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Thread: Lich v4

  1. Default Lich v4

    Most of the bugs seem to be fixed in Lich v4, but some scripts may need editing to work. The biggest change was how Lich works with Gtk, which makes it much much easier to write scripts that use it. I tried to make it backward compatible, and ultrafletch seems to work without any changes. Ultrawaggle does not, but I rewrote that as waggle. Narost has been rewritten too. Lich now has its own game entry and doesn't need to be installed to the registry, but that's still an option.

    Lich v4 will work with Ruby 1.9.1 now. Ruby 1.9.1 is supposed to be faster, but it changes parts of the language a bit. Some scripts may have to be edited for this too, but I haven't noticed any with this problem. I've created an installer for Ruby 1.9.1 that includes Gtk 2.16.6 and ruby-gtk 0.19.3.

    This version also has all the small bug fixes from the last two months that haven't gone into v3. For example, dealing with the screwed up XML in The Scatter so the map database works there.

    I'm still not putting v4 up for automatic updating yet, because I don't want these possible problems to surprise people. If you want to try it out and report any problems, you can get it at

  2. #2


    Wow... as always, that's disgusting

  3. #3


    The new Lich game entry is fantastic.

  4. Default

    i upgraded for autosort to see if it was as pwn as i hoped it would be...and it is as pwn as i thought it would be. and the entry is with out a doubt a bonus

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by SolitareConfinement View Post
    i upgraded for autosort to see if it was as pwn as i hoped it would be...and it is as pwn as i thought it would be. and the entry is with out a doubt a bonus
    Yea, autosort is much better now without the lag.
    ~The Tinkering Gnome~

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  6. #6


    I uploaded new versions of voodoo2 and autosort this morning. They should both be a bit faster.

    EDIT: Please download them again. Updated again at 9:33 AM PST after Tillmen gave me a hot tip.
    Last edited by Alorn15; 11-07-2009 at 01:33 PM.

  7. #7


    If you've moved to V4, you should ;repos download spell-list.xml.txt

    Lag fix.

  8. Default

    still lagged *shrugs*
    Last edited by SolitareConfinement; 11-09-2009 at 09:07 AM.

  9. #9


    While Tillmen is currently looking into Lich lag, Simu lag is also something to consider:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Upstate NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Alorn15 View Post
    While Tillmen is currently looking into Lich lag, Simu lag is also something to consider:
    First thought that comes to mind: open up the task manager (in WinXP hit control-alt-delete, no clue about Vista or Windows 7) and check to see if your CPU usage is spiking. If it is, Lich is probably causing the lag by trying to process too much at one time. If it isn't, shouldn't be at all related to Lich.
    I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines. -- Claude Shannon

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