Quote Originally Posted by Gnomad View Post
I have a patch that does this (with colors; I'll look into ncurses underlines instead) and also cleans up the death window for the new death messages. I snuck a crasher in the death messages part, though, that I need to fix up before I submit a pull request. Just haven't had the time; life's a little busy.

edit: On that note, if anyone knows and can write up a quick overview of how the data for the SF popup menus work, I'd be thrilled to read it. Even when I try to log everything that gets sent to/from stormfront, it only seems to send coordinate data and stuff like 'menu item 1,3'; I can't seem to find the actual menu contents anywhere. Maybe this deserves its own thread.
Sounds great. I've been using Profanity for several years now as-is so it's no rush.

I wonder for the death logs if there's anything interesting to be done. Like if I want to toggle highlights on ones that happen in certain towns or something...?