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Thread: Welcome to Lich - A New Users Guide to GS 4.Lich

  1. Default Welcome to Lich - A New Users Guide to GS 4.Lich

    After having messed around with lich for several weeks, and having beat my head into the wall a few times wondering what I was doing wrong, I decided to start working on a guide to help new Lich users get familiar with the incredible capabilities that Lich brings to Gemstone IV. If you are reading this guide and are thinking 'Egads! This guy is a newb! He forgot about X!', PM me and I will add it to the appropriate section.

    What Is Lich?

    By now, if you have Lich, you should have been to the main Lich site. If you have not yet, please go there now and take a quick look around. In short, Lich is a scripting engine that runs alongside your game front end (Wizard FE or Stormfront) and allows for the intercommunication between and execution of complex scripts.

    Key Functions of Lich

    Lich's incredible script library, known as the Repository, has the capability to extend or automate nearly any task in Gemstone. Some of the most used and useful gameplay enhancing elements are:

    • Map Based, Visual, Point-and-Click Movement
    • Semi-Automated / Fully Automated Hunting
    • Semi-Automated / Fully Automated Guild Skills
    • Fully Automated Spell Ups, Resses and Healing

    Where to Begin?

    First off, download Lich. Follow the download and installation instructions on the Lich download page. You will need: 1) the latest file, 2) the Simutronics Game Entry tool, and 3) a version of the Ruby Interpreter.

    The download file is a .zip containing all of the files necessary for running Lich. Extract the Lich zip file and create a shortcute to Lich.rbw if so desired.

    Run Lich.rbw to start the Lich Game Entry.

    And we're off.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-08-2010 at 02:17 AM.

  2. Default Your First Few Minutes With Lich

    When Lich starts for the first time, you will get a text dump. There is a note at the end of the Lich welcome screen noting that Updater is paused. Unpause the updater by entering:

    The default prefix for any Lich command is the semi-colon ( ; ), and is used to execute commands.

    Use the Help command.

    Common Basic Commands

    Execute a Script
    The ;<scriptname> syntax will start the named script. For example, ;narost will start Narost, the map script. Many scripts will have flags, conditions that can be added to a command. These conditions will change how the script performs. An example of this would be

    ;sloot 2 sell
    This runs the script Sloot2 in 'Sell' mode, selling off whatever goods have been specified during a setup.

    Set Up a Complex Script
    ;<scriptname> setup
    Many scripts on the Repository have a SETUP command that can be run. This will often open a Graphical User Interface window that lets you input information to change how the script functions: specify targets for a hunting script, change what loot gets picked up or what bag it is put in etc.

    Stop a Script that is Running
    ;kill <scriptname>
    Sometimes, you are in the middle of a script and need to stop it in order to man the controls yourself. To stop any script, use the ;kill <scriptname> command.

    Trust a Complex Script to Allow it to Function
    ;trust <scriptname>
    Many of the more complex (read: useful) scripts do not work without being TRUSTED. A TRUSTED script is allowed to execute any function called for in the script - anything from requesting character information to interacting with game objects (withdrawing money from the bank for you!) to even more arcane functions that run under the hood. If your script is not running, you may need to TRUST it first.

    Automatically Run a Script at Startup
    ;favs add [global] <scriptname> [variables]
    Some scripts, such as the Uberbar that displays most of the relevant character information in one window, are good to run on all characters. Some scripts, such as the Autowar script that automates Warrior Guild tasks, are quite specific. The FAVS command allows you to set scripts that will run whenever Lich starts. Adding the [global] modifier will make the script run across all Lich users started from your Lich files. Finally, [variables] may be set, allowing you to set certain flags within the scripts.

    Create Macros and Shortcut Commands
    ;alias add [global] <trigger>=<alias>
    An Alias is a short-hand command that executes the verbose, or full, command. The TRIGGER is the input command and the ALIAS is the verbose, executed command.

    For example, using
    ;alias add ll=;sloot2
    will execute the script 'Sloot2' (note the ; before the script name necessary to execute a lich script!) whenever the command 'll' is entered on the front end. This is, for all intents and purposes, the same as the MACROS command familiar to StormFront users.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-08-2010 at 02:32 PM.

