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Thread: What Lich Scripts Do You Regularly Use?

  1. #21
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  2. #22


    I think another very useful script is ;useherb, which will go through the container specified (;useherb cloak) and find herbs to heal down your wounds. So you no longer have to remember ephlox moss --> ambrominas leaf --> calamia fruit --> cactacae spine --> your leg is fine now. Also, and probably too obvious for this thread, ;child2 and ;escort for the related bounties.

  3. #23
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    Definitely don't assume anything is "too obvious". Those are the ones that need to be posted most. I'll format the OP into proper sections when I get the time.
    Vote for Gemstone Once a Day at The Mud Connection & Top Mud Sites

  4. #24


    I think Gib pulled crit tracker for updating right?

  5. #25


    I would list voodoo2 instead of voodoo so people aren't downloading the older version

    ;Circle2 (spell #) will tell you what a spell does
    PB: One day you'll need this number: 988.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Allereli View Post
    I would list voodoo2 instead of voodoo so people aren't downloading the older version

    ;Circle2 (spell #) will tell you what a spell does
    What are the differences?

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Buckwheet View Post
    What are the differences?
    i'm not sure but things are usually updated for a reason. voodoo2 already existed when i started using lich
    PB: One day you'll need this number: 988.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Whirlin View Post
    how is ;wander different than ;walk?
    walk randomly picks one of the obvious exits to move. It tries not to backtrack by remembering only the last direction moved, and not going the reverse of that direction unless it's the only option.

    wander uses the map database so it can use exits that are not obvious. You need to set boundaries so the script doesn't wander through the entire lands. It remembers all rooms visited. If there are any directions that lead to an unvisited room, it randomly picks one of them. Otherwise, it moves to the room that was visited least recently. For the most part, it works much better than walk, but it requires setup and a decently mapped area.
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  9. Default

    prettybounty is a script, I guess.. It changes the output of the bounty verb to look something like this:
    Tillmen, your Adventurer's Guild information is as follows:
    You currently have 22382501 unspent bounty points.
    You have accumulated 75750 bounty points recently (1141 pts/hr), 40808561 total.
    You have 0 expedited task reassignment vouchers remaining.
    You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task:            251 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task:         206 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Procure Skins task:             238 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task:              271 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task:       31034 times total   60 times recently  728 failures
    You have succeeded at the Procure Herbs task:             153 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task:   121 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task:               93 times total                        3 failures
    You have succeeded at the Kill Bandits task:                5 times total                      
    You have succeeded at the Help Kill Creatures task:         3 times total
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  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Tillmen View Post
    walk randomly picks one of the obvious exits to move. It tries not to backtrack by remembering only the last direction moved, and not going the reverse of that direction unless it's the only option.

    wander uses the map database so it can use exits that are not obvious. You need to set boundaries so the script doesn't wander through the entire lands. It remembers all rooms visited. If there are any directions that lead to an unvisited room, it randomly picks one of them. Otherwise, it moves to the room that was visited least recently. For the most part, it works much better than walk, but it requires setup and a decently mapped area.
    Yeah, good point. So if you're using ;wander in an area, type ;wander help, which will help you see how you can successfully use it. You set boundaries using ;wander add in the rooms where you want to impose boundaries, and you can also use it to do ;wander harbinger (for example) if you only want it to look for Sheruvian harbingers. It will bypass the TKs and the steeds.

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