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Thread: My drug is ruined!

  1. Default My drug is ruined!

    They finally did it...ruined it for everyone. The damned methheads have created such a problem with their labs that the drug companies all changed the active ingredient in my sinus headache medication. No more psuedophedrine HCL. And ya know what? The new crap doesn't work as well.

    Yeah, my box ran out one day, and at like 2 am I'm breaking out in a cold sweat, head pounding, and thought, "Man, I need to run to the convenient store and grab me some med before it's too late..." I arrive and start looking at active ingredients to make sure the stuff I buy is right, and see the WRONG things, so I keep looking and notice they all have the same new crap. I'm concerned, but I figure it must work, so I get it. While I didn't suffer like I would with nothing, I felt like I had a hangover headache all day instead.

    I'm pretty pissed about the whole thing. I've considered that it's a government plot to create anti-meth vigilantes, because everytime I get a headache, I wanna beat the crap out of the first one I see geeking.

    Ya know, they've found tribes whose remains showed evidence of surgery...holes in the sinus cavity that were done to the living, and not for embalming purposes. I can totally see myself miserable after a buffalo hunt saying, "Shaman, I think I have a spirit in my head trying to get out, take that needle and jam it up my nose to let em out!"

    I don't like to take any pills, or any medication for anything. But modern medicine has me on that one thing. Without it, the quality of my life goes down drasticly when the weather changes. Granted, it could be worse. I guess I'm just mad because I woulda been a little better off had America not gone on a frickin meth binge. Bastards.

  2. #2


    Why don't you go see a doctor if your need is this bad?
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: and she said WHO IS COLEY
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: and I said THE FUCKING MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT

    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Ultranoob, Kainis, Rastilli, Lmarythr, Lemdiprey

  3. #3


    Not all of the drugs were reformulated. I'm not sure about other states, but in Delaware we now have to sell the old stuff containing PSE behind the Pharmacy counter. And I don't wanna hear any complaints... you have no idea how much stress this has caused me the last couple weeks at work.
    Quote Originally Posted by longshot View Post
    I feel like Backlash is a baby sea turtle in every thread he jumps in- you want to root for the little guy to make it, but you just know he's going to get eaten before he ever tastes the ocean.

  4. Default

    It wasn't a problem before they changed it, and it's not as bad still as with nothing...just enough to annoy me.

    If I go to a doctor for this, I add to the vicous "malpractice/insurance/high medical expense" neverending cycle.

    Doctor pays insurance, Doctor pays lawyer (in defense), Insurance pays (covers) doctor, Insurance pays lawyer (their own defense). Normal person overpays doctor, overpays insurance, then overpays lawyer to protect them when the bill insurance didn't cover goes to gets paid. Fat judges (ex-lawyers) make sure to maintain decisions that lend to feeding the next generation of fat judges.

    Don't even let me get into the drug company conspiracy...

    No, I think I'll just punch a meth head.

  5. #5


    You do that. But punching a meth head isn't going to fix your sinuses.
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: and she said WHO IS COLEY
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: and I said THE FUCKING MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE
    Drew Can Not [9:13 P.M.]: AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT

    Retrieving name suggestions. This may take a few moments.
    Ultranoob, Kainis, Rastilli, Lmarythr, Lemdiprey

  6. Default

    If they hit me back just right it damn well might! That is after all how I got this way.

    I just had to jump that damn mulch pile by the curb when I was a kid on my bike. Hey, don't worry about the fact that it's higher then my head!

    Over the years some of my other brilliant stunts have begun to surface as pains. I think we survive childhood because we BOUNCE...that's my only real explination...and lots of luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Tgo01's Head


    Originally posted by Arshwikk
    It wasn't a problem before they changed it, and it's not as bad still as with nothing...just enough to annoy me.

    If I go to a doctor for this, I add to the vicous "malpractice/insurance/high medical expense" neverending cycle.

    Doctor pays insurance, Doctor pays lawyer (in defense), Insurance pays (covers) doctor, Insurance pays lawyer (their own defense). Normal person overpays doctor, overpays insurance, then overpays lawyer to protect them when the bill insurance didn't cover goes to gets paid. Fat judges (ex-lawyers) make sure to maintain decisions that lend to feeding the next generation of fat judges.

    Don't even let me get into the drug company conspiracy...

    No, I think I'll just punch a meth head.
    If your neighbors didn't sue doctors left and right, and your neighbors stopped imposing liability in non-liable situations, then maybe there medical care might be cheaper. Until then we're stuck with a necessary system of prevention through deterrence. Or I guess you could just not go to the doctor.

    Considering the enormous number of doctors and procedures available it is obvious why we pay so much for health care. It's expensive because it's no longer traveling doctors with "remedies" which are nothing more than pain killers. Traveling
    "doctors", who practiced by proscribing narcotics, were common 100 years ago. Those were truly the days for racketeering. Give old ladies addictive narcotics which only cover up the pain leading her to believe it's better. That was clearly wrong.

    It's good to be skeptical of the tort system but I can assure you it's a system of rules designed with societies best interests. We sure as hell do not want the government regulating liability (remember; law firms are for profit. While they are affluent they are also efficient). The only other option other than public and private regulation is to have no deterrence at all. Absent deterrence we'd be subject to "doctors" motivated by their own interests without check - a lot like the traveling narcotic men above.

  8. #8


    Arshwikk.. listen to Snapp. Ask behind the counter.

    Or go to delaware

  9. #9


    There are other ways of healing sinus issues, just need to seek them out. Relying on a substance that is known to have addictive qualities in the first place is not the answer. I used to have terrible sinus problems, and found that a change in my diet was all it took to get better.

    It's also possible that you are suffering from some sort of withdrawl. Gotta give things time, and accept that which you cannot control.

    Meth is a big problem in the United States, perhaps we need to work on fixing that problem, instead.

  10. #10


    If I go to buy my Tylenol Flu PM and there is no pseudophedrine in it, I'm definitely gonna have to choke a bitch.

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