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Thread: Presidential Debates 2024

  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    Normally, I wouldn't comment on a U.S. election, but is there a specific reason why Joe Biden hasn't stepped aside for another candidate? He clearly isn't fully compos mentis, and it must be evident to people how bad this looks to the rest of the world.
    I can think of a few recent instances when someone who was too old insisted on staying in a position of power. In addition to Biden, Robert Mueller and RBG are the two who come to mind. Unfortunately, we will probably see more of that over the next decade.

    Biden has enough delegates to be the party nominee. If he wants to bow out, he can. Probably, the party would then rally around Kamala Harris as the nominee. I say there is a 50% chance that Biden will bow out in the next seven days.

  2. #112


    1974? Really? That was even before Donald Trump declared himself to be "very pro-choice." People change.

    In 1974, it was mostly just Catholics, like Biden, who cared about the Roe v. Wade decision from 1973.

  3. #113
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    yo mama


    Quote Originally Posted by ClydeR View Post
    Probably, the party would then rally around Kamala Harris as the nominee.

    Ahhh, good one ClydeR. You are working so hard to challenge Seran for that retard belt.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ClydeR View Post
    I can think of a few recent instances when someone who was too old insisted on staying in a position of power. In addition to Biden, Robert Mueller and RBG are the two who come to mind.

    Mueller was 71 when he took the 2-year stint as Special Counsel, and he promptly retired from public office at 73 when that concluded.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to a lifelong position on the Supreme Court in 1993 at the age of 60 and was sharp as a hawk until she fell ill and died in 2020.

    These aren't even close to appropriate comparables.

    The only ones I can think of that fall into the category of national leaders staying in power at extreme age are Kings, Queens, and despots.

  5. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage View Post
    The Biden Crime Syndicate needs their godfather in power to rape the American public for power and money.
    This is correct.
    Discord: 3PiecesOfToast
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClydeR View Post
    1974? Really? That was even before Donald Trump declared himself to be "very pro-choice." People change.

    In 1974, it was mostly just Catholics, like Biden, who cared about the Roe v. Wade decision from 1973.
    Yes, people change. Even RBG considered Roe a weak legal argument. Also, concern over population control isn’t as much of a factor.

    ”Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
    -Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  7. #117


    Discord: 3PiecesOfToast
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  8. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    Yes, people change. Even RBG considered Roe a weak legal argument. Also, concern over population control isn’t as much of a factor.
    The fact the Justice Ginsburg was a lifelong supporter of women's rights, particularly reproductive rights ought not to be forgotten. Her position on the legal precedents were far more nuanced than your quote seems to imply.

    Here's far more on the topic.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    The fact the Justice Ginsburg was a lifelong supporter of women's rights, particularly reproductive rights ought not to be forgotten. Her position on the legal precedents were far more nuanced than your quote seems to imply.

    Here's far more on the topic.
    You know what was awesome about RBG? Trump replaced her.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    The fact the Justice Ginsburg was a lifelong supporter of women's rights, particularly reproductive rights ought not to be forgotten. Her position on the legal precedents were far more nuanced than your quote seems to imply.

    Here's far more on the topic.
    “My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.

    “Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”

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