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Thread: Adding lock picking to a combat rogue

  1. #1

    Default Adding lock picking to a combat rogue

    I have a level 66 rogue that I've always played as a combat rogue but I'm thinking about using my fixskills to add lock picking and could use some help. Here are my current skills:

    Two Weapon Combat..................| 236 136
    Armor Use..........................| 120 30
    Combat Maneuvers...................| 236 136
    Edged Weapons......................| 236 136
    Ambush.............................| 236 136
    Multi Opponent Combat..............| 124 32
    Physical Fitness...................| 236 136
    Dodging............................| 240 140
    Magic Item Use.....................| 90 20
    Harness Power......................| 10 2
    Stalking and Hiding................| 236 136
    Perception.........................| 236 136
    Climbing...........................| 120 30
    Swimming...........................| 10 2
    Pickpocketing......................| 191 91

    I'm happy to give up the pickpocketing but that's not nearly enough points. I definitely want to stay in edged weapons. Can I keep moc or does that have to go? What about TWC? What else can be cut? How many ranks do I need to put into picking and disarming so that I can pick boxes at my level?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2


    I never bothered with picking when I was TWC OHE, so I don't know if the points work out, but MOC and pickpocketing will likely end up needing to go if you want to be decent. Somewhere between 2 and 2.5x with lores is what you will want to shoot for. At earlier levels, 2x is sufficient for like-leveled boxes, but past 70 or so, it picks up pretty quick.

    Edited to add that dropping cman down to between 1 and 1.5x will free up a ton of points, as will dropping PF down to the same. Because you're hidden, those shouldn't make too much of an impact so long as you don't take a lot of hits. Also, full 2x in TWC isn't necessary. I think I capped it at 1.75x when I rolled with that build and didn't have major issues.
    Last edited by Palcron; 10-19-2015 at 12:48 PM.

  3. #3


    Oh, and I forget how many ranks it is off the top of my head, but a handful of AS ranks will allow you to disarm scarabs without any issues. It's 10 or 20 or something like that.

  4. #4


    I've tried to do TWC and pick locks before but could never get it to work quite right.

  5. #5


    TWC and picking/disarming effectively are pretty much mutually exclusive, TP-wise.

  6. #6


    Thank you all for the input. I think I have selective amnesia whenever I come back to the game after a break and always wonder why I never added picking to my training.

    If I stay in as a combat rogue, do you have any suggestions for my build? Should I put more into armor ranks and try to use a higher armor class? Should I reduce twc to 1.5 or 1.75 anyway and put it into a combat skill like more dodging?

    Now that I have enough in moc for whirling dervish it feels like I don't need to go any higher.

  7. #7


    You should drop pick pocketing and push armor to 1x. Unless you plan on casting spells someday, you'll benefit from that a lot more than pickpocketing. Dodging you'll eventually want to be a full 3x, but I think at cap I was 1x armor, 1.5x dodge and I did alright (I also snipe from hiding so I'm rarely just standing there getting hit.
    You slap Walkar's cheek, hard.
    He continues, "I've decided that I'm not going to let you serve community service, so don't get your hopes up. To this aim, you may either pay the fine of 50000000 silvers plus any other outstanding debts you may owe, or serve a total of 120 minutes of incarceration. You may ANSWER me either FINE or INCARCERATION as your choice. But I digress. Choose quickly, now, lest I hold you in contempt of court for wasting my time."

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Palcron View Post
    dropping cman down to between 1 and 1.5x will free up a ton of points, as will dropping PF down to the same. Because you're hidden, those shouldn't make too much of an impact so long as you don't take a lot of hits. Also, full 2x in TWC isn't necessary. I think I capped it at 1.75x when I rolled with that build and didn't have major issues.
    My buddy runs a TWC picking rogue, and this is pretty much what he does. No MOC, no pickpocket, none or minimal MIU (I forget which), just enough AS for scarabs (whatever that is), 1x CM, 1x PF, 2x TWC/Disarm/Locks
    Last edited by Gnomad; 10-19-2015 at 02:40 PM.

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