In the discussion on the officials about how Savants aren't even on the radar, Estild did list the current working draft of the NAMES of the major mental and savant lists.

Quote Originally Posted by Estild
Overall, it's true that Savants aren't needed. But in reality, no profession outside of the RPG trinity (Warrior, Cleric, Wizard) are really needed. You can design most, if not all, of the different character build options under those three professions. Regardless of that, most people prefer to hear about a game that has 10 professions instead of 3. Having already designed the Major Mental and Savant spell circles, I am really excited about Savants. However, it's difficult to justify the resource time to development them when there are so many other projects we need to complete (more hunting grounds, Elemental Lore Review, etc). I do think Savants will eventually happen, just not in the near future. I'll leave you with this:

Major Mental spell circle:
Pacify (1301)
Sense Mind (1302)
Clear Sight (1303)
Dolor (1304)
Grim Omen (1305)
Illusionary Decoy (1306)
Vision Link (1307)
Sequester (1308)
Mind Block (1309)
Seer's Shroud (1310)
Phantasm (1311)
Harmony (1312)
Arcane Translation (1313)
Dominate (1314)
Comprehend Language (1315)
Mental Hemorrhage (1316)
Revelation (1317)
Mind Flay (1318)
Mindwall (1319)
Thought Web (1320)
Scry (1325)
Mental Nullification (1330)
Mind Control (1340)

Savant spell circle:
Force Barrier (1401)
Searing Cloak (1402)
Thoughtward (1403)
Combust (1404)
Grow/Shrink (1405)
Telekinetic Disarm (1406)
Body Control (1407)
Astral Spear (1408)
Teleport Object (1409)
Thought Shield (1410)
Banish (1411)
Force Pulse (1412)
Third Eye (1413)
Mana Burst (1414)
Reflect (1415)
Clarity of Thought (1416)
Astral Vault (1417)
Levitate (1418)
Arcane Siphon (1419)
Transdimensional Walk (1420)
Crystal Focus (1425)
Mana Storm (1430)
Astral Sojourn (1435)
Transcendence (1440)
Arcane Summoning (1450)

GameMaster Estild
Rubin salt in the wound! Cool to see, regardless.