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Thread: lightweight krodera mesh cloak ( fully unlock climatewear ) +5 to str & polearm

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    Default lightweight krodera mesh cloak ( fully unlock climatewear ) +5 to str & polearm

    Lightweight krodera mesh cloak- 6 pounds and holds 200

    The cloak resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
    It provides a boost of 5 to Polearm Weapons Bonus.
    It provides a boost of 5 to Strength Base.

    The krodera mesh cloak is a garment that changes messaging depending on the climate you're in, or whether it is raining/snowing outside. This item can be altered, it just needs to remain the basic essence of what the item is (no changing a cloak into a dress, but a cloak into a coat is fine).

    The cloak is fully unlocked with feature concealer ability. It has 16 verbs.
    This is currently set to be a cloak of some sort.
    The cloak is currently hooded, but it could have a custom hood added by a skilled merchant.
    The cloak currently has a default fastener, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant.
    The cloak currently has default pockets, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant. Options are a small pocket, a large pocket, small scabbards, weapon loops, large pouches, and small pouches.

    You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

    remove climatewear and add dramatic drapery if you like
    Last edited by neimanz1; 08-30-2022 at 09:37 PM.

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