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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #12291


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    Uh yeah. No one was ever teaching Critical Race Theory outside of law school and grad school-
    I love Democrats such as you.

    Democrats such as time4fun: Banning CRT is RACIST!!!111!!!
    Also Democrats such as time4fun: No one is teaching CRT!!!111!!!

    Okay so if no one is teaching CRT then what is the big deal if it's banned?

    Democrats are nothing but the opposite-Republican party these days.

    Republicans are for something? Well then as a Democrat I'm against it!

    Securing our borders? Against it!
    Enforcing laws? Against it!
    Supporting our military? Against it!
    Banning abortions in the ninth month? Against it!
    Recognizing the fetus as a person when the fetus is the victim of a crime? Against it!
    Last edited by Tgo01; 04-17-2022 at 03:25 PM.

  2. #12292


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    BTW, common core is about as ridiculous method for teaching math as has ever been developed and is a complete and utter failure. If you cared about kids, you would want to see it gone too but you don't because people that can do math end up not voting for Socialists.
    You should write that on your QAnon board, title it, "Socialists want your money, and will take it through common core." Hahaha.
    Last edited by Seran; 04-17-2022 at 03:49 PM.

  3. #12293


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I love Democrats such as you.

    Democrats such as time4fun: Banning CRT is RACIST!!!111!!!
    Also Democrats such as time4fun: No one is teaching CRT!!!111!!!

    Okay so if no one is teaching CRT then what is the big deal if it's banned?

    Democrats are nothing but the opposite-Republican party these days.

    Republicans are for something? Well then as a Democrat I'm against it!

    Securing our borders? Against it!
    Enforcing laws? Against it!
    Supporting our military? Against it!
    Banning abortions in the ninth month? Against it!
    Recognizing the fetus as a person when the fetus is the victim of a crime? Against it!
    Because your Conservashit party is using CRT ae the boogeyman out to steal small children and screaming their heads off as if it were being taught in every class since preschool. DeSantis is grandstanding, using their education system to promote his right wing conspiracy lies and people like you eat it up.

  4. #12294


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    Yay, the racist Leftist come out in force to disparage parents right to control what is being taught.

    And yes, CRT principles, the idea that everything in history should be viewed through the lens of racism and the idea that we should teach children to be racist and hate themselves is and has been taught for a good while now and it's destructive. Of course you all don't want to really end racism and sexism because then you wouldn't have the specter of racism and victimhood to control the populations you depend on for votes and money.

    BTW, common core is about as ridiculous method for teaching math as has ever been developed and is a complete and utter failure. If you cared about kids, you would want to see it gone too but you don't because people that can do math end up not voting for Socialists.
    What a bunch of nonsense.

    1) That's not what happened.
    2) That's not CRT at all. Have you read a definition?
    3) Really? Your claim is intentionally misteaching math as a Socialists tactic to... get more votes? Please, tell me more about this devious tactic to get votes by making people suck at math.
    Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription

  5. #12295


    Quote Originally Posted by Bhaalizmo View Post
    What a bunch of nonsense.

    1) That's not what happened.
    2) That's not CRT at all. Have you read a definition?
    3) Really? Your claim is intentionally misteaching math as a Socialists tactic to... get more votes? Please, tell me more about this devious tactic to get votes by making people suck at math.
    critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.

    So, if you believe this non sense and are white, how are you not supposed to hate yourself?
    [LNet]-GSIV:Lysistrata: "And I'm pretty perfect sooooo... What can I say. I'm dedicated. (To Jeril's cock.)"

  6. #12296


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.

    So, if you believe this non sense and are white, how are you not supposed to hate yourself?
    Hate, is not a part of CRT, nor is it a result of learning CRT.

    You must have brought that with you.
    Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription

  7. #12297


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
    How do racist pieces of shit believe in this dumb shit when Asians on average do better than every other demographic in the US, INCLUDING whites, and Indians are damn close to doing as well as whites too.

    I guess to be a critical race theorist it requires you to just completely lie to yourself and to others.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 04-17-2022 at 06:39 PM.

  8. #12298


    Quote Originally Posted by Bhaalizmo View Post
    Hate, is not a part of CRT, nor is it a result of learning CRT.

    You must have brought that with you.
    Ah, yes, someone who is white is just going to thoroughly love themselves after being told they are basically all that's wrong in the world just for being born white. Also, if it wasn't a result of learning CRT, why do so many white people who believe in it hate themselves? Must be pure coincidence.

    You thinking I am going to spend my energy on hating anything just shows how devoid of reason you are.
    [LNet]-GSIV:Lysistrata: "And I'm pretty perfect sooooo... What can I say. I'm dedicated. (To Jeril's cock.)"

  9. #12299


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeril View Post
    Ah, yes, someone who is white is just going to thoroughly love themselves after being told they are basically all that's wrong in the world just for being born white. Also, if it wasn't a result of learning CRT, why do so many white people who believe in it hate themselves? Must be pure coincidence.

    You thinking I am going to spend my energy on hating anything just shows how devoid of reason you are.
    Yeah, that's not what CRT teaches. Hate. You're putting that there.

    CRT does not teach that being white is basically all that's wrong in the world. Stop being dense. You're being willfully so.

    CRT espouses that being white, wasn't an identity in and of itself until some people decided it should be, for reasons. Then, instead of being proud of being Irish, Scottish, English etc., we'd all be into white pride and shit.

    One could understand this theory, and take from it that they have a newfound pride in whatever ethnicity they are. or their Nationality. Or whatever. Move ahead from it having learned, become stronger. Less influenced by people, for reasons.

    Or, I guess one could just be thick and act like it means something it doesn't.

    You, continuing to say that CRT wants you to hate, or that I want you to hate, is retarded. Are you related to Parkbandit?
    Last edited by Bhaalizmo; 04-17-2022 at 08:55 PM.
    Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription

  10. #12300


    Aw Damn.

    Hookworms giving the souf a bad name.

    "stereotypes about "stupid, lazy Southerners" in the US were caused by centuries of hookworm infection which causes lethargy, anemia and iron deficiency. These, in turn, negatively affect growth and intellectual development in children."
    Make Shattered a $5 stand-alone subscription

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