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Thread: Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    A big bag of mashed up jackass

    Exclamation Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout

    Democratic jitters about the US presidential race have spread to Capitol Hill, where some members of Congress are worried that Barack Obama’s faltering campaign could hurt their chances of re-election.

    Party leaders have been hoping to strengthen Democratic control of the House and Senate in November, but John McCain’s jump in the polls has stoked fears of a Republican resurgence.

    A Democratic fundraiser for Congressional candidates said some planned to distance themselves from Mr Obama and not attack Mr McCain.

    “If people are voting for McCain it could help Republicans all the way down the ticket, even in a year when the Democrats should be sweeping all before us,” said the fundraiser, a former Hillary Clinton supporter.

    “There is a growing sense of doom among Democrats I have spoken to . . . People are going crazy, telling the campaign ‘you’ve got to do something’.”

    Concern was greatest among first-term representatives who won seats in traditionally Republican districts in the landslide of 2006. “Several of them face a real fight to hold on to those seats,” the fundraiser said.

    Tony Podesta, a senior Democratic lobbyist, said members of Congress were “a little nervous” after Mr McCain shook up the race with his choice of Sarah Palin as running mate and intensified attacks on Mr Obama.
    “Republicans have been on the offensive for the past two weeks . . . You don’t win elections on the defensive.”

    The campaign manager for a first-term Democratic congressman from a blue-collar district in the north-east rejected suggestions that Mr Obama had become a liability. He said his candidate would reach out to Republicans and avoid attacks on Mr McCain.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kranar View Post
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  2. #2



  3. #3


    Man, if the democrats cant win this they suck at politics.
    "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum".
    ("If you want peace, prepare for war") -Flavius Vegetius Renatus

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