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Thread: Andraste abusing GM powers?

  1. #1

    Default Andraste abusing GM powers?

    Here's a nice little log of Andraste pissing me off. I think this shows an abuse of power. I posted on the officials - - and sent an email in as feedback. This is total bullshit.

    ************************************************** *******************

    Please choose a name that is not out of place in the medieval fantasy genre. Names that have out-of-genre meanings or are overly 'silly' in nature are disruptive to the fantasy roleplaying environment. Thank you
    ************************************************** *******************

    Dolfinsafe, you have been moved to another room so that you can pick an appropriate name for your character. Your character information and inventory has been saved. Once you have renamed your character to a more appropriate name, you will be returned to the game with your character and inventory intact. To proceed, type RENAME and follow the instructions you are given.

    ************************************************** *******************
    You are healed.
    >chat rofl
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "rofl"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "hi Rhett"
    [Private]-Erienne: "it's hawaiian for heavenly LOL"
    >chat Please choose a name that is not out of place in the medieval fantasy genre. Names that have out-of-genre meanings or are overly 'silly' in nature are disruptive to the fantasy roleplaying environment. Thank you.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "Please choose a name that is not out of place in the medieval fantasy genre. Names that have out-of-genre meanings or are overly 'silly' in nature are disruptive to the fantasy roleplaying environment. Thank you."
    >chat wtf
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "wtf"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I'm wearing a grass skirt!"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "it's only fitting"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "OMG"

    SEND[Andraste] How about we find a name that isn't something you would find as a disclaimer on a can of tuna? Thanks.

    [OOC]-Erienne: "But albacorra is ok?"
    >chat There can be an albacora but not a dolfinsafe?
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "There can be an albacora but not a dolfinsafe?"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "LOL"
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "are wands stealable now?"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "overly "silly" in nature...."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "...."
    >report so, wait... there can't be a disclaimer about tuna but there can be tuna?
    You've gained 1 physical training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    You've gained 1 mental training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

    Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

    [OOC]-Erienne: "She reported you probably"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "She's report happy. "
    >chat SEND[Andraste] How about we find a name that isn't something you would find as a disclaimer on a can of tuna? Thanks.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] How about we find a name that isn't something you would find as a disclaimer on a can of tuna? Thanks."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "report report, emergency!"
    >chat so, wait... there can't be a disclaimer about tuna but there can be tuna?
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "so, wait... there can't be a disclaimer about tuna but there can be tuna?"
    [OOC]-Atasa: "omg LOL"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "lol"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "SAY THAT TO HER"
    >chat I did
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I did"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "She's SUCH a hypocrit too."

    SEND[Andraste] It would seem that Tuna has already been rolled up, so you're out of luck

    [OOC]-Gibreficul: "who do we all hate?"
    [OOC]-Maliku: "haha"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "splat"
    [OOC]-Rheane: "albacora, of course"
    [OOC]-Atasa: "omg......."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "ANDRASTE"
    >report I was referring to Albacora.
    REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

    Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

    [OOC]-Erienne: "Oh"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "her too"
    [OOC]-Gibreficul: "rofl"
    You've gained 1 physical training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    You've gained 1 mental training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    >chat SEND[Andraste] It would seem that Tuna has already been rolled up, so you're out of luck
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] It would seem that Tuna has already been rolled up, so you're out of luck"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "..."
    >chat I was referring to Albacora.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I was referring to Albacora."
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "say SHE JUST DIED"
    [OOC]-Tyril: "there are a ton of OOC names regardless"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "hahaha"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "yay!"

    SEND[Andraste] Albacora is not a name for Tuna. Let's stick to your problem, not your problem with someone else

    >report Albacore tuna. It's a type of fish, also found on a tuna can.
    You've gained 2 physical training points.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    You've gained 1 mental training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

    Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

    >chat SEND[Andraste] Albacora is not a name for Tuna. Let's stick to your problem, not your problem with someone else
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] Albacora is not a name for Tuna. Let's stick to your problem, not your problem with someone else"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "ALBACORE IS"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "It's one letter off."
    >chaat Albacore tuna. It's a type of fish, also found on a tuna can.
    Please rephrase that command.
    >chat Albacore tuna. It's a type of fish, also found on a tuna can.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "Albacore tuna. It's a type of fish, also found on a tuna can."
    [Private]-Erienne: "I <3 u LOL"
    >chat this is so much bullshit. I'm going to make a point of this.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "this is so much bullshit. I'm going to make a point of this."
    [Private]-Erienne: "I'm freaking DYING of laughter"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "good for you!"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "What's up?"

