looking to buy the folloewing items
#1 ------- a 4x-6x 2 slot fusion staff ---------FOUND
#2 ------ 4x-6x fusion full plate
#3 --- 4x-6x fusion brig
#4 ----- ANY and ALL LOGIC items that are perm / +6 logic or higher worn items / and +10 logic or more weapons
#5 ------ any clothing/containers with Faendryl and scarebs in the description
#6 ------ and WORN items that has +5 or more strength stat / NO WEAPONS OR ARMOR
#7 ------- any SEWER Rats that are out there ill take as well
#8 ------- still looking for a DHU Kitten
#9 ------ any HEROISM , ZEALOT , Cloak of Shadows and Bravery item's/scrolls/ETC
#10 ----- two 5x-8x permabless or just blessable falchions ( NOT SANCTED !!!!!!! )