For the past 10ish years or so, I've done some market research for a couple local firms. Usually, I tell them no, I don't have time or I purposely disqualify myself from their questions.
Now I don't know if it's because of the holidays or what, but the past 3 months, I've gotten jobs that have been ridiculously easy that I almost feel bad for taking their money.
Job #1 - Taste Test for beer. You pick up your first case (24 bottles), drink it for 2 weeks.. fill out this 1 page multiple choice.. drop it off, pick up your next case, repeat. Paid $120 (AND 2 cases of free beer!)
Job #2 - Shaving - testing out the new Fusion (although it's not named.. but it's already out on the market) battery operated shaver. I think we're testing the lotion strips. Pick one up, multiple choice, drop off, pick up new one, multiple choice, drop it off. Paid $80
Job #3 - Go in to answer questions about TV.. they were overbooked and paid me $100 to leave.