Money Makin, Money Money Makin...
Anyway as far as trying to make as much money in the gem singing aspect, and for being an actual viable character, a polearmer. What would the best races for this be? I know from the research I've seen that elves are the best with the polearms for a bard, I believe. My only wish was the fact that I'd like to be on Teras, where I know the best money makers are going to be Dwarves. I do love dwarves, but I don't know how they would fair as a dwarf. I know the first really wicked bard in Gemstone lore, was a dwarf. But how does it all stack up? What are the most important things to focus on skill wise with money making and gem purification? Thanks guys!
It is for her own good that the cat purrs. - Japanese Proverb
The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world\\'s problems. - Mohandas Gandhi
Confusion is the highest state because it comes just before knowing. - Suzuki
Mysteriously, wonderfully I bid farewell to what goes and what comes for what comes cannot be denied and what goes cannot be detained. - Chuang Tzu
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. - Chinese Proverb
In the name of religion the worst crimes against humanity have ever been perpetuated. - Elizabeth Lady Stanton