  3. Default Getting Your First Scripts

    Lich can take away most of the tedium and memorization that comes along with playing an archaic, text based game, leaving you only as much work as you find enjoyable. Scripts are found in the REPOSITORY and you may DOWNLOAD them as per your needs.

    How to Use the Repository

    The repository has four basic commands:

    ;repository download <scriptname>
    ;repository info <scriptname>
    ;repository list
    The first shows a Help screen and is the root command for all others.

    The second, often shortened to ';repo down', lets you download a specified script.

    Third, INFO provides information about whatever script is specified. If the author has been kind and thorough, this will tell you how to use the script and if it has any interdependencies.

    Fourth, LIST will list all scripts in the repository. The output is daunting.

    What to Get

    The following are a list of scripts that enhance or extend basic functions of Gemstone IV and can improve or streamline your gaming experience to a point where you can't think of ever going back.

    The Must Haves
    • Narost - Narost is an active map library that can display your location and allows Point-And-Click travel. Simply right click and choose a map, pick a room on it and click on it. You will begin traveling there post-haste.
    • Go2 - Go2 is an intelligent travel script that is synchronized to many of the more complex scripts. Go2 uses a Room Number system and can intelligently plot routes between most any two rooms in all of Elanthia. Use can be as simple as ';go2 town' or ';go2 bank' to head to the nearest town square or bank. Use ';go2 targets' to see a list of pre-programmed locations broken down by towns. Or, use ;go2 save <new location name>=<new location room number> to create your own locations.
    • Wander - The last of the Trifector of Travel, ;wander will move from room to room until it runs into a Boundary - a specified room number - or finds a room with a monster AND empty of players. Wander can be used to create a walled in hunting ground, letting you automatically move from room to room without having to use keystrokes. Use the ';wander add' command to add the room you are currently standing in to the Wander List. Note: Wander will NOT enter your boundary rooms. For example, adding Town Square East to the list and then executing ;wander from within the confines of Moot Hall will send your character exploring every room in Moot, but unable to leave as TSE is a Boundary.
    • Uberbar - UberBar consolidates wound status, hitpoints, stamina, mana, spirit, exp, mind, stance and encumbrance into one window. It then adds in a handy room number tracker and Exp tracker. A must have.
    • Uberspells - Like UberBar, UberSpells is an improvement on the basic StormFront windows. UberSpells itemizes your spells and provides a time remaining on your current Buffs, including some status effects such as Popped Muscles.
    • Useherbs - Takes the mystery out of using your herbs. Usage syntax is ';useherbs <container>', where <container> can be any worn container or even the bench in Town Square Central. When it is finished, it will display the herbs needed to fix whatever wounds and scars were unable to be healed. Finally, as if it needed to be more useful, ';useherbs list' will provide a list of herbs itemized by condition.
    • Sorter - Sorter cleans up your bags and breaks down the the output of a LOOK command, sorting the results by type. Makes looking in your locker or backpack, and especially your gem pouch, infinitely easier.
    • Infomon - While Infomon does not directly improve on any particualr function, many other scripts are dependent upon it, and will not function without Infomon.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-08-2010 at 02:19 AM.

  4. Default The Lichnet

    Lich, like PsiNet before it, includes a chat function that operates in the Thoughts window. LichNet does a bit more than just chat, however, and can be used for all kinds of goodies.

    To see a list of LichNet commands, use the command
    ;lnet help
    With LichNet you can ;chat to the general channel. You can ';chat to <player>' to chat directly to another user (like the ' speaking syntax of GSIV, ;chat:: also functions as a chat to command), ;ignore someone, ;tune to a channel and even ;lnet create your own channel.

    LichNet goes beyond chatting, however, and can be used to query and display all kinds of relevant information about a player. Some of the most useful functions are:

    ;locate <name>   -   show someone's current room
    ;spells <name>   -   show someone's active spells and time remaining
    ;skills <name>   -   show someone's skills
    ;info <name>   -   show someone's stats
    ;health <name>   -   show someone's health, spirit, stamina and injuries
    ;bounty <name>   -   show someone's current adventurer's guild task
    Using these commands, other players have the ability to find dead characters and fog to you faster. Your questions about character builds can be answered quickly and in game by showing your information to another player.

