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Thread: script checker thingie

  1. #1

    Default script checker thingie

    Okay so this is a modified script of Tillmen's script called...I think it was called scriptcheck.


    CharSettings['count'] ||=
    always_ignore_strings = /STRING 1|STRING 2|ETC/
    always_show_strings = /STRING 1|STRING 2|ETC/
    stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore = /kobold|rolton|etc/
    ands_to_ignore = /^You notice (a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|kneeling)\))?)((((, )?((a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|kneeling)\))?))){1,20})?( and (a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|kneeling)\))?)))?\.$/
    ignore_spell_prepping = /^\w+ gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition\.\.\.$|^\w+ utters a light chant and raises (his|her) hands\, beckoning the lesser spirits to (his|her) aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment\.\.\.$|^\w+ murmurs a simple\, mystical chant\.\.\.$|^\w+ appears to be focusing (his|her) thoughts while chanting softly\.\.\.$|^\w+ gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to (his|her) aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ intones a phrase of elemental power while raising (his|her) hands\.\.\.$|^\w+ recites a series of mystical phrases while raising (his|her) hands\.\.\.$|^\w+\'\w+ hands glow with power as s?he summons elemental energy to (his|her) command\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ begins a musical chant\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign that contorts in the air while s?he forcefully incants a dark invocation\.\.\.$|^\w+ begins drawing a faint\, twisting symbol as s?he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones\.\.\.$/
    ignore_spell_ups = /^A light blue glow surrounds \w+\.$|^The air thickens and begins to swirl around \w+\.$|^\w+ suddenly looks more powerful\.$|^\w+\'\w+ body seems to glow with an internal strength\.$|^\w+\'\w+ veins stand out briefly\.$|^A deep blue glow surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+\'\w+ eyes narrow in concentration\.$|^An aura of resolve suddenly fills \w+\'s expression\.$|^A misty halo surrounds \w+\.$|^Dark red droplets coalesce upon \w+\'s skin.  The sanguine liquid is visible for only an instant before it sinks into (his|her) flesh\.$|^\w+ gets an intense expression on (his|her) face\.$|^A dull golden nimbus surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a white light\.$|^A dim aura surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ begins to breathe more deeply\.$|^A faint slick sheen makes the air about \w+ visible\, then sinks into him and disappears\.$|^\w+ stands tall and appears more confident\.$|^A brilliant aura surrounds \w+\.$|^An opalescent aura surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ begins to sing of heroic deeds and appears to be bolstered\.$|^As \w+ sings\, the air sparkles briefly around him\.$|^\w+ sings of Kai\'s many triumphs\, lifting (his|her) spirits\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air centered on (his|her) left arm\.$|^\w+ begins to sing of valiant legends and appears to be more protected\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic .*\, centered on (his|her) right hand\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air centered around (his|her) body\.$|^As \w+ sings\, you sense the mana around him begin to swirl and move with a subtle grace\.$|^\w+ begins to sing a sibilant melody\.  Suddenly\, mirror images of \w+ appear in the area\, making it difficult to tell which is real and which are the illusions\.$|^As \w+ sings\, a squall of wind briefly swirls about him\.$|^\w+ appears to be keenly aware of (his|her) surroundings\.$|^A scintillating light surrounds \w+\'s hands\.$|^\w+ becomes calm and focused\.