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Thread: CLAIM verb is actively testing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN

    Default CLAIM verb is actively testing

    PM Wyrom
    [New Distribution System] CLAIM
    on 21 Feb 2024 0:32 AM
    from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
    on #general-announcements channel

    GIFTBOX and EVENT BOX are being retired for CLAIM. It currently is live in all instances and we did a test run in Platinum and Shattered over the weekend. The current iteration of CLAIM will be updates after Duskruin, so some of the output will likely change next time we use it. Big thank you to @Naiken for taking an idea and making it into so much more!

    Will will have a very small testing window coming to all instances Wednesday afternoon. There will be a GIFT of 3 free entries and an EVENT of 5 paid entries (1.25mil silver) during this test of the system. The test will only last roughly 24 hours, so if you’d like these bonus entries, make sure to grab them early on Wednesday after they launch! As long as there aren’t any hiccups, we’ll have GIFT and EVENT going Thursday afternoon around 3pm to 4pm ET.
    Act quick, use the CLAIM GIFT to claim your 3 entries to DR.

    You can also spend 1.25mil for a 5 entry if you use the CLAIM EVENT.

    **Remember, this is just a test run for the verb. It should release officially as per Wyrom's notes (read above)**
    Last edited by drumpel; 02-21-2024 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2


    Is this basically just combining the GIFTBOX and EVENTBOX verbs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Appears to be the case. My understanding is that GIFTBOX and EVENT BOX verbs are being discontinued.

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