    But, before anyone can see your information, you must set LichNet to make your information visible. To do this, use the command

    ;lnet allow all all
    This will allow ALL players to see ALL of your information.

    Many scripts require information gathered from your LichNet data to function properly. It is generally a good idea to allow all information to be viewable.

  5. Default Gettin Warmed Up

    Lich does a whole lot more than just help you sort your bags or go from place to place. Lich can train your character in forging or fletching, help you rank up guildskills, take you hunting, spell people up, channel your spells for you, loot creatures automatically... The possibilities are nearly endless and many of the more important problems have been solved already and are waiting for you on the Repository.

    The following scripts are complex, handy solutions to some of the common tasks in GSIV, but require a bit of setup. Further, they rely on many of the other smaller scripts already mentioned. To take it to the next level, look into getting:

    • Waggle - Waggle well automatically handle spellups for you. Running a ';waggle setup' command opens the GUI setup utility, allowing you to pick what spells you want to cast and those that you do not. Further, you can allow Waggle to use various Society abilities to increase your mana pool for spelling up.

      For stackable spells, you can set the threshold to begin casting: 'start casting below'.
      You can also set the maximum duration with 'stop casting at', letting you stop at any number of minutes up to the maximum allowed.
      Finally, you can force Waggle to stop casting spells once they reach a certain ceiling - the usual is 250 minutes.
      The Non-Stackable Spells box should be set to something UNDER the maximum duration of your spells, lest Waggle continue to cast over and over, unable to reach the specified duration.
    • Sloot / Sloot2 - Sloot and Sloot2 are automatic looting scripts that can be set to pick up and store nearly any item that is dropped by monsters. Further, both have Selling options that will clean out your bags and bank your money, often reserving certain gear as 'not-for-sale'. A Looting script like this is a must-have for several reasons: it takes the guess work out of looting kills and will be used later with Bigshot.

      As of the time of this writing, Sloot is undergoing the throes of development, so I will discuss its sister script, Sloot2.

      As with most scripts, running ';sloot2 setup' opens a graphical setup interface. This interface has four tabs: Sacks, Looting, Skinning and Selling. You can mouse over most options to get more information.

      Sacks is where you set the destinations for your various bits of loot. Make sure that you use the noun of your target sack, often the adjectives can confuse the script. Further, setting an Overflow sack will be used to stow any items that could not fit in their proper sack. For example, keeping boxes in your Greatcloak with an Overflow to your Backpack will stow in your Backpack any boxes that do not fit in your cloak. This is better than having them left on the ground. Finally, if you do not have an overflow sack set, sometimes Sloot will keep a looted item in your hands instead of stowing it because the target sack is full. This can lead to an untimely death.

      Looting is where you specify what gear you want Sloot to pickup. The mouse-over tips are helpful and informative.

      The Skinning tab sets up skinning of mobs and can accommodate advanced options such as using a specific skinning tool, stance or posture and even the use of spells or sigils.

      Selling sets up what items will be sold versus kept. Enabling the locksmith is necessary for hunting largely unattended, as you will fill up your bags quickly and encumber you. An easy way to die.

    • Bigshot - Bigshot is the be-all-end-all of hunting scritps. From defining a hunting area and target monsters to letting you easily define an attack routine, Bigshot does it all. Further, this script ties into several sub-scritps, letting it handle automatically spelling you up with Waggle, selling your loot with Sloot and healing up with Useherbs. Complex, but relatively easy to work with, Bigshot does it all.

    • AzBounty - What Bigshot is to hunting, AzBounty is to Bounties. Letting you set up complex hunting grounds, choosing what bounties to perform, even going to your locker to grab up stored gems for gem bounties, AzBounty can fully automate the bounty process.

    Bigshot and Azbounty are complex enough to deserve their own posts.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-08-2010 at 03:19 PM.