    SEND[Andraste] We're not arguing what her name might be close to, it still isn't a name for Tuna. If you wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to ASSIST after you change your name.

    [OOC]-Illohem: "whats bullshit exactly?"
    >chat SEND[Andraste] We're not arguing what her name might be close to, it still isn't a name for Tuna. If you wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to ASSIST after you change your name.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] We're not arguing what her name might be close to, it still isn't a name for Tuna. If you wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to ASSIST after you change your name."
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "so whats wrong with that my kids names are rainbow gold fish and beta?"
    You've gained 1 physical training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    You've gained 1 mental training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    [OOC]-Allereli: "rofl"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "tell her your name is one letter off too"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "ph!=f"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I'd report to her about it but she'd just pull me into the CL again."
    [OOC]-Maliku: "hahahah"
    [OOC]-Erienne: ""
    >report Her name is one letter off, mine is one letter off. What's the difference?
    REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

    Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

    [OOC]-Illohem: "change yours to dulphinsafe"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "YEAH"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "by that logic, you should be fine"

    ***** You are abusing REPORT. If you continue to do so you will receive an official warning for Disruptive Behavior.
    [OOC]-Quelchor: "Dulphinsaif"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "it's already one letter off!"
    [OOC]-Maliku: "Change it to Ahia"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "haha"
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "change it to albacord"
    >chat ***** You are abusing REPORT. If you continue to do so you will receive an official warning for Disruptive Behavior.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "***** You are abusing REPORT. If you continue to do so you will receive an official warning for Disruptive Behavior."
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "or mahimahy"
    [OOC]-Eliaku: "Ahi"
    You've gained 1 physical training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    You've gained 1 mental training point.
    (To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
    [OOC]-Erienne: "or Ahie"
    [OOC]-Maliku: "haha Breo"
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-Rheane: "or Talapia or however it's spelled"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "Andraste, committing GM absuse!?!? NUH UH!"
    [OOC]-Alinel: "target on the dais?"
    [OOC]-Illohem: "yes but it still has the same pronunciation as dolphin, regardless that is dolfin"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "Call Simu and complain."
    [OOC]-Quelchor: "Baloogah"
    [OOC]-Allereli: "dais"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "omg, make it "
    [Rename Pavilion]
    You are here to rename your character. Type RENAME and follow the instructions given to change your name.
    Obvious exits: none
    There is a sprite sitting on your shoulder.
    [OOC]-Erienne: "WRITE TO FEEDBACK"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "Even though it doesn't work"
    [OOC]-Illohem: "dont worry its a few letters off..."
    You should type RENAME followed by the new name you want.
    Use RENAME SUGGEST if you would like to see suggested names.
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Yetiglar, Hirjkoraent, Sylichack, Shairshophian, Avegann

    [OOC]-Alinel: "Stay there a mommet Allereli"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Arvehliam, Gorkulnuss, Tramparsz, Terteler, Zalgefwes

    [OOC]-Allereli: "aaagggh, gotta go"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Kritunea, Despidler, Idwitee, Kitzagelt, Urneronl

    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "make it Albacorra"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "then go apeshit"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Jinglonoua, Bralomn, Trenstelyye, Emperinv, Jytasiin

    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Taeostean, Sageblu, Rofgovour, Bloodsruliern, Beutaraya

    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Coian, Kaldrascant, Noggiett, Meykireo, Ratmendo

    [OOC]-Maleus: "make a character named apeshit"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Swiftin, Heindadzui, Kynthivil, Linaen, Askholvim

    [OOC]-Alinel: "ok we are good"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "^^^"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Lanradion, Rangwaskil, Abanzenw, Glenliswulf, Ilruzby

    [OOC]-Quelchor: "badname albacora Tuna, anyone?"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "Which GM is this?"
    [OOC]-Alinel: "Thanks hun"
    >chat andraste
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "andraste"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "* Tsin just bit the dust!"
    [OOC]-Eliaku: "tsinsplat"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Zubend, Phiinolom, Sinjerzil, Pleztika, Boudludcat

    [OOC]-Maliku: "And the crowd goes wild."
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Hestrujet, Ardvinsith, Quadombill, Jowlzughur, Reavenaid

    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Shaylavath, Asdmirdun, Pyrloruen, Woole, Frigguleos

    [OOC]-Kennick: "Make a character named etsardna"
    [OOC]-Gibreficul: "probably Charge"
    >chat I already have Khaladon backwards.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I already have Khaladon backwards."
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "rofl @ maleus"
    >chat Might as well
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "Might as well"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Cochinlark, Prydergaugh, Enthaba, Niwirlikk, Lolespie