$|^A (silvery|bright|brilliant) luminescence surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ stands taller\, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence\.$|^(His|Her) body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura\.$|^\w+ appears somewhat more powerful\.$|^\w+ begins moving faster than you thought possible\.$|^\w+ appears considerably more powerful\.$|^\w+ suddenly disappears\.$|^A translucent sphere forms around \w+\.$|^Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around \w+\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy\.$|^\w+ appears somehow changed\.$|^\w+ looks considerably more imposing\.$|^\w+ bristles with energy\.$|^A layer of hard\, shifting stone forms around \w+\.$|^\w+ looks more aware of the surroundings\.$|^\w+ looks more nimble\.$|^Gold\-traced pale green ribbons of energy swirl about and coalesce upon \w+\.$|^\w+ seems to blend into the surroundings better\.$|^The air about \w+ shimmers slightly\.$|^\w+ appears to be listening intently to something\.$|^(His|Her) eyes begin to shine with an inner strength\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by an aura of natural confidence\.$|^\w+ begins to move with cat\-like grace\.$|^\w+ suddenly looks much more dextrous\.$|^\w+ looks charged with power\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a writhing barrier of sharp thorns\.$|^A dense fog gathers around \w+\, but soon fills the room\.$|^An invisible force guides \w+\.$|^A wall of force surrounds \w+.$|^A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the floor to encompass \w+\, swiftly sinking into (his|her) skin\.$/
    movement_to_ignore = /^(Novice |Apprentice |Journeyman |Lord |Great Lord |High Lord |Grand Lord |Lady |Great Lady |High Lady |Grand Lady |Maiden |Chronicler |Mistress )?[a-zA-Z]+ (just went through|just came through|just|strides|begins to walk|just stumbled) (entered|came trudging |trudged away moving |strode |away moving |came crawling |skipped merrily |came sashaying |gracefully sashayed |came marching |went |crawled |limped |marched off to the )?(a half\-timbered pale grey stone guildhall|climbed a spiral staircase|a wooden hatch|a dark opening|arrived\, skipping merrily|north|northeast|east|southeast|south|southwest|west|northwest|out|up|down|in\,?|in gracefully|through an archway|arrived)( but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight| flailing (his|her) arms wildly while trying to right (himself|herself))?(\!|\.)$/
    if $frontend == 'stormfront'
    	fam_window_begin = "<pushStream id=\"familiar\" ifClosedStyle=\"watching\"/>"
    	fam_window_end   = "<popStream/>\r\n"
    	fam_window_begin = "\034GSe\r\n"
    	fam_window_end   = "\034GSf\r\n"
    while line = get
    	next if line =~ /^\[.*?\]\-[A-z]+\:|^\[server\]\: "/
    	next if line =~ always_ignore_strings
    	next if line =~ ignore_spell_prepping
    	next if line =~ ignore_spell_ups
    	next if line =~ movement_to_ignore
            next if line =~ ands_to_ignore
    	mod_line = line.gsub(/[0-9\s]+/, '')
    	CharSettings['count'][mod_line] = CharSettings['count'][mod_line].to_i + 1
    	if line =~ /([A-Z]{2,1000})/ and line !~ /^Your SIGN OF ([A-Z]+) is no longer effective.$/ and line !~ /\s*(Strength|Constitution|Dexterity|Agility|Discipline|Aura|Logic|Intuition|Wisdom|Influence)\s+\((STR|CON|DEX|AGI|DIS|AUR|
    		puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{"%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")
    	if line =~ always_show_strings
    		puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{"%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")
    	unless CharSettings['count'][mod_line] > 5
    		puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{"%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")
    Basically what this does is send every game line to the familiar window along with an echo reading "Unrecognized game line."

