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Thread: His Money + Her Looks

  1. #1

    Default His Money + Her Looks

    At least they are completely up front about what they're looking for.

    Rich guys + gold diggers. I can't imagine how matchmaking like this could possibly go wrong.

    I wonder if that Craigslist "beauty" attended.

  2. #2


    I love how there is then a video to the right of the story you were attemping to share: "Fight! Transsexual Brawl in L.A."

  3. #3


    That cuts out so much bullshit but you might as well guarantee a prenup from that kind of fishing.
    The Nalfein Kitten

  4. #4


    Given the divorce rate in America these days... EVERYBODY ought to have a prenup.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Rubble of the fifth wall.



    I'm wondering whether it would be more despicable or charitable to feign wealth with what I expect would be a tremendously high sexual success ratio with waaay more fuck probability than courting quasi-normal girls. What I fear for the most is the clap, though: They may be high class ditzes, but there exists the great probability of labial MRSA due to their getting raped by the high school senior football team and developing adolescent sexual disorders with borderline tendencies as a typically repeating white-suburbanite-female-with-cable pattern.

    Hmmm. I suppose if I ever want to gamble my dick, I'll stay fucked up long enough to believe my rental car is owned and that my rich friends' financial assets are my own. I think the problem is that this would be immoral, whereas, honestly, these may actually be decent human beings with overall genuine intentions who happen to have light features. You can say, "The Iraq" and shouldn't have to inspire that much hatred. That's Americana, I suppose. New York City is the most beautiful place in the world. The East and the West truly begin on either side of the Park. It's unfortunate that these Barbie dolls recognize it only for its physical glitz and glamour (and subsequent inhabitants' cherishing of such assets) but that's life, I suppose.

    Even if these women happen to have an iota of intelligence and are subsequently conniving older, wealthy men, I am almost certain the last thing one of these ladies would expect would be me: As a decoy and bait. Reverse-reverse psychology, etc. It would certainly work for the naive cheerleaders as well. Human beings aren't advanced enough to differentiate between the dichotomy. Females of this nature are either or -- I mean that in the best, specific way possible, especially for those who don't readily fall under the backstabbing secretary or 25 year old H.S. slut.

    I wonder, though, if I could find a sort of mirror-universe situation and obtain my own personal wealthy sugar mama. There's not enough, if any social awareness about frat boys and D&D'ers accosting women of royalty. Maybe we should start playing that card.

    When I go to these twilight zone Connecticut campus parties, I always feel a bit more like beating these bitches' dainty faces in for attending a university in order to practice Home Ec' and become a mother for their M.S. -- But, I probably shouldn't get pissed off at people who happen to fill that piece of the puzzle/brick in the wall: They aren't doing anything except becoming severe time and money sinks, which most likely means they're afflicting a conservative douchebag or liberal hypocrite... I think that this, for some reason, ties into anti-American sentiment in other countries (especially Europe) older than the Bush regime about how American women only love America in its most commercial of forms.

    The most disturbing part about this article is that I, like other dudes who have accumulated a 90th percentile of online use during their lifespans, am by far too much of a nice guy to take advantage of this sort of (or most any) individual. If my wife goes before me, I probably will (exploit them.) I don't even know if I could experience any sexual gratification with the amount of alcohol I'd have to pour in my body to cast a line that I'm confident could reel in these plastic guppies. Having a senior get-up will undoubtedly add to that illusion. Right now I still bare too many contemporary moralities, unfortunately.

    I may contemplate speed-dating through the locals at some point, but for more of a masochistic buzz. I've already done the Internet shebang, why not, right?

    I should probably try and fall back to sleep. I'll be less/more coherent, depending on how, if you do read my posts, later on today.

    This is NOT to be read as having a sexist agenda. I doubt any female regulars here fit the description that began this wall of text, or at the very least have the ability to physically enact this charade.
    Last edited by Stanley Burrell; 02-25-2008 at 06:57 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticor
    If you and Jar Jar Binks had a child it would rule the world.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stanley Burrell
    Wikka wikka my nikka yo yo yo yo: CHECK IT. Tha thang in the thang and bedump bedump da BEBANG knowwhatIsayin?!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Rubble of the fifth wall.


    I believe I'll masquerade around like-a this if I ever decide to stick it to one of these bitches.

    If you don't care about this post, you hate Mr. Peanut, and have a special vat of cooking oil awaiting your skinnydipping in Hell.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticor
    If you and Jar Jar Binks had a child it would rule the world.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stanley Burrell
    Wikka wikka my nikka yo yo yo yo: CHECK IT. Tha thang in the thang and bedump bedump da BEBANG knowwhatIsayin?!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New England


    No one reads the bullshit you post, Dr. Stanley.

    You might want to try a blog, then you could post comments yourself to make it seem like people care.

  8. #8


    I find his posts rather entertaining. But that said, I'm nuts, too. (hehe, pun on teh peanut.)

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Xaerve View Post
    No one reads the bullshit you post, Dr. Stanley.

    You might want to try a blog, then you could post comments yourself to make it seem like people care.
    It's too bad there isn't a reverse program like this for him. Beautiful, rich women who like ugly poor guys.

    He would be the poster boy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkbandit View Post
    It's too bad there isn't a reverse program like this for him. Beautiful, rich women who like ugly poor guys.

    He would be the poster boy. May be NSFW depending on how strict they are.

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