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Thread: Should I or shouldn't I?

  1. #1

    Default Should I or shouldn't I?

    This is about a college. So I already knew Felician accepted me and was giving me a scholarship. Today I got a letter from them saying I was accepted into their Honors Program. Here's what it says:

    I am very pleased to inform you that because of your previous academic success, you also qualify for acceptance into our College's Honors Program. As an Honors student you will take most of your courses from Felician College's regular course offerings and will select eighteen credit hours from the list of Honors courses for the Baccalaureate degree and nine credit hours for the Associate's degree. In addition to academic enrichment, Felician College Honors students are involved in social activies, College services, and field trips related to students' interests. Volunteering is an additional opportunity extended to Honors students (must do 30 hours a year of community service).

    So here's the question.. does this right here make it seem worth while to attend Felician college? I can be really naive but it seems like an amazing opportunity that they are for some reason giving to me.
    Anyone out of the mainstream Is anyone in the mainstream? Anyone alive - with a sex drive Tear down the wall Aren't we all
    The opposite of war isn't peace... It's creation
    VIVA, la vie Boheme!!

  2. Default

    You should slit your wrist.

    Also, what you should really do is accept the Felician offer.

    P.S. I have no clue what I'm talking about.

  3. Default

    Call me crazy, but I wouldn't accept it. You could do better.

  4. #4


    If you've already got the scholarship you might want to ditch out of the Honor program. In most places, it is an absolute ballbusting experience. If you don't mind not having a life, busting ass the entire time and you want it to look pretty on your record, go for it.
    The Nalfein Kitten

  5. #5


    How could I do better?

    And I think it would look amazing doing the Honors Program plus I could truly broaden my horizon.
    Anyone out of the mainstream Is anyone in the mainstream? Anyone alive - with a sex drive Tear down the wall Aren't we all
    The opposite of war isn't peace... It's creation
    VIVA, la vie Boheme!!

  6. Default

    Because it's a nowhere Catholic private school?

    I dunno. Maybe I'm biased. I'd go somewhere where I can have fun if I were you.

    Then again, your definition of fun most likely doesn't match... well... most everyone else's.

  7. #7


    Yeah I don't really find drinking and getting high fun...
    Anyone out of the mainstream Is anyone in the mainstream? Anyone alive - with a sex drive Tear down the wall Aren't we all
    The opposite of war isn't peace... It's creation
    VIVA, la vie Boheme!!

  8. #8


    After talking to numerous people on the subject, I've determined an undergraduate degree is an undergraduate degree is an undergraduate degree.

    Do what you want. If it's going to be free or mostly paid for, why not?

  9. #9


    Originally posted by GSLeloo
    Volunteering is an additional opportunity extended to Honors students (must do 30 hours a year of community service).

    So here's the question.. does this right here make it seem worth while to attend Felician college? I can be really naive but it seems like an amazing opportunity that they are for some reason giving to me.
    I think it is a good deal.

    For community service / volunteering, I would look into being a designated driver.

  10. #10


    To the one...don't knock it till you've tried it.

    To the honestly doesn't matter where you go to school for your undergraduate. Also, 30 hours of community service could be done in a solid week if you wanted.

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