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Thread: Want your wizards please and thank you.

  1. #1

    Default Want your wizards please and thank you.

    Looking to buy some wizards. Butt naked is totally fine, I don't want your silvers or your gear. Society masters a small plus, would pay big for alchemists. Transfers preferred, but takeover could be made to work too. Open to negotiation, but the amount I am looking to spend follows:

    30-40th level 75-100 dollars
    40-50th level 100-150 dollars
    50-60th level 150-200 dollars
    60-70th level 200-225 dollars
    70-80th level 225-275 dollars
    80-90th level 275-300 dollars
    90-100th level 300-350 dollars
    100+ level 350-700 dollars depending on xp amount, stats, society, guild, etc.

    I will pay any and all tranfer fees. Respond in the thread or PM please. Hope someone is selling, and to hear from you soon. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Newark, NJ


    Someone is selling a 36 wizard in this thread:

    I am the current high bidder at 75, but I'm having second thoughts. He's yours if you want him, otherwise I'll just buy him.

  3. Default

    I have a lvl 62 wizard that I'd be willing to part with, let me reopen the account tomorrow, and I'll sell you him. Naked with no funds, made to be a support character who haste warriors or send mana of both natures, please get back to me and I will dedicate my whole day to getting this wizard to you, let me know please.

  4. #4


    Got a 30s and a 60s wizard. Thanks for the tips and offers from everyone. Only looking for a capped one now.

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