here is is for the person that wants to see it
--- Lich: scroll active.
[scroll: indexing scrolls]
[scroll]>look in #5692397
In the heavy backpack:
scroll (37): a scorched palimpsest (2), a tattered palimpsest, a piece of smeared paper, a piece of aged paper, a sheaf of crumpled paper, a scrap of crumbling papyrus, a charred parchment, an arcane parchment, a glittering scroll (2), an aged scroll (2), an obscure scroll (2), a crumpled scroll (2), an old scroll, a charred scroll, a smeared scroll (4), a pure white scroll, a luminous scroll (2), a torn scroll (2), a tattered scroll, a light scroll, a yellowed scroll, a crumbling scroll, a torn yellowed scroll, a stained old scroll, a glowing scroll, a sheet of smeared vellum, a sheet of dark vellum.
[scroll]>read #5638915
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched palimpsest.
On the scorched palimpsest you see
(307) Benediction
(309) Neutralize Curse
(1704) Stun Cloud
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #5638820
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(506) Haste
(909) Tremors
(507) Elemental Deflection
[scroll]>read #5638914
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(615) Call Swarm
(613) Self Control
(118) Web
(607) Sounds
[scroll]>read #5638847
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(212) Interference
(307) Benediction
(111) Fire Spirit
[scroll]>read #5638908
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(112) Water Walking
(313) Prayer
(307) Benediction
(304) Bless Item
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #5638891
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered palimpsest.
On the tattered palimpsest you see
(309) Neutralize Curse
(310) Warding Sphere
(206) Darkness
(203) Manna
[scroll]>read #5638881
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred parchment.
On the charred parchment you see
(203) Manna
(211) Bravery
(201) Calm
[scroll]>read #5638861
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(211) Bravery
(103) Spirit Defense
(202) Spirit Shield
[scroll]>read #5638855
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged paper.
On the aged paper you see
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[scroll]>read #5638901
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared paper.
On the smeared paper you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(105) Poison Resistance
(305) Preservation
(211) Bravery
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(310) Warding Sphere
[scroll]>read #5638835
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(204) Unpresence
(204) Unpresence
(307) Benediction
(201) Calm
[scroll]>read #5638777
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(309) Neutralize Curse
(306) Holy Bolt
(211) Bravery
(1701) Arcane Decoy
[scroll]>read #5638851
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure scroll.
On the obscure scroll you see
(302) Smite
(307) Benediction
(110) Unbalance
[scroll]>read #5638880
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(310) Warding Sphere
[scroll]>read #5638779
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(513) Elemental Focus
(519) Immolation
(1701) Arcane Decoy
[scroll]>read #5638775
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(606) Phoen's Strength
(108) Stun Relief
[scroll]>read #5638781
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(606) Phoen's Strength
(603) Foraging
[scroll]>read #5638854
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark vellum.
On the dark vellum you see
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(107) Spirit Warding II
[scroll]>read #5638848
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(506) Haste
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(917) Boil Earth
(912) Call Wind
[scroll]>read #5638876
It takes you a moment to focus on the pure white scroll.
On the pure white scroll you see
(310) Warding Sphere
(113) UnDisease
(203) Manna
(207) Purify Air
(202) Spirit Shield
[scroll]>read #5638875
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure scroll.
On the obscure scroll you see
(603) Foraging
(606) Phoen's Strength
[scroll]>read #5638860
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling papyrus.
On the crumbling papyrus you see
(207) Purify Air
(112) Water Walking
(1112) System Scar Repair
(211) Bravery
[scroll]>read #5638870
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane parchment.
On the arcane parchment you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(307) Benediction
(316) Censure
(304) Bless Item
(211) Bravery
[scroll]>read #5638852
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(415) Elemental Strike
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
(507) Elemental Deflection
(906) Minor Fire
(905) Prismatic Guard
[scroll]>read #5638838
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(911) Mass Blur
(409) Elemental Blast
(412) Weapon Deflection
(905) Prismatic Guard
[scroll]>read #5638783
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(606) Phoen's Strength
(610) Tangleweed
[scroll]>read #5638834
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(914) Sandstorm
(507) Elemental Deflection
(911) Mass Blur
[scroll]>read #5638831
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched palimpsest.
On the scorched palimpsest you see
(108) Stun Relief
(202) Spirit Shield
(112) Water Walking
(219) Spell Shield
[scroll]>read #5638766
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(310) Warding Sphere
(301) Prayer of Holding
(205) Light
[scroll]>read #5638829
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared vellum.
