The error doesn't matter to me but thought I might raise it.

I made this script to count arrows:
arrow_total = 0
bundle_total = 0
arrow_counts = []

action = proc { |server_string|
	if server_string =~ /find (\d*) in the bundle/i
		arrow_total += $1.to_i
#		nil
	elsif server_string =~ /surrounded by a scintillating|arrow has been crafted|nothing unusual|aura of holy light/i
		arrow_total += 1
	elsif server_string =~ /individual projectile|^.$/mi
	else server_string
DownstreamHook.add('arrowcount', action)
GameObj[Lich.quiver].contents.find_all { |obj| =~ /arrow|bolt/ }.each { |bundle|
	bundle_total += 1
	fput "look ##{}"

respond("\n\t### Arrows: #{arrow_total}, Bundles: #{bundle_total}")
respond("\t### Bundle Counts: #{arrow_counts.join(", ")}\n\n")
With "nil" commented out, I get the following (I just used nil to hide the error, the script still counts my arrows just fine with or without it):
--- Lich: arrowcount active.
--- Error: sf_to_wiz: private method `scan' called for 29:Fixnum
$_SERVERSTRING_: You carefully count the <a exist="67632545" noun="arrows">arrows</a> and find 29 in the bundle, each one being a whalebone arrow, with a strength of 20 and a durability of 40.  The <a exist="67632545" noun="arrows">arrows</a> are surrounded by a scintillating white light.
H>--- Error: sf_to_wiz: private method `scan' called for 59:Fixnum
$_SERVERSTRING_: You carefully count the <a exist="67632642" noun="arrows">arrows</a> and find 30 in the bundle, each one being a whalebone arrow, with a strength of 20 and a durability of 40.  The <a exist="67632642" noun="arrows">arrows</a> are surrounded by a scintillating white light.
H>--- Error: sf_to_wiz: private method `scan' called for 89:Fixnum
$_SERVERSTRING_: You carefully count the <a exist="67632563" noun="arrows">arrows</a> and find 30 in the bundle, each one being a whalebone arrow, with a strength of 20 and a durability of 40.  The <a exist="67632563" noun="arrows">arrows</a> are surrounded by a scintillating white light.
H>--- Error: sf_to_wiz: private method `scan' called for 119:Fixnum
$_SERVERSTRING_: You carefully count the <a exist="67632571" noun="arrows">arrows</a> and find 30 in the bundle, each one being a whalebone arrow, with a strength of 20 and a durability of 40.  The <a exist="67632571" noun="arrows">arrows</a> are surrounded by a scintillating white light.
H>--- Error: sf_to_wiz: private method `scan' called for 143:Fixnum
$_SERVERSTRING_: You carefully count the <a exist="64351241" noun="arrows">arrows</a> and find 24 in the bundle, each one being a whalebone arrow, with a strength of 20 and a durability of 40.  The <a exist="64351241" noun="arrows">arrows</a> are surrounded by a scintillating white light.
       ### Arrows: 143, Bundles: 5
       ### Bundle Counts: 29, 30, 30, 30, 24

--- Lich: arrowcount has exited.