I put together a history of the life of Ghorsa Borthuum. For those who don't know who he was, he was basically the founder of Kharam Dzu, the principle town on Teras Isle. (Yeah I know...basically the only town on Teras Isle)

Some past members of the Wordsmiths group - of which I used to be a member - will have seen this knocking around for 1 year, 10 months, 1 week, 5 days and 13 hours, 42 minutes. Yes I kept a record of the original submission date!! In fact I actually discussed putting this together with Itzel on April 2011. Although it has not been admitted into 'officials' documentation page, I thought I'd share it, as I fully intend to do a lot of RP around this.

I've tried to keep all geographical and historical references as accurate as possible.

As always I've retained the information on my site.