On the smeared vellum you see
(117) Spirit Strike
(219) Spell Shield
(304) Bless Item
(303) Prayer of Protection
(206) Darkness
[scroll]>read #5638782
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(209) Untrammel
(205) Light
(211) Bravery
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #5638910
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(613) Self Control
(107) Spirit Warding II
(103) Spirit Defense
(607) Sounds
(601) Natural Colors
[scroll]>read #5638778
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(505) Hand of Tonis
(407) Unlock
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(409) Elemental Blast
(506) Haste
[scroll]>read #5638903
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(313) Prayer
(120) Lesser Shroud
(701) Blood Burst
(120) Lesser Shroud
(603) Foraging
[scroll]>read #5638768
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(613) Self Control
(103) Spirit Defense
(601) Natural Colors
[scroll]>read #5638856
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(1706) Flaming Aura
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(401) Elemental Defense I
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(410) Elemental Wave
[scroll]>read #5638776
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled paper.
On the crumpled paper you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(116) Locate Person
(107) Spirit Warding II
(604) Skinning
(606) Phoen's Strength
[scroll]>look in #5414707
That is closed.
[scroll]>open #5414707
You open a coarse burlap sack.
[scroll]>look in #5414707
The burlap sack is stuffed with a variety of shredded up paper and cloth, formed to make a crude smelly nest. Curled up inside the makeshift nest is a short-tailed Darkstone Bay rat.
[scroll]>close #5414707
You close a coarse burlap sack.
(101) Spirit Warding I
(101) Spirit Warding I
(103) Spirit Defense
(103) Spirit Defense
(103) Spirit Defense
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
(105) Poison Resistance
(105) Poison Resistance
(107) Spirit Warding II
(107) Spirit Warding II
(107) Spirit Warding II
(107) Spirit Warding II
(108) Stun Relief
(108) Stun Relief
(108) Stun Relief
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(110) Unbalance
(111) Fire Spirit
(112) Water Walking
(112) Water Walking
(112) Water Walking
(113) UnDisease
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(116) Locate Person
(117) Spirit Strike
(118) Web
(120) Lesser Shroud
(120) Lesser Shroud
(201) Calm
(201) Calm
(202) Spirit Shield
(202) Spirit Shield
(202) Spirit Shield
(202) Spirit Shield
(203) Manna
(203) Manna
(203) Manna
(204) Unpresence
(204) Unpresence
(205) Light
(205) Light
(206) Darkness
(206) Darkness
(207) Purify Air
(207) Purify Air
(209) Untrammel
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(211) Bravery
(212) Interference
(219) Spell Shield
(219) Spell Shield
(301) Prayer of Holding
(301) Prayer of Holding
(301) Prayer of Holding
(302) Smite
(303) Prayer of Protection
(304) Bless Item
(304) Bless Item
(304) Bless Item
(305) Preservation
(306) Holy Bolt
(307) Benediction
(307) Benediction
(307) Benediction
(307) Benediction
(307) Benediction
(307) Benediction
(309) Neutralize Curse
(309) Neutralize Curse
(309) Neutralize Curse
(310) Warding Sphere
(310) Warding Sphere
(310) Warding Sphere
(310) Warding Sphere
(310) Warding Sphere
(313) Prayer
(313) Prayer
(316) Censure
(401) Elemental Defense I
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(407) Unlock
(409) Elemental Blast
(409) Elemental Blast
(410) Elemental Wave
(412) Weapon Deflection
(415) Elemental Strike
(505) Hand of Tonis
(506) Haste
(506) Haste
(506) Haste
(507) Elemental Deflection
(507) Elemental Deflection
(507) Elemental Deflection
(513) Elemental Focus
(519) Immolation
(601) Natural Colors
(601) Natural Colors
(603) Foraging
(603) Foraging
(603) Foraging
(604) Skinning
(606) Phoen's Strength
(606) Phoen's Strength
(606) Phoen's Strength
(606) Phoen's Strength
(606) Phoen's Strength
(607) Sounds
(607) Sounds
(610) Tangleweed
(613) Self Control
(613) Self Control
(613) Self Control
(615) Call Swarm
(701) Blood Burst
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
(905) Prismatic Guard
(905) Prismatic Guard
(906) Minor Fire
(909) Tremors
(911) Mass Blur
(911) Mass Blur
(912) Call Wind
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(914) Sandstorm
(917) Boil Earth
(1112) System Scar Repair
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(1704) Stun Cloud
(1706) Flaming Aura
--- Lich: scroll has exited.
* Crossfinger has gone to feed the fishes!