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Thread: Scrying Mirror

  1. Default Scrying Mirror

    I have "a cracked piece of mirror" which is a scrying mirror. It requires MIU and with 75 I can do cross realm with it. I believe it's 2x daily, but I am testing this out now. If anyone has one and could confirm/refute that I'd appreciate it.

    You just "whisper mirror (name)" and, if it can find the person you get this: The piece of mirror grows warm beneath your touch, and you feel a tingling sensation run up your arm.

    you then "gaze mirror" and: As you gaze intently at the piece of mirror, the image of where XXXX is suddenly fills your mind...

    It shows you the room they are in and everything that is happening in the room for a few minutes, essentially as though you were in the room with them.

    If you are out of charges it fogs up instead: The piece of mirror suddenly fogs up and grows cold under your touch.

    If it cannot find the person it does this: The piece of mirror stays cold beneath your touch.

    It wont find people in locked rooms(as far as I can tell) and in some other locations or if you're hidden/unpresenced, I think. It can find you at a table, though. However, it's clear when you are being spied upon as when the mirror locates you the recipient gets a message about an eerie feeling of being watched. A wonderful pervy item.

    The mirror cannot be altered in any way, according to a merchant when I tried to alter it.
    Japhrimel takes his black branding iron and jabs the superheated metal into your open wound. You let out a scream as the hot iron sizzles against your flesh, which begins to smoke and burn. The sensation sets your nerves aflame with blinding white agony, but somehow you manage to retain consciousness through the excruciating procedure. At last, the wound is blackened and sealed, but the pain is slow to recede.

    ...unfortunately, your heart gives out a moment later.

  2. #2


    This is a really interesting item. I think you could get quite a bit from the right fluff hound. I might set at 10 to start to see what happens.

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