Calling all warriors. Resuming warrior Interviews.

Basically if you a warrior with at least 10 trains, I will ask a series of questions. They are not technical questions or complicated. They are just about your life as a warrior.

The object is to build up a central list of information about warriors.

This can be done on a 1 -2 -1 basis, or you can just email the responses to me.

There are over 30 interviews recorded so far. However i'm looking to continue the process.

As an incentive, I'll be running a raffle upon receipt of the 20th Interview.

The prize will be 5mil in silvers. (Use for Ebon Gate or just blow it gambling - up to you - and the good news is that we've only another 17 interviews to go since this was advertised in the Officials a couple of weeks ago.)

If you are interested then visit the following site for the questions or just email me ( and we can arrange a face to face interview.