Yea, field xp/max is superior. Mind state is just nostalgia.
Uploaded new versions of both ;thunder and ;struck. Be sure to download them both!
Version 3: Script now tracks more status conditions and will now track multiple status conditions. You can now see if a character is bleeding AND stunned. Or even bleeding, stunned, and sleeping!
Version 3: Script can now track the field experience of all characters.
Version 3: Script can now track the encumbrance of all characters.
Version 3: You can now send commands to clients via ;send, because clicking buttons is too much work.
To send a command to everyone do: ;send t all <command> || example: ;send t all wave
To send a command to a specific character do: ;send t <name> <command> || example ;send t dreaven wave
Works for scripts too! ;send t Dreaven ;go2 bank
You can also partially match a character's name. Example: ;send t dre wave
Last edited by Tgo01; 04-11-2024 at 05:44 PM.
Working on the next version already. Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you have noticed any bugs and I'll see if I can squeeze them in before the next update.
I haven't dug into this yet. Everything is working as intended, but after a period of time all my clients report 'unresponsive'. Now that's not true, because the stats page which I have up is continuing to update and last messages keep cycling. If I restart a ;struck script, it doesn't clear the client from being listed as unresponsive. If I restart thunder and then all the strucks, it clears for a time. As you're aware I've made changes to the stats page, but that has all been cosmetic. I did go pull down fresh copies of thunder and struck without any modifications I made. Issue persisted. Thunder's stats page is getting updates, and I can send a command to all struck clients. I do get a lot of these lines, "[struck: Message from server: Respond now.]". However the log shows each client calling back with, "I am responding."
In debug after restarting both scripts, thunder shows Omrii unresponsive moments after the second block of responding exchange.
Code:Lich: struck active. ################################################################################################################# Message from ;struck: You are currently set to connect to port 4000. By default the port each character tries to connect to is port 4000. If you want to change this then stop this script and start it as ;struck <number_here> For example: ;struck 3000 After you have set the port number on this character you can start script as: ;struck You only have to specify the port number if you want to change it again. ################################################################################################################# [struck: Message from server: Requests: Health: Yes, Mana: Yes, Stamina: No, Spirit: No, Field Exp: Yes, Encumbrance: Yes, Status: No, Bounty: No, Room #: No, Debug Mode: Yes, Update Room: 1.0, Update Info: 0.5, Update Exp: 60] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: Health: 172/172] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: Mana: 4/4] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: Encumbrance: 0/100] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: Health: 172/172] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: Mana: 4/4] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: Encumbrance: 0/100] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: Field Exp: 685/977] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: Field Exp: 685/977] s> Not Hunting: Next bounty available in 0 minutes and 52 seconds. Total Elapsed Time: 19 Minutes 25 Seconds [struck: Message from server: Respond now.] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: I am responding.] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: I am responding.] s> [struck: Message from server: Respond now.] [struck: Message sent: Omrii: I am responding.] [struck: Message from server: Server received: Omrii: I am responding.]
Last edited by Omrii; 04-13-2024 at 03:02 AM.
This should be working in the latest release I am going to upload in a bit here.
Uploaded new version of ;thunder and ;struck, be sure to download them both.
Version 4: The Settings tab is now scrollable, so be sure to scroll to the bottom if you don't see the "Save" button. Now without the Settings stretching out the window it means you can make the Main window smaller now if you want.
Version 4: You now have the option of having the Stats tab and the Logs tab in their own separate windows, or hiding the tab/window altogether.
Version 4: Added a Monitor tab which can monitor the game lines of a client as well as the scripts that client is currently running. Monitor also has the option of being a tab, being in its own window, or being hidden.
Version 4: Added option to hide the Settings tab. If tab is hidden then start script as ;thunder set to show the tab again.
Oh yeah, you will lose the size and position of your Main window because I suck. But this should be the last version where you will lose settings.
Last edited by Tgo01; 04-13-2024 at 11:55 AM.
Uploaded new versions of both ;thunder and ;struck. Be sure to download them both!
Version 6: Changing window size, Characters/Row, or any stat tab (Health, Mana, Room #, etc) setting will now take effect immediately so you can see what the changes would look like without needing to restart the script. NOTE: The settings are still only saved when you click the "Save" button and you should still restart the script once you are satisfied with the changes and after you have clicked the "Save" button.
Version 6: Created an Info tab. This tab allows you to create specific commands to send to your characters and they will report back with the information the command requested. This information is then displayed in a list with your characters' names and the information they sent. For example: You could send a command that would tell your characters to do BANK ACCOUNT and report back with their total silvers in all banks. Or you can have your characters do RESOURCES and report back with their Voln Favor, or their Current Weekly Resources gathered, or their Total Resources Gathered. Or you can have your characters do INFO and report back with their Strength Stat. The choice is yours! Get to creating some commands!
Another update already!? You betcha!
Version 7: Information in the Info tab can now be sorted either alphabetically by your characters' names, or by the value of the information. If the value is a number then it will be sorted from smallest number to largest number. If the value is not a number then it will be sorted alphabetically by the value.
Version 7: You can now send commands to other characters by doing: ;thun(der) <name> <command>.
;thun is mandatory, d, e, and r are optional, so ;thun, ;thund, ;thunde, ;thunder all work.
Example: ;thun dreaven wave
You can still use ;send t dreaven wave
Both work now and you can still use shorted names, such as: ;thun dreav wave
Last edited by Tgo01; 04-17-2024 at 05:13 PM.
this looks great, but i'm having a problem where it just shows 1000/1000 for all stats and PLACEHOLDER for status, room, etc.
I can still send commands to every character so that seems to be working.
If I just run ;thunder it seems to be fine, but once I add struck to it, it will add the new character but not put any of the stat info up. I'm sure I'm doing something dumb wrong, but any ideas what it might be?