I realize I am the minority on this one, but I'm all for disarm not being fun, which could be through a timesink clusteruck. Item loss is ballsack and should never happen at this point in the game, but does it have to be nerfed into oblivion? Death has been made trivial and I think that sucks. Disarm could be cool, and it SHOULD remain troubling enough to be a pro/con choice of hunting grounds. I've seen a lot of folks complain about "never using their choice weapon" for fear of disarm, then also getting all up in arms at the idea they might lose their item for 24 hours. Thats still a HUGE improvement on where they are at isn't it? Really the big change should be in how the lost item is handle in the hunting ground. I saw a de-legged skeleton giant lying in a room once and I left him. He stayed for HOURS. I named him something stupid and he was my homie for a while, but I digress. If the lost item kept the critter from despawning (as apparently some things can do) most folks would be able to reacquire their items. There is still player theft which would require a bit more fine tuned approach, but just keeping the creature/item from despawning would take care of MOST problems requiring an assist.

Graverobbing is super fucked though.