Quote Originally Posted by Ashliana View Post
"Any effort to address the aftereffects of centuries of enslavement is, itself racist! Black people should lift themselves up by their own boot straps like white people did, even though whites did it on the backs of slaves!

Oh, and I thought it would be great to restate my belief that Blacks are retarded and got duped into supporting reproductive rights, and no, I don't care how Black people feel. But that doesn't make me racist!"

-Neveragain, 2021
"We can't have voter ID because black people can't find the DMV" ~ Democrats

"We have to lower education standards for black people and raise them for Asian students, because black people are dumber than Asians." ~ Democrats

"I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" ~ Democrats

"All the German people were retarded and got duped into the holocaust" ~ Assliana

"All the Russian people were retarded and got duped into communism" ~ Assliana

"I have no idea how propaganda works, it's why I have been falling for it for the last 5 years" ~ Assliana