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Thread: What Lich Scripts Do You Regularly Use?

  1. #1
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    Default WHICH Lich Scripts Do You Regularly Use?

    It's been a while (if ever) since this question has last been asked. I'd like to get an idea of what scripts everyone finds useful. If you just want to throw up what's in your ;favs list that's fine, but as needed scripts like ;narost would be helpful to name as well.

    A list of what has been named so far:

    autoforage - Procures large numbers of herbs as well as raw materials for ranger imbeds.
    betazzherb - forages for the herb which you specify. Works with bounties.
    sloot - loots & skins monsters, and puts their treasure in designated containers. It also will sell your stuff in town to the appropriate shop, including getting your boxes picked.
    crosscharcom - lets me send commands like accept or other commands.
    roomcreature - Announces when creatures enter the room via non-standard messaging.
    useherb- go through the container specified (;useherb cloak) and find herbs to heal down your wounds.
    herbheal - uses useherbs to heal down your wounds, but will also go to the bank and then to the herbalist when you don't have the right herb for your current wound.
    scroll - search all your containers for scrolls, read them, and then allow you to cast them using ";scroll [spell number]". Handy if you have a bunch of them tucked away.
    useimbed - tracks charges of your magic items.
    chargeimbed - Aids with charging magic items.
    swapbounty - exchanges your current Adventurer's guild task for a new one.
    calipers - will give you a handy breakdown of any trap you find, including consequences for failure. More available if you use actual calipers.
    loot - alternative to sloot
    loot-be-gone -alternative to sloot
    keepalive - Acts like rest mode but is NOT disabled after typing commands.
    staystanding - automatically moves you into stance defensive, then attempts to stand when knocked prone.
    townsmith - withdraws silver then goes and unlocks your boxes at the local locksmith.
    deed - ;deed <gem> and will buy a deed in your town. Very useful. Even can tell you how much silver/gem value you'd need to get a gem.
    updater - Will update your scripts if you add them to its list and run the program.
    watchdog - aids with avoiding accidently AFK scripting.
    weightcalc - determines the weight of the object(s) in your hands.
    autoupdate - Automatically downloads the newest version of scripts you add to a list.
    tpick - Versatile tool for picking boxes and is rogue guildwork friendly.
    death_potions - Searches for the Priestess and buys/consumes potions until your Death Sting is gone.
    login - Will log in a character and execute 1 script. EXAMPLE: ;login bob gotable will login bob and he will run gotable script.
    foreach - Do some things with everything in your inventory, container, on the ground, or in your locker. Examples: ";foreach scroll in satchel;read item" or ";foreach noun=ticket in inv;get item;bundle" or ";foreach box in inv;get item;put item in locker" or ";foreach gem in sack;get item;put item in gemcutter;turn gemcutter;get item from gemcutter;put item in sack". By default it matches based on item type (not name), see docs for how to match by name/noun.

    Spells and Society Powers

    Isigns - Will automatically refresh your col signs. Has a GUI for setup.
    isigils - Will automatically refresh your GoS powers. Has a GUI for setup.
    spellactive - renews all manner of spells, sigils, and signs once they fall.
    passive-spellbot- spells up people automatically/passively.
    sheal for empaths. Not the best script I've used, but certainly worthy.
    waggle - Spells you up automatically.
    voodoo - Allows spell shortcut commands.
    Spellcaster - An alternative to Voodoo that performs the same functions and a bit more.
    Sexual Favors - Tracks Voln favor.
    Scrollbuff - Will automatically cast scrolls from your desired container.

    Movement/Escort Assist:
    child2 - Escorts children from bounty task.
    escort - Escorts travelers from bounty task.
    ego2 - will ;walk you with your escort to whatever town they're interested in. It will then pause when monsters (or bandits) appear, so you can fight them.
    rescue- sunfist - Escorts Official back to safe area.
    wander - Allows you to wander until you find a given NPC. Can set various parameters.
    step2 - Will move you 1 room towards your current destination.
    narost - Pulls up a clickable map that coordinates movements via ;go2. (See ;xnarost for updated version)
    slow - Allows you to wander until you find a given NPC, BUT, with a slight delay in between rooms so as not to spam others. Can set various parameters.

