. I love the fact that lich doesn't run my pc's processor at 100% when I run scripts.