    After the same line has been seen 5 times it will no longer send that line or the echo warning to the familiar window.

    Any string you enter in the always_show_strings variable will always show up in the familiar window along with the echo warning, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

    Any string you enter in the always_ignore_strings variable will never show up in the familiar window, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

    Basically this script will be helpful if you are doing tasks that require a lot of repetitive commands and game lines so you can quickly see when an unrecognized game line pops up in the familiar window. Highlight "Unrecognized game line." in your strings and assign a sound to it and you will be notified both visually and with a sound when the game sees a game line you haven't seen before.

    Be sure to always add afk script check lines to the "always_show_strings" variable in case the GMs decide to use the exact same afk script check over and over again.

    Please keep in mind I am not advocating afk scripting. This is to help you easier see the afk script checks, not circumvent them.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 10-19-2014 at 02:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    A Corporate Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Okay so this is a modified script of Tillmen's script called...I think it was called scriptcheck.


    CharSettings['count'] ||=
    always_ignore_strings = /STRING 1 GOES HERE|STRING 2 GOES HERE|ETC/
    always_show_strings = /STRING 1 GOES HERE|STRING 2 GOES HERE|ETC/
    if $frontend == 'stormfront'
    	fam_window_begin = "<pushStream id=\"familiar\" ifClosedStyle=\"watching\"/>"
    	fam_window_end   = "<popStream/>\r\n"
    	fam_window_begin = "\034GSe\r\n"
    	fam_window_end   = "\034GSf\r\n"
    while line = get
    	next if line =~ /^\[.*?\]\-[A-z]+\:|^\[server\]\: "/
    	next if line =~ always_ignore_strings
    	mod_line = line.gsub(/[0-9\s]+/, '')
    	CharSettings['count'][mod_line] = CharSettings['count'][mod_line].to_i + 1
    	if line =~ always_show_strings
    		puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{fam_window_end}")
    	unless CharSettings['count'][mod_line] > 5
    		puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{fam_window_end}")
    Basically what this does is send every game line to the familiar window along with an echo reading "Unrecognized game line."

    After the same line has been seen 5 times it will no longer send that line or the echo warning to the familiar window.

    Any string you enter in the always_show_strings variable will always show up in the familiar window along with the echo warning, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

    Any string you enter in the always_ignore_strings variable will never show up in the familiar window, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

    Basically this script will be helpful if you are doing tasks that require a lot of repetitive commands and game lines so you can quickly see when an unrecognized game line pops up in the familiar window. Highlight "Unrecognized game line." in your strings and assign a sound to it and you will be notified both visually and with a sound when the game sees a game line you haven't seen before.

    Be sure to always add afk script check lines to the "always_show_strings" variable in case the GMs decide to use the exact same afk script check over and over again.

    Please keep in mind I am not advocating afk scripting. This is to help you easier see the afk script checks, not circumvent them.
    Here is a link to the anarchist's cookbook online. Please keep in mind I am not advocating anarchy, improvised explosives or ways to steal your neighbor's electricity. This is to help you more easily avoid having these things happen to you, not help you do them. Riiiiiight.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathbringer View Post
    Here is a link to the anarchist's cookbook online. Please keep in mind I am not advocating anarchy, improvised explosives or ways to steal your neighbor's electricity. This is to help you more easily avoid having these things happen to you, not help you do them. Riiiiiight.
    Hey I have never advocated afk scripting and I have gone on record numerous times saying I think afk script checks are a good thing.

    What I don't think is a good thing are script checks that are designed to be sneaky. This takes out the sneak.

  4. #4


    I've been chatting happily away on LNet and missed script checks. Not having a script to check for script checks would have gotten me busted on multiple occasions.
    It must be hard to type with ghostcrawlers penis lodged in your ass. - g++

  5. #5


    Someone report me for AFK scripting, I have been playing 20 years without one script check!

  6. #6


    GTK version for wizard or Profanity?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Buckwheet View Post
    GTK version for wizard or Profanity?
    It should work for Wizard. I'm using it right now on Wizard

  8. #8


    Because making it obvious completely removes the point of a check in the first place you fucktard. Why bother to check for AFK scripting if you're going to make impossible to fail. JESUS FUCK you dumb fucking cunt.
    I must be doing something right if I managed to piss someone off this much

    I also like how this person thinks this script will somehow allow people to pass an AFK script check while AFK.

    Do people not know what AFK means? Or do they actually want people to get busted for AFK scripting even if they aren't AFK scripting?

    I knew a lot of adults who act like children play this game but this has really opened up my eyes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    A Corporate Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    It should work for Wizard. I'm using it right now on Wizard
    Hi, I'm checking to see if you're being attentive to the PC window. Please respond within 1.3 seconds or I'll be forced to report you to Pantiecor.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathbringer View Post
    Hi, I'm checking to see if you're being attentive to the PC window. Please respond within 1.3 seconds or I'll be forced to report you to Pantiecor.

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