    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Goibnetner, Emtir, Erhann, Giethokyo, Dakkuties

    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Greenspirank, Hitmumsons, Hbubfopro, Zajenes, Fangrarzyg

    [OOC]-Erienne: "don't you have Game Master backwards for your psi title on him too?"
    >rename suggest
    >chat yup
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "yup"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "haha"
    >rename suggest
    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Epter, Ulronduil, Dheavayln, Mihorlis, Eodracoe

    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Troubihrok, Zecrikraal, Ngerlakm, Thalkurlov, Milkdanash

    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "rofl"
    >chat he was cool about it though
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "he was cool about it though"
    >chat watch andraste flip a shit
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "watch andraste flip a shit"
    >rename Etsardna
    You must type RENAME Etsardna CONFIRM if you are sure you want that name.
    >rename Etsardna confirm
    You have successfully renamed your character!

    Returning you now to your previous location.
    [Town Square, West]
    Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its lamplit lanes abuzz with traders and vendors hawking their wares at any hour of the day or night. Groups of citizens, discussing the day's events or preparing for nighttime hunts, gather around the doors of the merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a dark-haired half-elven priestess.
    Also here: Nelir
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
    >chat rofl
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "rofl"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "LOL"
    [OOC]-Breosaighit: "Etsardna Etahi"
    Kephry just arrived.
    >chat rename Etsardna confirm
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "rename Etsardna confirm"
    Hopdevil just strode in.
    A dark-haired half-elven priestess says, "You must not fear the dragon."
    Hopdevil just strode purposefully into the First Elanith bank.
    Kephry just went north.
    [Town Square, West]
    Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its lamplit lanes abuzz with traders and vendors hawking their wares at any hour of the day or night. Groups of citizens, discussing the day's events or preparing for nighttime hunts, gather around the doors of the merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a dark-haired half-elven priestess.
    Also here: Nelir
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
    There is a sprite sitting on your shoulder.
    >nod sprite
    Hopdevil just strode in.
    The sprite yawns and wakes up.
    I could not find what you were referring to.
    Hopdevil strides away moving east.
    Lord Arianiss just arrived.
    [Town Square, Southwest]
    This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a wood-sided shop and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
    Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
    >nod sprite
    The sprite yawns and wakes up.
    I could not find what you were referring to.
    >tell sprite to repeat last
    [OOC]-Erienne: "haha"
    Lord Duplar just arrived.
    Lord Duplar just went north.
    [OOC]-Erienne: "nice"
    [OOC]-Mocha: "ya'll are bad"
    Andaloss just arrived.
    Andaloss just went south.
    You tell the sprite to repeat the last instruction.
    The sprite yawns and wakes up.
    The sprite says, "Use DIRECTIONS MUSEUM to find the Grand Foyer of the Wehnimer's Landing Museum. Hide there and gather information."

    Albacora just arrived.
    Albacora just went south.
    [OOC]-Mocha: "lol"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "thanks"
    [Town Square, Southeast]
    Pedestrians and wagon traffic move off in all directions here, some going to the large intersection with South Ring Road, others crisscrossing the square via the bazaar. Men and women carrying neatly tied parcels or sacks and coils of rope slung over their arms emerge from the wooden facade of the old general store. You also see a small ivy-covered cottage and a shabby hovel.
    Obvious paths: north, south, west, northwest
    You can't go there.
    [Town Square, East]
    Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large wooden barrel.
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
    [Wehnimer's, Penna St.]
    The distant sounds of the merchants and tradesmen around the shops to the west are muted here. The cracked pavement, scattered cobblestones, and dirt drainage ditches along the side of the road form a not-so-gradual transition between the busier avenues of the main bazaar and the less frequented, humbler, and more unsavory sections of the town. You also see a low stone gate.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]
    The broad avenue intersects here with the narrower byway connecting to the bazaar to the west, where occasional sounds of distant revelry rise from the lamplit streets. Older wood and stone buildings, mostly small shops and offices with upstairs lodgings overlooking the street, predominate here.
    Obvious paths: north, south, west
    [Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]
    On the west side of this narrow stretch of Cheridin Avenue is the unlit back of the Moot Hall, and the dour building that houses the local constabulary and its jail looms along the other side of the street. To the southeast, a stone dome rises over the compound that surrounds the Landing's largest temple. Passers-by here move quickly north and south without much pause.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]
    Several small shops crowd along the street, which is composed of the back walls of the high buildings bordering the central square. Each storefront vies with the others for street space and the attention of the many travellers who pass through here. A few traders, hoping to take advantage of some late business attracted by the nearby temple, have set up stands and pushcarts filled with clothing, trinkets and souvenirs. You also see the clerics' shop.
    Obvious paths: north, east
    [Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]
    The dome of a large temple rises above this peaceful square, silhouetted against the starlit sky. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns, and a promenade leads to two pillars, through which the inner sanctum can be glimpsed. Priests and worshippers wander here and there, engaged in various rituals of devotion or study. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a glowing white stone and a wrought-iron gate.
    Obvious paths: east, south, west
    [OOC]-Alinel: "ROFL"
    ************************************************** *******************

