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Thread: Journal of a Priestess.

  1. #41


    ::scribbled quickly at the bottom of the last page:::

    The more there is of it, the less you see it. What is it?Darkness

    What is dark but made by light?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Omaha, Nebraska.


    Lady Luck has left me or I'm under the wings of destiny.
    Which is true I wait for time to tell. ~ Fog Surrounds, Tiger Army.~

  3. #43


    Each time I go to put down something, I feel it just doesn't seem as if there is anything to put down but scribble. The betrayals, the seductions, the shadows and the thieves all pale to the same darkness that cloak themselves in my world. I stretch my hand, I offer salvation, and all are content in the darkness.

    But something has happen, and as word reaches my ears and something courses through my own veins, I find I should sit and make note before it is to late. I have never feared death. Nor do I now. It is however, amazing what one can live through. Recently, I purchased a home in Mist Harbor. It has taken me some times to give it a look that is suitable for its purpose but finally located a table that would fit into place, in Illastim. Dragging the Bard along with me, we decided to stay a few days after the long travel. I awoke early one day, and left my room to sit at the fountain as I did in my youth when I tried to figure out who I was. Call it nostalgia if you will. The evening sun was grasping with its last rays of light as the torch flames began to ignite the night. The contrast of shadows around the fountain made me smile to myself as I approached and stood at the edge of the crowd to watch. I felt confident I blended in. Except somehow I must of stood out. A man lauped over to me and offered a potion, a violet hazy potion that gleamed under the torch light. I refused to purchase it, yet the man continued on and on how it would bring me closer to my dark Queen, how it would answer all my dreams. Regardless how I refused the man would not go away and turned to others in the crowd to pay for the potion for me. The one who gave the ruby for it, told me in our own tongue what a fool I would be to drink it. I took the potion and stuck it in my pocket without any intention of drinking it at all. Days had past and I had return to the landing. Discussion had surfaced regarding the liquid yet I paid little attention. I had moved onto Teras, and the potion got mixed up with other potions, and before a hunted I took a sip. Imagine my surprise when I did feel the surge of power course through my veins. To make a long story short, I drank the whole potion over a weeks time. I am experiencing very little side effects compared to others.
    The first attack was stomach cramps, and the second. . . the touch of the air suddenly became an agony, and it made me claw at my face in an attempt to remove the sudden burning sensation. But in time it subsided. The waves of alternating heat and cold peaked once more, then the lingering vestiges of the sensation faded. My heartbeat slowed to normalcy, and muscles that were unconsciously clenched, relaxed throughout my body.
    The last attack was when I became a little worried. None of it has killed me as it has done with other, praise Eorgina. I think the fact I keep a good resistance up helps. Its been more then a few days since the last time I had any side effects.

    Other things have transpired as well that should be noted,

    Upon my return from Teras, I was sitting upon a roof top with an old time friend catching up on his life since the last time we had chatted. He was experiencing some different kinds of problem. I am not sure how he gets himself into these things. Going over the spine to fetch some herbs for his wife's potion, he was arrested for a crime he did not commit. He blames society and the fact he is a half breed, but this seem wrong. Just out of the darkness they snatched him and locked him up? He had to bribe his way to freedom. . . . and then find the item he was accused of stealing and place it on another body (which he turned into a corpse) to insure they did not seek him out. That should of been the end, however, it wasn't. He is still hunted of sorts. His wife killed on his pursuit to be free, anyone close scared away.
    But why? I must admit, I only listen to his story with half an ear cause my friend is full of doom and gloom and the darkness is not that for me. To me it is the embrace of so much more. But before much else was said, as he reached the end of his tale, he became... distraught.... jumpy, and kept turning his head as if he saw something. I turned and could not catch it till he dragged me down off the roof top to another room where something in the shadows did catch my eye. A low voice near me whispered, "You should beat it. Be terrible if somethin' were to happen to ya around here."
    My eyes must of widen for a second, cause the breed I was with told me to get out now, run as far away as I could. But I am no coward. My eyes did not widen out of fear but out of surprise that someone could be so brash as to think I would listen to them. I barely listen to those that know me let alone a voice in the shadows. The friend spoke how I knew of nothing going on, I listened to his whole story and still I did not know what was going on? What did he leave out? About then, a blue wolf entered quietly to rub against my leg, as I reached down to pet it. . .
    A hand Suddenly grabbed me by the collar and jerked me backwards! A voice whisped hotly in my ear, "Hello, mouse.." and a sack was thrown over my head as what felt like several pairs of feet and hands began to work me over!

    *POW* *BIFF* *THWAP*

    I could feel myself being dragged away!

    After what seems like a good distance, the sack was removed and I was tossed unceremoniously to the ground!

    A low voice growled, "Now keep yer distance."

    Grasping for my bearings, stunned to the point I could not move, covered in slime seeping out of several pipes a fire salamander came to have a bite of me to eat. As I lay there, thinking death would not be long, the blue wolf once more appeared and as it growled a swirling mist developed around the surrounding area till out stepped a male that has been keeping my company for some time of late. He seized me up from the muck and sliced the salamander cleanly in two.
    I will never be able to express how happy it made me feel in that moment to see his face full of concern standing over me.

