Selling a bag full of toys and pins. Trying to start clearing out the junk from my lockers:
>look in backpack
In the backpack you see
a toy skeletal warhorse,
a gnarled toy tree spirit,
a wailing toy banshee,
a winged toy vruul,
a prone glaes ithizir pin,
an elven soldier pin,
a mechanical toy penguin,
a mechanical toy penguin,
a mechanical toy monkey,
a rotund toy canary,
a mold-covered cloth raven (feature when worn: He has a mold-covered cloth raven perched on his shoulder):,
a mechanical toy spider,
a hairy toy spider,
a mechanical toy snake,
a filthy toy skeletal giant,
a mechanical toy monkey,
a mechanical toy dragon,
a rotting toy zombie,
a winged toy vruul,
a mechanical toy dwarf,
a rotting toy zombie and
a hairy toy spider.
Sold to pawnshop...
Delivery Icemule, Landing, Solhaven