  6. #6


    "The default prefix for any Lich command is the colon (; ), and is used to execute commands."

    That's a semicolon actually.

  7. Default Bigshot Primer

    When it comes to Lich scripts, Bigshot takes the cake. Bigshot can fully automate hunting to a point where you do not even have to be at your computer. Take care, though, as /afk scripting on any server but Shattered is in violation of game policy and can have some nasty consequences.

    What Does Bigshot Do?

    Using a series of menus and commands inputs, Bigshot lets a user create a modular, customizable and fully automated hunting script. With just a few clicks and tweaks, you can go from scripting Rats to the Rift.

    How Do I Get It?

    Grab it from the Repository: ;repository download Bigshot

    Once it is done, ;trust Bigshot.

    How Do I Make it GO!?

    It is a bit complicated. As with most scripts, using a SETUP command will open a graphical user interface for configuring the script. Use ;bigshot setup to open this dialog. This will open a window with the following tabs:

    • General - General configuration for non-hunting options.
    • Resting - Set up your resting routine and location.
    • Hunting Map - Create a hunting map by adding BOUNDARIES and a starting room.
    • Hunting - Specify what you are hunting and how.
    • Attacking - Create a customized attack routine designed to murmaider your foes.
    • Should_hunt? - Set conditions for Bigshot to know when to start hunting.
    • Should_rest? - Set conditions for when you want Bigshot to stop hunting and rest.
    • Ammo/Wands - Let Bigshot know where you keep your arrows and wands.

    We will take a closer look at each of these individually further on.

    The General Tab
    On this tab, you will see four check boxes. They are:

    • Engage deadman's switch - Selecting this option will force Bigshot to quit Gemstone IV when your character is at less than 40% health, allowing you to log back on and assess the situation manually later.
    • Depart/rerun if dead - Enabling this option will force a DEPART, causing your character to wake up in the Temple with low spirit. Following this, Bigshot will re-start, starting a fresh hunt. If you do not have a Check Spirit value set in your Should_hunt? tab, you will start hunting without recuperating lost stats.
    • Monitor interaction - Running scripts automates most functions and happens rather mechanically. Most anyone can tell if you are scripting just by watching you. Checking this box will pop up a window whenever Bigshot thinks that someone or something is trying to interact with you.
    • Flee from clouds - Enabling this check box will force Bigshot to flee from Cloud spells such as 125(Call Lightning with its Ominous Cloud), 1704 (Stun Cloud) and 1713 (Death Cloud)

    The Resting Tab
    Short and sweet, here is where we setup our resting routines. During REST mode, Bigshot uses the EXP command and checks your mind, hit points, wound status, mana and spirit. Once all of these values are at the specified Should_hunt? settings, Bigshot leaves REST mode and begins a HUNT.

    • room id: - This is the room that Bigshot will return to for resting. Use Room Numbers from Narost / Go2. For example, 228 is Town Square Central in Wenhimer's Landing - a supernode!
    • pre-rest commands: - These commands run before entering REST mode. An example routine is: 'shea, wear shield, sit, stance offensive, rest'. This will sheath your weapon, wear your shield, sit, enter offensives stance and use the REST verb. Casters able to should use the MEDITATE verb.
    • active resting scripts: - Active resting scripts are scripts that will be run upon entering REST mode. These scripts should be things that you do after a hunt: get healed, empty your bags, spell up. An example list is: 'sloot2 sell, waggle, useherbs pack'. This will use Sloot2 to sell according to the options set with Sloot2. After selling, it will use Waggle to spell you up according to however Waggle is setup. Finally, useherbs will check your PACK and use herbs stored there to heal whatever wounds you have.

    The Hunting Map Tab
    Your hunting map is a series of Boundaries - rooms that Bigshot will not enter - and a Start room - the first room that Bigshot moves to when a hunt starts. These function very similarly to the boundaries in the ;Wander script, but are stored in Bigshot's configuration files and not in a character cache as with ;Wander. Luckily, some very enterprising gnomes have put together a List of Hunting Areas and Boundaries, taking some of the legwork out of the deal.

