Not trying to be rude here, I like the creativity of the script check, but at first when I was reading it I thought it just might be one of those random flavor texts that go off sometimes, but then I happened to catch the word "Lollapalooza" and I was like "Okay that doesn't sound very in game." So I started to read the entire paragraph within 5 seconds of first noticing it and by the time I got to the actual script check part I was confused to what it was even referring to because when I saw "pick" I thought lockpick, but this character isn't a rogue, so then I thought "Oh his skinning weapon", which I wasn't holding by the time I finished reading the whole paragraph so I had to look for it, and by the time I found it I finally answered what color the pick was. Even then with all of this I answered the script check within a minute, 90 seconds tops. I'm not sure how fast we are expected to answer these script checks but 90 seconds doesn't seem very long at all.The sheer amount of mud, and the press of filthy swaying bodies, are what first clue you in that something isn't quite right. Looking around, you find that you're in a crowd of people, and it's suddenly both insanely hot and miserably humid. It's also loud. In front of you, somehow, there's a very un-Elanthian looking stage, which seems to have a bunch of angry young people on it, who are approximating singing, but barely. There's a lot of crowd noise, and someone throws a bottle of beer at the stage just as you see a large multicolored plastic beach ball bounce across your line of sight. Judging from the reek of alcohol and body sweat, and the very guitar-focused (quote unquote) music, you seem to have found yourself at Lollapalooza, and... not during one of the good years. If you want to escape this early 2000s nightmare of bands that are not as good as Nirvana was on their worst day, you should T3LL mE wh at color your pick is.
Very close that time. Please make sure your are attentive at all times on all characters that are making gains. Have a nice day!
I posted all of the above to Discord as well.
I mean sheesh, I don't think 90 seconds is very long all things considered. I wonder just how fast they expect us to answer these script checks?