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Thread: Random Political Thoughts

  1. #1

    Default Random Political Thoughts

    Do you think movies like Farenheit 911 should be allowed in election years? Its basically a political ad against Bush. Now before you say yes what if there was a different movie coming out that made Kerry into an evil doer or Bush to be made into a God?

    In the same vein of questioning do you think a reality show that allows someone to run for President should be allowed on tv as well? On Showtime there is a show coming thats called The American Candidate thats coming out and here is the website -->Here.Now granted the show is on Showtime so i doubt it would get much viewers there but what if it was on Fox or ABC or something. I can just imagine a 35 year old O-town reject getting elected because so many people watched it and liked their personality or something.

    So whats your opinions on this? Do you think its all fine or some restrictions should be put into place? Personally i think something should be done to stop these kinds of things or a rule to make it equal kind of like TV time but for movies. The TV show scares me as well but i dont know what the answer to that would be.

  2. #2


    I think we got something like the First Amendment that deals with all of that.

    Now Bush, he's running on his record. If he don't like Farenheit 911 he ought to refute it or STFU, but you can't say that folks aren't allowed to call him on his record because it's too partisan.
    It was long ago and it was far away,
    And it was so much better than it is today ...

    - Meatloaf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    It should be allowed, and if Bush has real issues with its validity or whatever is being portrayed he should refute it as Galleazzo stated. If they had a movie come out that made Kerry into an evil doer and Bush into a God... I don't see it happening.
    Your sister's HOT, but your Mom does that thing with her tongue.

  4. #4


    You dont think there are Republican movie makers out there? I was hoping people wouldnt make this into a debate about Bush or Kerry. Just about the issue of political movies being made. It has nothing to do with someone bashing Bush seriously. I know already some really hate Bush and thats fine truly. I kinda wish a Limbaugh or a Hannity would make a movie that showed Bush as a hero just so people could see both sides. Its why i also included the second paragraph so the issue would become more clear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Political movies should be allowed, period. Tons of ads are advertised on the internet as it is. There are a plethora of television commercials that portray political competitors in a bad light constantly, more so when leading up to an election. If we can have television, radio and internet ads, why not movies...?
    Your sister's HOT, but your Mom does that thing with her tongue.

  6. #6


    Television and radio ads cost money and there can only be so many cause of the restrictions on how much money each person can give. Plus after the conventions they get what 100 million each and they can ONLY spend that much. But if movies are allowed to slip through a loop hole every election year dont you think eventually more of these kind of movie ads are going to become more abundant and with no restrictions at all on who gives what and all that id bet it becomes ridiculous.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    I do agree that there would need to be restrictions put in place, limits to determine how far one could go in making personal attacks on a candidate. Delirium, I concur with you when it comes to how many of these movies may start popping up and agree that it could get out of hand.
    Doesn't the first amendment already allow these types of movies to be made? Or no?
    Your sister's HOT, but your Mom does that thing with her tongue.

  8. #8


    The first amendment must allow for these kind of movies to made,i just think since the cat was let out of the bag with the Moore movie something should be put in place eventually to put restrictions on these types of movies. Even if there is restrictions put in place i wouldnt worry too much if you are liberal since there are much more popular actors in hollywood that agree with you than that agree with me. Altho us good guys probably get guys like Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis and Clint Eastwood All the hot women in hollywood though would most likely be on your side. Dang!

  9. #9


    Anyone who immediately accepts the movie as truth without researching the facts themselves was never going to vote for Bush anyway

  10. #10


    Originally posted by Pallon
    Anyone who immediately accepts the movie as truth without researching the facts themselves was never going to vote for Bush anyway
    I wouldnt be so sure about that. Younger folks(Mtv crowd) who dont follow politics i can easily see seeing a movie like this(Or a pro Bush movie for that fact) and be swayed and assume its true cause of the fact that its made as a documentory. I remember my step daughters telling me all sorts of false things about Bush that they heard at school.

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