    Please choose a name that is not out of place in the medieval fantasy genre. Names that have out-of-genre meanings or are overly 'silly' in nature are disruptive to the fantasy roleplaying environment. Thank you.

    ************************************************** *******************

    Etsardna, you have been moved to another room so that you can pick an appropriate name for your character. Your character information and inventory has been saved. Once you have renamed your character to a more appropriate name, you will be returned to the game with your character and inventory intact. To proceed, type RENAME and follow the instructions you are given.

    ************************************************** *******************
    You are healed.
    [OOC]-Rheane: "only way it's fun if if you're bad"
    >go temp

    You must change your name to something appropriate to the medieval fantasy setting of GemStone III, before you can do anything else. To change your name, click rename and follow the instructions you are given.
    MoveAhead has not received a room description in 3 seconds. Aborting after 10.
    MoveAhead has not received a room description in 10 seconds.
    MoveAhead: Assuming you've come to a stop.
    [OOC]-Mocha: "oh, wait...haha, Tsin died."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "Agreed, being bad is SO much fun."
    Advice Getting started in GemStone IV.
    Directions Common places in town.
    Help General information.
    Bug Reporting bugs.
    Comment Message to staff which doesn't require response.
    Queue Current size of the assist queue.
    Policy GemStone IV player policy.
    Assist Request Requesting assistance for technical problems.
    Assist Position Checking your position in the assist queue.
    Assist Cancel Remove yourself from the assist queue.
    Referral Checking your position in the referral queue.
    Report The "911" of GemStone IV, for emergencies only.

    SEND[Andraste] One more badname like that, and we'll be having a little chat about disruptive behavior in a consultation lounge.

    [OOC]-Rheane: "the goal is to be good at being bad."
    >chat SEND[Andraste] One more badname like that, and we'll be having a little chat about disruptive behavior in a consultation lounge.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] One more badname like that, and we'll be having a little chat about disruptive behavior in a consultation lounge."
    >chat WTF
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "WTF"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "ohhhh"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "For what?"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "He'll spank you"
    [OOC]-Mocha: "she pwned you"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "Andraste backwards?"
    >chat my name is Andraste backwards.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "my name is Andraste backwards."
    [OOC]-Maleus: "ask her to wear a teacher outfit"
    >chat that's fucked up.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "that's fucked up."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "How is that a badname?"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "Which name?"
    >assist request
    You need to specify the reason why you need assistance. To do so, click request assistance and enter a reason for the request when prompted.
    [Private]-Erienne: "log the entire thing and send it to feedback"
    [OOC]-Maleus: "and then ask for a spanking"
    >assist request How is that a bad name?
    Your request has been sent to the GMs currently on duty.
    You are number 1 in the queue.
    You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by clicking ASSIST CANCEL.
    [OOC]-Eliaku: "Saranwrap"
    [Private]-Erienne: "she's been going way too far"
    >chat I assisted.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I assisted."
    [OOC]-Scrumples: "Dolfinsafe is not Andraste backwards."
    [OOC]-Scrumples: "Sorry."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "It doesn't matter."
    >chat I want to see what the explanation is.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I want to see what the explanation is."
    [OOC]-Maliku: "Use Ahi"
    [OOC]-Maliku: "or Tilapia"
    >chat no.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "no."
    >chat I assisted.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I assisted."
    [Private]-Erienne: "she'll answer it herself or stand in OR make it take FOR EH VER till you forgot why you assisted."
    [OOC]-Mocha: "LOL Piggyperch"
    >chat she'll answer NOW.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "she'll answer NOW."
    [OOC]-Eliaku: "bet Albacora reported"

    You must change your name to something appropriate to the medieval fantasy setting of GemStone III, before you can do anything else. To change your name, click rename and follow the instructions you are given.

    You must change your name to something appropriate to the medieval fantasy setting of GemStone III, before you can do anything else. To change your name, click rename and follow the instructions you are given.
    [OOC]-Erienne: "You know she did."