    • starting room ID: - This is the first room that Bigshot goes to when hunting. You may set this to any room within the Boundaries that you set with the second option.
    • boundary rooms: - Boundary rooms are walls. Bigshot will not enter a Boundary room!

      X-X-B - A - 0 - 0 - 0
      |   |
      Imagine a hunting area that is a six room square. To enter this square, one must GO DOORWAY from room A. You would set the room outside of the square - ie room A - before you GO DOORWAY, as a boundary. Then, you would set room B to the Starting Room. From there, Bigshot will move to room B and then wander around inside the Boundary - ie the square hunting area - until it your Should_rest? conditions are met.

    The Hunting Tab
    The bread and butter of Bigshot, Hunting is where you define what monsters you are hunting and what non-attack abilities you want to use.

    • valid targets: - These are the monsters you are hunting. Bigshot will most easily recognize monsters based on the NOUNs in their name. For example, 'a large ogre' can be targetted with just 'ogre'. Using longer descriptors can be troublesome, and you should copy a monster's name directly from the game front end to avoid troubles. You can use multiple entries separated by commas. For example: 'manticore, thrak' will kill manticores and thraks.
    • attack stance: - Specify what stance you want to attack from. Bigshot will remain in Stance Defensive until an attack command is issued, whereupon it will stance to your Attack Stance and execute your Attacking routine. Bigshot recognizes all stances from the game, Offensive ->-> Defensive.
    • pre-hunt commands: - These commands will be executed before Bigshot uses Go2 to travel to your hunt's Starting Room. As an example: 'gird, stance defensive'. This will ensure that you have readied your weapon and are in Defensive stance before traveling. Set short lived combat spells like 1605 (Arm of the Arkati) to be cast in this line.
    • active hunting scripts: - Active hunting scripts are scripts that will run while Bigshot is in Hunt mode. Many of these scripts have been made obsolete by the next option. Clever scripters have written some nice scripts that will keep certain spells up, execute cmans based on conditions etc. If you need a complex action to run while Hunting that Bigshot does not have the capacity for, an active hunting script may be called for.
    • society abilities/spells/cmans: - Bigshot can be asked to keep certain abilities up at all times during a hunt. Hovering your mouse over this field will display a list of cmans and society abilities specified by their numerical designations. Spells may also be added here. Separate all values by commas. For example, entering '506' will keep the spell Haste up during Hunts, casting whenever it has worn off.
    • loot script - Bigshot will call a loot script to loot your kills for you. Sloot and Sloot2 are common scripts used here. Be sure to use the SETUP command on whatever loot script you use, as if it is not configured properly, Bigshot will likely error.
    • wracking spirit >= - Setting a value here will WRACK for mana if your spirit is greater than or equal to the value specified. Setting 6, for example, will WRACK down to 5 spirit. This will ONLY function if you have the 'Use sign of wracking/sigil of power' box checked.

    The Attacking Tab
    The true guts of Bigshot, this is where you specify your Attack Routine.

    • hunting commands
      These are the commands that Bigshot will evaluate (ie execute) when it is in the room with a valid target (one that you specified in your Hunting section. These commands are separated by a comma. Bigshot recognizes most hunting verbs and, failing that, will use an fput command (a direct entry method) and just execute the commands directly as written. The following are a list of usable hunting commands:

      • kill - Attacks using the KILL verb.
      • incant <spell number> - Casts the specified spell with the INCANT verb. A caster may CHANNEL spells by using the SET verb (a standard GSIV verb, not part of Lich) to SET ChannelIncant ON. This will CHANNEL an INCANTed spell if the caster is in a stance higher than neutral.
      • channel <spell number> - Channels the specified spell at the target. This requires a stance higher than neutral to have any effect.
      • <Spell Number> - Casts the specified spell with the PREPARE and CAST verbs.
      • wand - As in, 'wand target'. Gets a wand from the specified storage and WAVES it at the target.
      • fire - As in, 'fire target'. Gets ammunition from the specified storage and FIREs it at the target.

