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Thread: I DON'T demand a pat on the back...

  1. #1

    Default I DON'T demand a pat on the back...

    but I DO ask for one.

    I'm not quite sure when but awhile ago (a few weeks maybe) I was dead, and had a lot of injuries, and there wasn't a healer around except Tayre. Anyways someone started to mend my wounds and put bandages on them, and for no reason Tayre started pulling them off, to keep me from getting raised. In this case I DID NOT USE ASSIST/REPORT/WARN.

    Once again recently, Tayre started this up again, not so much as the first time, but giving the cleric a hard time if they wanted to raise me, and pulling off my bandages. Once again, in this case I DID NOT USE ASSIST/REPORT/WARN.

    Thus keeping up to my word, now, I am asking for a pat on the back.
    I hate the word tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow technically never comes, it is never \\"tomorrow\\".

    Empath Tayre (3:57:30 PM): I\\'m still a dumbass

  2. #2


    I do realize this was just two small cases and could mean absolutely nothing, but I think it means something, at least to me it does. Even though what happened werent that big of a deal, but it was really getting on my nerves.
    I hate the word tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow technically never comes, it is never \\"tomorrow\\".

    Empath Tayre (3:57:30 PM): I\\'m still a dumbass

  3. #3


    Garr, you are very much deserving of a pat on the back. I've unwrapped bandages from time to time, but only when teasing a friend. Unwrapping someone's bandages (on two seperate occasions) to stop a cleric from raising someone is wrong, no matter who the person is. You're not only hurting the dead person, you're frustrating the cleric, who is an innocent bystander.
    [11:16] Harmnone: Wezas, shut the fuck up
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobmuhthol
    My girlfriend plays World of Warcraft better than I do.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina, USA


    I shall be the first, it seems, to pat you on the back, Garr! Good job!

    If you felt your temper beginning to rise, and did not act by Warning, Assisting, or Reporting, you are learning to live in Elanthia in a way that will, eventually, make it more enjoyable for you and for everyone else. Kudos!

    HarmNone gives pats where pats are needed
    Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina, USA


    ::HarmNone wanders through, dragging her Vorpal Whomping Stick of Ultimate Doom::

    Has anybody seen that damned Wezas? Quick-footed little varmit, he be!
    Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.

  6. #6


    Well, I did think i did an OK job of trying to go through it without getting too angry. You're right Wezas, all he was doing was making me and others angry for no reason whatsoever.
    I hate the word tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow technically never comes, it is never \\"tomorrow\\".

    Empath Tayre (3:57:30 PM): I\\'m still a dumbass

  7. Default

    Heh... I would feel ashamed or something if there wasn't someone tending him as soon as I did it. It didn't stop the cleric from raising him. In fact, the only reason it took so long for him to get raised was because no cleric would come raise him. Finally one did, but my unwraping didn't hinder him in the least, because they were tended again immediatly.

    Beside, he can't WARN or REPORT about me, because the GM's will ignore anything that goes on between him and I in the future. We both agreed to it. So... he gets no pat.

  8. #8


    Yes but you decided to CONTINUALLY unwrap the bandages, causing the person tending them to have to re-tend them every time, even when there WAS a cleric waiting to raise me.
    I hate the word tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow technically never comes, it is never \\"tomorrow\\".

    Empath Tayre (3:57:30 PM): I\\'m still a dumbass

  9. #9


    oh and, you saying that about me not being able to warn, report, assist against you, has nothing to do with this, if it was any other person doing the unwrapping...i still would not have used report/assist/warn.
    I hate the word tomorrow. Why? Because tomorrow technically never comes, it is never \\"tomorrow\\".

    Empath Tayre (3:57:30 PM): I\\'m still a dumbass

  10. #10


    I've unwrapped bandages, if someone does a crappy tending job.

    I wouldn't stand around someone's dead body that I didn't like. It's not very right or fair to tease them when they can't even fight back.
    Love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference.


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