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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #3251


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    There you go with that "your side" v. "my side" bullshit again. This is why you can't help but defend the indefensible Donald trump. You are emotionally invested into him because you claim him as a member of your tribe. You are psychologically wired to fall right into the middle of a pack for safety and you'll lash out at those who make you feel threatened. I am a democrat now though I have no need to knee jerk defend every and all issues you paint with a liberal brush.

    You go ahead and keep thinking of the things that you believe I should defend. Develop your profile of me, make a list, publish that list here and I'll look for anything that catches my eye. If it's something in which I'm interested I'll post a defense for you to nitpick
    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    So not gonna hold your side accountable for the shit you supposedly care so much about huh?
    It's like I'm psychic or something.

    All I need now is for pk to prove my other psychic prediction right and I'll be 2 for 2 today.

  2. #3252


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    It's like I'm psychic or something.

    All I need now is for pk to prove my other psychic prediction right and I'll be 2 for 2 today.
    Ya, reading comprehension is lacking. By all means, keep on trolling though. I know you need it and cant help yourself

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardCranium View Post
    Why would heads explode? Idris Elba is fucking awesome.

    The only blow back I've seen lately concerning actors in certain roles has been from the trans community. Some of them have a point, some of them take things too far. But this is the world we live in now.
    We always lived in this world. Some folks are just finally being forced to face it.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardCranium View Post
    Why would heads explode? Idris Elba is fucking awesome.

    The only blow back I've seen lately concerning actors in certain roles has been from the trans community. Some of them have a point, some of them take things too far. But this is the world we live in now.
    Because heads always explode in these situations. Some people went ape shit when Daniel Craig was selected, because he has blond hair. People went nuts when Jodie Whittaker was picked to be the next Doctor Who, because a gender-less shape shifting alien being played by a woman is horrible, and people went nuts when Idris Elba was picked to play Roland Deschain, because Roland is "supposed" to be white.

    btw I do hope Elba gets the role because he's a fucking legend and would slay it as Bond.
    Last edited by Androidpk; 08-14-2018 at 07:10 PM.

  5. #3255


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    We always lived in this world. Some folks are just finally being forced to face it.
    You're agreeing with Richard that the world we live in has SJW's complaining so much they force a non-transgender woman to quit her role of playing a transgender?

    Bravo, time4fun. First time I've seen you disagree with SJWs. There may be hope for you yet.

  6. Default

    Ms. Johansson made the decision because of the ethical questions raised surrounding her casting, she told Out magazine in a statement. Online, actors raised the issue that hiring cisgender people for transgender roles takes acting opportunities away from members of marginalized communities.
    This is what you're complaining about tgo? seriously?

  7. #3257


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    This is what you're complaining about tgo? seriously?
    So you complain about people attacking someone for having blonde hair but you see nothing wrong with attacking a woman because she's not transgender? Seriously?
    Last edited by Tgo01; 08-14-2018 at 07:31 PM.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    So you complain about people attacking someone for having blonde hair but you see nothing wrong with attacking a woman because she's not transgender? Seriously?
    Pointing out people complaining about Daniel Craig is me complaining about people complaining about Daniel Craig? Once again, ladies and gentleman, Tgo is becoming unhinged.

  9. #3259


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    Pointing out people complaining about Daniel Craig is me complaining about people complaining about Daniel Craig? Once again, ladies and gentleman, Tgo is becoming unhinged.
    Oh so you had no problem with people complaining about a black man playing a character who's "supposed" to be white? My bad, didn't realize you were a raging racist now.

  10. #3260
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    Like someone said James Bond and 007 is just a code name, it can be literally anyone. Well except a female I guess? Maybe it would just be Jane Bond or something. The Doctor Who thing was already canon with The Master having turned into a female during a regeneration so those people are stupid also.

    It is stupid to require a person to be the exact sexuality, gender, etc as the character they portray. Fucking Neil Patrick Harris crushed it as a womanizer and he's gay. Actors are literally paid to portray themselves as someone else.

    This is all mountains out of mole hill shit.
    Last edited by drauz; 08-14-2018 at 08:00 PM.
    No, I am not Drauz in game.

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