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Thread: T2 Voln armors, 4x Brig and Plate for bloodscrip

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    Default T2 Voln armors, 4x Brig and Plate for bloodscrip

    Putting these two armors up for a flat price. If they sell they sell, if not I'll just turn them into project pieces for my rogue later. Maybe they'll release tiered unlocks for voln armors at some point. Halfway there. PM me if interested.

    a mixed scale and steel-riveted ivory leather coat-of-plates - 4x, Brig T2 Voln - 25k Bloodscrip flat
    Your careful inspection of a mixed scale and steel-riveted ivory leather coat-of-plates allows you to conclude that it is rigid leather armor that covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

    The steel-riveted coat-of-plates is currently TIER 2 and has the following options available:

    *** NON-VOLN, and VOLN MEMBERS ***

    * DS flares against undead foes. Base chance to flare of 15%, +5% for Voln Masters, +5% for Voln converts. Amount of DS applied equal to armor enchant, min. of +10, max. of +50.

    * +10 passive Sheer Fear resistance against undead.

    * Automatic Symbol of Need upon death - half normal favor cost. Must already possess knowledge of the Symbol. Toggled on/off with WHISPER.

    a harness of steel plate armor reinforced with steel mail - 4x,plate T2 Voln - 25k Bloodscrip flat
    Your careful inspection of a harness of steel plate armor reinforced with steel mail allows you to conclude that it is plate armor that covers the torso, arms, and legs.
    The steel plate armor is currently TIER 2 and has the following options available:

    *** NON-VOLN, and VOLN MEMBERS ***

    * DS flares against undead foes. Base chance to flare of 15%, +5% for Voln Masters, +5% for Voln converts. Amount of DS applied equal to armor enchant, min. of +10, max. of +50.

    * +10 passive Sheer Fear resistance against undead.

    * Automatic Symbol of Need upon death - half normal favor cost. Must already possess knowledge of the Symbol. Toggled on/off with WHISPER.
    Last edited by Neovik1; 01-04-2019 at 02:50 PM. Reason: dropping from 30k to 25k bloodscrip

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