        The above listed commands should be used with the (x#) syntax. For example, kill target (x3) will swing three times at the target before re-evaluating the attack routine. If the x variable is used, Bigshot will continue using the specified attack command until the target is dead. Example: '903 target (xx)' will continue to cast 903 at the target until it is dead.

        Bigshot may also be set to only execute a command based on how much mana or stamina you currently have. For mana, use the (m##) command. '920 target (m50)' will only cast 920 (Implosion) if you have 50 or more mana. Similarly, 'cman feint target (s10)' will only execute the combat maneuver Feint on the target if you have 10 or more stamina.
      • aim <location> - Aims at the specified location.
      • ambush - Uses the AMBUSH verb to attack.
      • wait <time> - Bigshot may Stance Dance by using the WAIT command. Bigshot will stay in Stance Defensive until the specified time is over OR the target swings / casts, whereupon it will evaluate the rest of the Attack Routine, changing into your specified attack stance.
      • mstrike - As in, 'mstrike target'. Mstrike, or swing regularly, depending on mstrike cooldown and stamina.
      • berserk - Executes the BERSERK verb and stands by until it fades.
      • script <script name> - Executes a specified custom attack script.
      • hide - Continue hiding until you're actually hidden. Or it's tired of trying.
      • sleep - As in, 'sleep 10'. Pause bigshot. Useful with fried hunting commands such as: '410, sleep 15' will E-wave then wait 15 seconds and e-wave again if there are valid targets.
      • stance - As in, 'stance defense'. Change stances.
      • nudgeweapons[/i] - Move all weapons on the ground to an adjacent
        room. Useful for casting Implosion (720).
      • force <cmd> until <endroll> - As in, 'force 1002 until 101'. Continue issuing a command until a desired endroll. Only works for normal looking swings/spells/cmans.
    • hunting commands (b) - Attack routines set up for a monster flagged (b) in the Hunting section.

    • hunting commands (c) - Attack routines set up for a monster flagged (c) in the Hunting section.

    • fried hunting commands - Commands executed specifically when fried. Useful when hunting in a group.

    • flee if enemy count is > - Flees the room if the total number of enemies in the room exceeds the value. Set this to 1 if you want to engage single targets.

    • ...but don't count these: - Bigshot will ignore monsters specified in this line when eveluating if it should flee based on how many monsters are in the room. Useful for when you are hunting in an area with extremely low level monsters mixed in with your targets.

    • ...and always flee from: - Bigshot will always flee from the specified monster as soon as possible. Extremely useful if your hunting area has higher level and/or extremely dangerous monsters mixed in with your intented target(s).

    • Spam attacks - This check box will force Bigshot to execute attack commands at an extremely high speed, cutting down on lag times. If you want to squeeze in the maximum number of swings or casts during an enemy's round-time, make sure this is checked.

    • Approach lone targets only - Forces Bigshot to only begin combats against creatures that are alone.

    Example Attack Routines

    wait 10, kill target (x3)
    Waits 10 seconds for the monster to swing or cast and then immediately counter attacks from the specified attack stance set in the Hunting tab. Swings a total of three times before going into Defensive stance and waiting 10 seconds again.

    wait 15, incant 505, 903 target (xx)
    Waits 15 seconds before INCANTing 505 (Hand of Tonis), hopefully knocking down or stunning the target. Following this, Bigshot casts 903 (minor water) repeatedly until the target is dead.

    stance defensive and 1615 target, kill target (xx)
    Casts 1615 (Divine Strike) at the target from Defensive stance, possibly forcing the target to kneel. Then, uses the kill verb to swing continuously until the target is dead.

    force cman feint target until 101, kill target x2
    Uses the Combat Maneuver FEINT against the target until a successful end roll and then hits the target twice before trying to FEINT again.

    stance defensive and hide, ambush target left leg
    Hides from Defensive stance and then ambushes that the target's left leg. Once round-time is up, repeats (ie HIDES again from defensive stance).

