After having messed around with lich for several weeks, and having beat my head into the wall a few times wondering what I was doing wrong, I decided to start working on a guide to help new Lich users get familiar with the incredible capabilities that Lich brings to Gemstone IV. If you are reading this guide and are thinking 'Egads! This guy is a newb! He forgot about X!', PM me and I will add it to the appropriate section.
What Is Lich?
By now, if you have Lich, you should have been to the main Lich site. If you have not yet, please go there now and take a quick look around. In short, Lich is a scripting engine that runs alongside your game front end (Wizard FE or Stormfront) and allows for the intercommunication between and execution of complex scripts.
Key Functions of Lich
Lich's incredible script library, known as the Repository, has the capability to extend or automate nearly any task in Gemstone. Some of the most used and useful gameplay enhancing elements are:
- Map Based, Visual, Point-and-Click Movement
- Semi-Automated / Fully Automated Hunting
- Semi-Automated / Fully Automated Guild Skills
- Fully Automated Spell Ups, Resses and Healing
Where to Begin?
First off, download Lich. Follow the download and installation instructions on the Lich download page. You will need: 1) the latest file, 2) the Simutronics Game Entry tool, and 3) a version of the Ruby Interpreter.
The download file is a .zip containing all of the files necessary for running Lich. Extract the Lich zip file and create a shortcute to Lich.rbw if so desired.
Run Lich.rbw to start the Lich Game Entry.
And we're off.