Embrace the Candidate! Meet and Greet WL Mayoral Candidate Leafiara at Silvergate Inn, Sun Mar 8 at 5pm
On Sunday, March 8th at 5 PM, join mayoral candidate Leafiara at the Lion's Den Pub in Silvergate Inn for an open discussion where you can get to know her and her plans for a more active, engaged Landing population. (NW of the main Silvergate Foyer or ;go 3740.) Refreshments await and there just might be a little something extra too!
From Silvergate's Courtyard in Wehnimer's Landing, go through the doors into the Foyer, then Northwest to our Lion's Den Pub! (;go 3740)
I am very much looking forward to seeing YOU there, myself!
Soliere (and all the Silvergate Inn people!)![]()