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Thread: problem with downloading when 2 of the same files

  1. Default problem with downloading when 2 of the same files

    I got a new computer and am downloading new lich. I've got everything download but Lnet since there are two on the site and both are labeled the same thing lnet.lic and when I type that in it won't download either. Is there a command I need to differentiate between the two?

  2. #2


    --game= or --author= added to the line.

    Most of the time checking date tells which is newer. Then use one of those switches to the request like ;repo download lnet --game=gs

  3. Default

    that worked .. thanks!
    Last edited by Battlerager; 09-20-2024 at 04:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    you can also use ";repo gui" which pulls up a handy GUI that has a button to download the specific file you want.
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