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Thread: sorter.lic, or rather, gameObj-data.xml

  1. Default sorter.lic, or rather, gameObj-data.xml

    I've been messing around with gameObj-data.xml to fix some things that bug the hell out of me in sorter.lic (like some gems like obsidian and haon being sorted separately from gems, some tinctures not being properly sorted into herbs, and such).

    Managed to fix those silly things, at least as far as I've been able to test.

    I've also been adding things (to a second copy) like:

    * sorting special EG digging gems into a separate category
    * sorting merchant bought gems into their own category
    * sorting crafting materials (forging, fletching, cobbling) into their own categories
    * sorting off-the-shelf unlockable merchandise - well, the more sought-after items, at least, such as Yansio and Peretta and metallic gowns - into their own categories
    * sorting crystal-edged/studded/whatever weapons from ithzir into their own category - some of those get thrown in 'other' with the current version
    * sorting out EG digging prizes (magic potions and items), possibly other things, possibly according to what spell they hold

    I'm still trying to figure out the syntax to differentiate between empty alchemy jars and jars with something in them.

    Have a few questions:

    1) Does anyone know the syntax for differentiating between empty jars and those with contents?
    2) Is anyone interested in either of these versions? I've been thinking about having different versions for different uses, since everything I want to do would scroll a lot.
    3) Does anyone have any requests as to what other categories I can/should work with?


  2. #2


    You can find out if a jar has contents with GameObj using the after_name method. That will contain the "containing derpa derps" text. Note that this text isn't available when the object is in your hand and that sort of data doesn't exist in the gameobj-data.xml file, nor is it loaded when lich gets up and running. For those to work with sorter, you'd need to either: (1) work it into sorter explicitly with an "if obj.after_name =~ /stuff/ then category_name ="ding dong"; end ", or (2) patch the gameobj-data.xml file to have an after_name tag and fill it with the plural version of every reagent/gem and then patch lich.rbw to use that data.

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