Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
There you go with that "your side" v. "my side" bullshit again. This is why you can't help but defend the indefensible Donald trump. You are emotionally invested into him because you claim him as a member of your tribe. You are psychologically wired to fall right into the middle of a pack for safety and you'll lash out at those who make you feel threatened. I am a democrat now though I have no need to knee jerk defend every and all issues you paint with a liberal brush.

You go ahead and keep thinking of the things that you believe I should defend. Develop your profile of me, make a list, publish that list here and I'll look for anything that catches my eye. If it's something in which I'm interested I'll post a defense for you to nitpick
Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
So not gonna hold your side accountable for the shit you supposedly care so much about huh?
It's like I'm psychic or something.

All I need now is for pk to prove my other psychic prediction right and I'll be 2 for 2 today.