I've had a very shitty day today. I will now list all the stuff that made my day shitty, then allow others to rant when they have a shitty day!

#1. Argument with the olds, who made NO sense...and acted like morons.

#2. Cut my palm on one of the brand new steak knives (they are sharp as hell!) while washing dishes.

#3. Stubbed my toe HARD CORE on the computer desk..I think I broke it. It hurts like hell.

#4. Had to kill some asshat in GS for stealing from me (after reapeated warnings, and a limb removal)..then he reported and I got bitched at.

#5. Stabbed myself with yet another of the new steak knives, next to my elbow. Don't ask.


[Edited on 7-17-2004 by LordAdredrin]