    720 target (m50), incant 708 target, channel 702 target (xx)
    Casts 720 (Implosion) at the target if your character has 50 or more mana. Then, INCANTs 708 (Limb Disruption) at the target, using the default AIM location (if set). Finally, casts 702 (Mana Disruption) at the target until it is dead.

    prep 708, cast at target left leg / prep 708 channel at target left leg
    Prepares 708 (Limb Disruption) and CASTs it at the target's left leg. The second prepares the same spell and then CHANNELs it at the target's left leg.

    The Should_hunt? Tab
    Bigshot evaluates the conditions set on this tab to determine if you are ready to hunt or not.

    • when percent mind <= - Setting this to 51 will rest until Cleared. Setting at 65 will wait until Muddled.
    • and percent mana>= - Determines the percent total of your maximum mana that must be present before hunting. Setting below 50 will result in quick, uneventful hunts if you cast much. Generally, this is set at or around 100.
    • and CHECKspirit >= - Bigshot will check to see that your current Spirit value is higher than what is listed here. Make sure that you have this set high enough that Bigshot won't hunt immediately after DEPARTing if you have Depart / re-run Bigshot checked on the General tab.

    The Should_rest? Tab
    Bigshot evaluates these conditions and, when they are met, will go to your resting room set on the Resting tab and execute any resting scripts you have set.

    • when percent mind >= - Rests when your mind has reached this threshold. Generally, set this to 100 to rest when fried.
    • or percentmana <= - Forces Bigshot to rest when your percentage of mana is at or below this threshold. This can be set to 0, but leaving a bit in the tank can be good if you have to use 406 (Unlock) to open the WL Graveyard gate.
    • or percentencumbrance >= - When you have reached a given level of encumbrance, Bigshot will rest and execute your resting scripts (ie 'Sloot2 sell', opening your boxes and selling the contents). Every 10% is approximately 1 second of additional RT.
    • or wounded eval: - Allows you to set an evaluation phrase to determine if you are too wounded to continue hunting. Wound evaluations can send you home on nearly any wounded condition of your choice: bleeding, level 2 wound, can't cast, too many scars etc.

      The following is a wounded evaluation that will rest whenever you have any level II wounds.

      XMLData.injuries.any?{|key,value| value["wound"] > 1} || percenthealth <= 70

      The following is a wound evaluation that will take you home if you can not cast anymore (nerves, level 2 head, bad scars etc.):

      bleeding? || percenthealth <= 50 || ([Wounds.head, Scars.head].max >= 2) || ([Wounds.nsys, Scars.nsys].max >= 2) || ([Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand, Scars.rightArm, Scars.rightHand].max >= 3) || ( ([Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max >= 2) or ([Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max >= 2) )

    The Ammo/Wands Tab
    Here you find the settings to tell Bigshot where you keep all of your nifty wands and bolts and arrows. If your attack routine involves FIRE or WAND verbs, these fields must be set lest Bigshot hang up.

    • find ammo in this container: - Rather self explanatory, this field holds the location of your ammunition storage, be it a wand harness, a quiver or just your backpack.
    • use this ammo type: - Bigshot lets you specify which ammunition type you want to use. Again, like specifying monsters, Bigshot is most sensative about the NOUNs that you use here.
    • fresh wand container: - Bigshot looks in this container to find fesh wands to WAVE.
    • [b]dead wand container:/b] - ...And then will deposit the used up wands in this container.
    • use this wand type: - Here you specify which particular wand type you want to use. Bigshot will then pull only these kinds for WAVEing.
    • Hide while waiting to pick up ammo - Checking this box will have Bigshot hide when gathering up your spent arrows and bolts.
    • Use wands when out of mana - Bigshot will pull whatever wand you have specified in the use this wand type field and automatically stance to your attacking stance and WAVE your wand at valid targets until you are out of wands OR hit your resting conditions.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-17-2010 at 12:26 PM.

  8. Default Bigshot Primer

    Double post.
    Last edited by NoOnesShowMonkey; 12-16-2010 at 03:09 PM.

  9. #9


    Great intro. I wish it was so smooth for DR.

  10. Default

    How do you flag critters as (b) or (c) in the valid targets section (to trigger the alternate attack routines)?
    Last edited by JARVISN; 12-27-2010 at 02:53 PM.

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