    The Dhe'nar male has become even more protective as the days pass, I only write now cause I wish not to forget. The half breed friend keeps a distance, but we think often to one another. Due to the side job of task and a little shopping I have returned to Illistim. While there, I hope to learn more.

    What is more invisible then an invisible man?

  4. Default

    Some would say... it sounds as if you were in the wrong place at the right time.

    Your answer, of course, is the shadow of an invisible man.

    You've been missed, but not forgotten.


  5. #45


    Tick . . . Tick. . . Tick. . .

    I just want to sit here and scribble. Nothing more then that would tickle my fancy. Just words of sweet poetry swimming in my mind while jagged shards of glaes rip through my viens. The flesh grows moist, even still, with just a thought. But anything that good, is not right. So would that make it evil for being so . . .good?

    Something is wrong.
    It's more then just something wrong.
    In more then one place. The ripples just don't feel right. Something is out of place somewhere.

    Things of note:

    Early festivies had started in the landing, roaming my way through the lands I managed to make it back in time to join some of the fun and feel extremely dumb! History, always has my rapt attention. But to remember it? To have it make sense in time? Lets just say it's not my best suit. I am still learning much and I doubt I will ever regain enough memory to recall these lost battles and rich moments in history. The first of the Trival game, I did not play, but watched as the bard gave it a good run for their coin. The questions were hard! I had scribbled a few down, but due to a night of zealous rum drinking, they seem to have gotten used for something more immediate.
    The second trival game event was again one the bard and I attended. That one was a little funner actually, though a little more brutal. . . The rules were written, and the risk worth the cost. . .so of course, I joined in. After a shock and a jolt, I'm not so sure the risk was worth the cost. But the whispers were sweet, and the host was a giggle while vixens played havoc. Much fun was had and the bard even manage to live through the whole thing, gaining a wonderful prize.
    I managed to attend one more event, it was a flag chase of sorts. Was a touch late going to it, but made it just in time to make team,. . . A giant, a bard and a priestess. (Somehow there is a joke in there cause we ended up in more then a few travens but that was later). We got the clues and we got a time and the race was on. However, sadly, no one kept good track of the time. We got most the flags from the clues but due to unforseen things crossings in our path during the rush around, we failed to make it in the time alloted. We did try to return, but apparently the same devious rum that ruined my trival notes might of been our down fall on the time. Still was a very fun go at it. Must of been the team.

    Other events transpired but always something prevented my attendance.
    Enough somethings that I ran away back to Teras.

    Perhaps its the idea of what is wrong. Need to define. . . wrong.

    What is nothing but holes tied to holes, yet is as strong as iron?

  6. Default

    A chain

  7. #47


    The wrongs and the rights,
    the lies of delight,
    where sweet secrets the dark keep

    What does a person have to know before teaching tricks to a dog?

  8. #48


    A dog.

  9. #49


    For some reason, it is hard to write down things lately. Not from lack of something to say but from lack of ways to say it and remain true to what I say even when deep within my cups of rum. I can stream nonsense this once and still not hide what is inside.
    Darkness mask my fears for the future sneers
    Try as I might, it lurks always so near.
    Breathing down the nape of my neck, the teeth's edge gliding along causing me fright to take flight every night. I know the ripping will come, I can taste the blood as music begins to drum. Hands will keep track of time upon the body as it withers and turns about without reason or rhyme.
    Embrace it as if it was a new found darkness that holds no secrets within its endless boundaries.
    Then as the wolf howls and another joins in and then more and more as the music echoes into the night, sharing the knowledge that someone else is out there is in their guise. Standing unopposed, unquestioned, and unrealized.
    O look so deep in the mirror, take a look inside, your body spins a different song, there's things your eyes can not hide. You have gone mad And if you need, kiss Me, and go until you feel you can trust me.
    Deceivers and believers dance with disgrace at the idea of an embrace
    To be willing is to be free
    To serve is to be strong
    Kneel before me and hear the demon scream a song. Watch over and feel the jealousy thing begin its reign
    Jealousy from others and not from your side. Jealousy of those who watch from the light and do not abide
    Face the mirror and look within, why are the windows of your soul telling on you so?
    Is it the voices in your head that you hide, to late they have come inside.
    Pick and choose your role, cause sooner or later everyone will know.
    But will they know it as darkness, or is it to be colored gray or is it just to be accepted for what the light shows and proclaim it all was always that way. The world has become so numb, I can feel you there. Always the sudden strange feeling of being watched out of no where. I choose the road less traveled to share into the depths of darkness that mask my fears here.
    Come inside, come inside.

    What does a person have to know before teaching tricks to a dog?
    More then the dog.

    What is easy to get into but hard to get out of ?

  10. Default

    Trouble is and mischief made, cheshire grin and wicked play.

    Little Daemon.

    The other answer is of course a maze.

    But if you want to get creative with it...

    Handcuffs, thongs, bindings of any sort really... and my personal favorite a swimming pool full of pudding.

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