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Thread: Spell Aiming - is there more to it?

  1. Default Spell Aiming - is there more to it?

    So I made a spell caster (mainly used to playing empath/ranger so forgive my ignorance here..)...

    I am a level 9 sorceress. I have max TP in Spell Aiming. However, my aiming sucks. Seriously sucks. Is there something else I should be doing or training in to help the aim? Or do I just have crappy luck? When I miss my spell 8 times in a row, it gets a bit old...

  2. #2


    What spell are you casting as a level 9 Sorc that actually uses Spell Aiming?

  3. Default

    Call me stupid, but I thought it helped with any spell.

    I'm using the lower Sorc spells, and they miss more than they hit.

    Maybe I should just stick to my Empath... I understand all that...

  4. #4


    Spell Aiming helps with Bolt/Ball spells.

    Read up on all sorts of info on Krakiipedia!

  5. #5


    In general, Spell Aim helps Bolt AS but has no impact on CS. Casting generally is terrible at low levels, which is why a popular option is to use a weapon-based build for the first 30 days (when instant reallocation is available) and then switch to a casting build after that, hopefully having a character of high enough level to make cast-hunting feasible.

    I say be a man! Hunt with Bloodburst from 1 to cap! Bathe in the various fluids and ichor(s?) of your enemies! Raise a good stink, keeps the lice off!

  6. Default

    Well, I'd rather not be a man.. I think my fiance' would be a bit twerked out if he discovered I became one... but...

    I think I get it now. And I do love Bloodburst.. quite a lovely spell!

    Thank you both for the advice, which I might add, I am going to take. Don't you feel honoured?

  7. #7


    yeah it's pretty ridiculous at lower levels, i really wish they'd do something about it. It's so crappy compared to weapon swinging, it's not even close.

    it's like well cool...i have a 50% chance to ward something, at best, enough mana for like 10 casts, and it will take me at least 2-3 hits to get a kill. awesome.

    I like what they did with bone shatter on lower level creatures, giving it the pushdown. It's WAY more mana efficient for my baby empath to level with his 6th level spell than harm because of the pushdown.

    I think they should do the same with all the lower level CS spells.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    The Boneshatter pushdown is great. It also applies for those using Boneshatter wands, if you want to give those a shot:

    They have a bunch of charges, and one shot is pretty much a kill at the lower levels.

    As far as alchemy trinkets go, the fine sanguine flakes are also a neat hunting tool as they don't have any soft RT. So, yeah, they're 30-50 HP at once...but you can spam all ten doses in rapid fire fashion.

    For 100 coins, it's worth a shot.

  9. Default

    Hmm... I'll have to give those a try...

    thanks for the suggestions!

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