    Circle2 - Displays spell information.
    rnum - displays your room number in the game window everytime you change the room.
    herbs - Displays herb info.
    lockpick - Displays lockpick info.
    whatlevel - Displays your level as if the GS4 cap never happened.
    calcredux - See what kind of redux you're getting for your training.
    crit-type-tracker - Awesome for hidden damage on sorcerer spells.
    prettybounty - Enhances the information displayed from the BOUNTY verb.
    sorter - sorts your containers for your viewing pleasure.
    Uberbar - Condenses several GUIs into one and adds useful information.
    trollhear and trollspeak - Two separate scripts which allow you to speak? and understand trollish.
    wood - Wood info.
    metal - Metal info.
    gswiki - Pulls up GSWIKI articles in game.
    Arkati - provides information on the article.
    armor - Detailed information on armor. Has a GUI.
    uberbounty - steamlines the display of bounty tasks.
    prettiernum- Adds commas to numbers over 999. Very nice, neat, simple little script.
    Killcounter - Tracks kills as you hunt, both in total and by specific creature. Type KILLS once activated to see your tally. Works across multiple playthroughs.
    shield-size - Uses your own relevant stats/skills/gear to display your Bolt/Melee DS across all stances and sizes of shields.
    title - Allows the player to tag players with their own custom titles.
    summation_seed - Provides how many ranks for a given seed you need to get a bonus.
    whatis - A reference for commonly used terms and abbreviations.

    Guild/Artisan Tools
    sammu2 - Used for fletching.
    alchemy - Helps with alchemy.
    warrior - Warrior Guild tasks.
    rogue - limited support for rogue guild tasks.
    cobble - automates cobbling in some, but not all cities.

    Scripts in BOLD are ones I think everyone should have. Let me know if you think i'm missing an important one.
    Last edited by Fallen; 11-10-2017 at 01:22 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Is Autosort better than Sorter? I use Sorter.


    I use alchemy a lot, because I hate my life.
    Bigshot with ;staff... which is a little bolt-on script to load a wand/rod into a rune-holding runestaff.

    When doing testing, I load up ;crit-type-tracker. Which was a Gib offer for about an hour when I snagged it.

    >forage for snapdragon stalk
    d100(Open): -251
    You stumble about in a fruitless attempt at foraging.

    1/6/2014: Setheve completes the promotion ritual and says, "Congratulations, Whirlin, for achieving Guild Master status! We trust you'll serve your guild well."
    1/11/2014: Grandmaster Alchemist
    1/14/2014: Capped, and got Loralaii killed by a GM.
    7/11/2016: Founded the Hand of the Arkati
    9/20/2016: T5 on my bow (Thanks to Isola)... Managed as far as T4 myself.

  3. #3


    spellactive - lets me keep things like wall of force or wizard shield running while hunting
    autoforage - I find it very useful for herb and ranger imbeds.
    sammu - great at making arrows for my ranged people
    crosscharcom - lets me send commands like accept or other commands.
    crit-type-tracker - love this for showing 711 hidden damage, 702 hidden damage, and flare crits.
    Last edited by Buckwheet; 04-23-2013 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #4
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    I honestly don't know which is superior in terms of autosort and sorter. I'm not IG at the moment to look.

    What does roomcreature do?
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  5. #5
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    I'll just start updating the OP with everyone's favorites.
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  6. #6
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    Autosort was made by Azanoth. Sorter was made by Tillmen. Take your pick.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen View Post
    I honestly don't know which is superior in terms of autosort and sorter. I'm not IG at the moment to look.

    What does roomcreature do?
    Roomcreature just notes when new things enter the room. So if bandits spawn, it'll tell you even if they're hidden. Or if a Gremlock enters the room, it'll just say Gremlock rather than their soft footsteps enter script.

    Overall, it's not high value, there's occasional a little lag with it for bandit spawns. But, it's pretty resource-light, and doesn't really cause spam messaging, so it's pretty non-invasive, and not really worth the time to remove it from favorites.

    >forage for snapdragon stalk
    d100(Open): -251
    You stumble about in a fruitless attempt at foraging.

    1/6/2014: Setheve completes the promotion ritual and says, "Congratulations, Whirlin, for achieving Guild Master status! We trust you'll serve your guild well."
    1/11/2014: Grandmaster Alchemist
    1/14/2014: Capped, and got Loralaii killed by a GM.
    7/11/2016: Founded the Hand of the Arkati
    9/20/2016: T5 on my bow (Thanks to Isola)... Managed as far as T4 myself.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    Autosort was made by Azanoth. Sorter was made by Tillmen. Take your pick.
    Post your favorite scripts, fucker. I need useful ones.
    Vote for Gemstone Once a Day at The Mud Connection & Top Mud Sites

  9. #9


    If you're a square, I like ;calcredux so you can see what kind of redux you're getting for your training. Otherwise, ;waggle, ;wander (used only if I am doing a creature bounty and don't want to deal with the other creatures in the same area), ;rnum (shows your room number), ;crit-type-tracker (awesome for hidden damage on sorcerer spells), ;narost, and ;sorter.

    I also use ;sexual-favors for my Voln members.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen View Post
    Post your favorite scripts, fucker. I need useful ones.
    ;chat is my favorite script
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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