    SEND[Andraste] Names are not for you to use to disrupt the game, but rather, to create a character. So if you're viewing this as a way of make a stand, a statement, or simply as a form of entertainment, I'll be happy to give you a disruptive warning.

    [OOC]-Eliaku: "Albacora = Andreaste?"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "No"
    >chat SEND[Andraste] Names are not for you to use to disrupt the game, but rather, to create a character. So if you're viewing this as a way of make a stand, a statement, or simply as a form of entertainment, I'll be happy to give you a disruptive warning.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "SEND[Andraste] Names are not for you to use to disrupt the game, but rather, to create a character. So if you're viewing this as a way of make a stand, a statement, or simply as a form of entertainment, I'll be happy to give you a disruptive warning."
    [OOC]-Rheane: "that'd be funny though if it was"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "Although they could have done each other at Simucon?"
    [OOC]-Scrumples: "She threatened you if you tried to stand up to her?"
    [OOC]-Mocha: "I'm sure someone has pictures"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "You didn't even do anything wrong."
    >chat yup.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-Rheane: "was albacora at the con?"
    [OOC]-You: "yup."
    [OOC]-Maleus: "someone make a char with the name Lana leeb"
    [Private]-Gibreficul: "ask Andraste to have a cloths optional visit in the consultation lounge."
    [OOC]-Maleus: "wait, lana deelb"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "She threatens EVERYONE that stands up to her."
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "ask her for 2"
    [Private]-Gibreficul: "and start stripping your character down."
    [OOC]-Scrumples: "Take it to her, then."
    >chat this is being logged and sent to feedback. this is total bullshit.
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "this is being logged and sent to feedback. this is total bullshit."
    [OOC]-Scrumples: "And post on the PC forums."
    >chat I will
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I will"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "You should see what she did to me last week."
    [OOC]-Kennick: "and the formus"
    [OOC]-Quelchor: "DARE her to send the warning, then..."
    >chat I will
    You focus on transmitting your thought.
    [OOC]-You: "I will"
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "1 to wipe your ass with and 1 to read while doing it"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I got pulled for an HOUR because I rang the gong"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "And it was "my fault" everyone else did it multiple times strictly because I asked them not to."
    [OOC]-Mocha: "wtf, the gong is a totally IC thing"
    SEND[Andraste] I have removed you from the assist list for this reason: Assist removed because the name was create specify to disrupt.
    [OOC]-Erienne: "She's ridiculous."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I KNOW"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "She didn't even say I broke policy"
    [OOC]-Mocha: "wtfwhorebagasshatbbq"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "^^^"
    [OOC]-Erienne: "exactly"
    [OOC]-Lendolym: "they'll get to piss me off like that 1 time and my $40 will go elsewhere"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "Tell them that."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I know, I calculated it..."
    [OOC]-Erienne: "I've paid well over 5k just to play this stupid game"
    [OOC]-Kennick: "They forget that without players that they won't have jobs."

  2. #2


    I would've badnamed Dolfinsafe. It's stupid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The United Kingdom


    Wierd that. She caught me plainly abusing the CM bug not too long ago and gave me 3 chances to fixskill with nothing but the nicest attitude and understanding.
    Ruined my character though, but she didn't ban the shit out of me.
    ''Hi, you seem to have 4000 PTs too much''
    Last edited by Asha; 08-23-2007 at 08:22 PM.

  4. #4


    Heh! You can STILL abuse that bug? That shit shoulda been fixed a long time ago.

    [OOC]-You: "this is being logged and sent to feedback. this is total bullshit."

    Don't forget to include your PSinet bullshit in the log.
    Last edited by unconcerned1; 08-23-2007 at 08:25 PM.

  5. Default

    I agree with you, but the second part was entirely unneccesary. She is a bitch, though. What else is new?

    Last time I was LCId I made it through four before getting a warning.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The United Kingdom


    It's fixed now, man.
    Cheers btw

  7. Default

    Be more creative with your bs names.
    Player of Greys
    Discord: Greys#6705

  8. #8


    Guarantee that post is pulled as soon as Em gets a hold of it because it named Andraste specifically.

  9. #9


    Dolfinsafe is stupid - I make a lot of dumb character names - but is it really any worse than Albacora, which is on the SAME can of tuna?

    What second part?

  10. #10


    I ignored all the PsiNet chats when I was reading it and just focused on what was going on in the game, so at first I was thinking, "Yeah, that's pretty stupid that she made you change Etsardna..." until I realized what it was. That was fucking dumb of you, and you deserved what you got.
    Razzle them. Dazzle them. Razzle dazzle them.

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