I was skimming over my GS notes folder when I came across a little file called "Teeoncy". With my interests piqued I opened it up and took a read. Evidently it's several years old now. This was just before her final assplosion on these boards.

Ah memories:

"You have forced my hand and made me post here tonight after being totally incapable of maintaining a coherent, mature and honest conversation with me in private, a place where myself, the moderators, and most likely you, wanted to keep this entire issue.

For those unaware of this whole mess, I shall apprise you what I know:

Apparently there was a rumor floating about, propagated by Teeoncy’s player that when her IP address, and the address of her other accounts (tenlaughs etc), became under scrutiny, Weedmage Princess, gave said address to me via IM/Email whatever. I have been made aware that this is totally against forum policy on the behalf of Moderators who have access to said information, punished by revokement of their Moderation abilities and most likely a ban as well.

How, you ask, did you find out about this? Here is a conversation you had with Daina:
Lady Daina: Hey lady, you got a minute? :-)
Lady Teeoncy: sure
Lady Daina: I am sitting here trying to decide what to do, I heard a rumor that a mod told you Weedie gave out your IP info?
Lady Daina: I'm not sure which would be worse, if she DID, or if someone made that up and told you! ::flail:: I'd FREAK
Lady Teeoncy: I am not sure
Lady Teeoncy: I had someone very close to me tell me that she was giving it out

Later in the conversation:
Lady Daina: I've nearly left half a dozen times already, you should see how bad StrayRogue used to harass me. Oh my god.
Lady Teeoncy: Mod's should not be doing that...cussing at people instead of giving a simple opinion (if it good or not) makes people not want to go to them
Lady Teeoncy: funny you mention strayrogue lol
Lady Daina: I agree, and most of us *do try*, honestly.
Lady Daina: Was it him that told you?
Lady Daina: I'm really concerned about this.
Lady Teeoncy: You have never been really mean so I will say yes

For those readers out there, I have NEVER, EVER, spoken to Teeoncy on AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, email, U2U, mobile phone, landline phone, regular letter, or with my psychic powers. The ONLY contact I have had that came close to her was via the boards. I posted maybe ten times in the Teeoncy and “family” thread. All in defence of her.

I received one email from her today to check her email address. And nothing else.

Now, getting down to the nitty gritty of it. First, you never once posted in a forum moderated by Weedmage, so, as I understand it, it is impossible for her to have gotten your IP. Secondly, I’ve never ever spoken to Weedmage before tonight.

Thirdly, when I came to ask you of these accusations, you responded as thus:
Lady Teeoncy: Hello
StrayRogue: Hi, I was wondering why you told the moderators of the PC boards that a certain Mod gave me your IP address
Lady Teeoncy: You know what, I have fought over this thing the whole afternoon
Lady Teeoncy: if mods were polite to me I would talk to them
Lady Teeoncy: and sort it all out
Lady Teeoncy: but I am so sick of this
Lady Teeoncy: That I am done with it
StrayRogue: I want to know why you incriminated me, when I had had no prior contact
StrayRogue: Why did you say we were "close"?
Lady Teeoncy: I didnt mean we were close
Lady Teeoncy: that got different
StrayRogue: Lady Teeoncy: I had someone very close to me tell me that she was giving it out
StrayRogue: What did you mean then?
Lady Teeoncy: what you have the whole convo?
Lady Teeoncy: a lot of that convo was private and had nothing to do with you
StrayRogue: Saying I am involved with illegal activity is my buisness
StrayRogue: Now, why did you say it was me?
Lady Teeoncy: let me see the convo
Lady Teeoncy: I want to see how much of it she gave out
StrayRogue: Answer my question please
Lady Teeoncy: NO
Lady Teeoncy: i am very pissed
StrayRogue: You are pissed?
Lady Teeoncy: yes i am
StrayRogue: I have been blamed for something I haven't done
Lady Teeoncy: i have had a terrible night at work
Lady Teeoncy: and i will not deal with this
StrayRogue: I have had to speak to the head mods about this
Lady Teeoncy: especially when you dont treat me with any respect at all
Lady Teeoncy signed off at 02:54:08.

Now, anyone out there please answer me this: Did I, or did I not treat her fair and reasonably in that chat? Did I swear, call her a lying fucking whore and threaten to kill her unborn? No. I wanted the truth as to why me, someone who defended her, was used as a tool to incriminate a moderator.

Teeoncy, reply or don’t. The evidence is damning enough. You lied again, and got caught in it. This time it was more serious.

Now, calm reserved manner aside, you ever incriminate me again in any such activity, and you will regret it."