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Thread: Simu is officially monetizing spell ups now

  1. #21


    Wyrom in regards to the Invoker:

    But yes, it was out way too long. It did help diagnose a lot of issues though. Not just with spells, but with movement.
    Wait, I thought the problem was specifically me gathering up dozens of people at a table and handing out spells? Turns out the problem wasn't the act of giving spells, but rather the fact that people had spells and apparently movement and a "lot of other issues."

    Boy that sure reads differently than "Dreavenings are causing the lag! Don't you dare blame DR! Keep spending!"

    Why are the GMs in this game so actively antagonistic towards the player base? It's like they expect you to kiss their ass constantly and if you don't then they despise. I'm generalizing GMs here of course. It's been this way for as long as I can remember though.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 02-13-2024 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    I started complaining on discord about the choice of direction the GMs are going with this (Whirlin came in to defend - seems to love that asshole taste) and Wyrom tossed out his reply about his reasoning:

    Wyrom — Today at 2:13 PM
    You're all right, it shouldn't have been in as long as it was.  It took over a year to resolve all the issues though, between the GM side that was GSL and the onsite developers that was engineer level.  By the time it was resolved, it was already something that had been around too long and we dragged our feet on doing something about it.
    Wyrom — Today at 2:15 PM
    We decided that we rather have it on Mist Harbor because it kind of fits as a Premium thing having all those spells.  The price point we originally discussed was 250,000 silver, and then 100,000 silver.  I still think it should go by character level that is using it.  And that's why it hasn't moved yet.  Still working through the cost.
    Wyrom — Today at 2:16 PM
    But 10k would be the cap in cost.
    So, they want to move, but are hung up on the cost aspect......if 10k is the cap, shit, just let it be 10k and call it.

    Wyrom seems kind of okay about the previous lag issues having been resolved, but he's not 100% sure.
    Wyrom — Today at 2:17 PM
    But yes, it was out way too long.  It did help diagnose a lot of issues though.  Not just with spells, but with movement.
    Wyrom — Today at 2:20 PM
    Spells being applied and I guess people were being moved from one table to another table.  That actually is the bigger factor.
    Wyrom — Today at 2:21 PM
    But that's all fixed, or at least I think it;'s fixed.  WE'LL SEE!
    I hope the moving of the invoker to FWI and folks flocking to dreavnings crashes the game or at least brings it to its knees and then the GMs can cry all over again about the lag and how dreavening is breaking things!
    Last edited by drumpel; 02-13-2024 at 04:27 PM.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    So, they want to move, but are hung up on the cost aspect......if 10k is the cap, shit, just let it be 10k and call it.
    Yeah that part was wild to me. Like you guys have already decided 10k silvers would be the absolute most, the only hang up now is to possibly charge lower level characters less silvers? This is what the GMs waste their time on?

    Shit just make it free for characters under level 30 and 10k for everyone else. Boom! Took me 10 seconds to come up with this plan.

    At least Wyrom admitted it was wrong of them to have the Invoker up for 2 years more than necessary and they should have moved the Invoker after they were done with all of their testing and fixes.

    And yeah, Whirlin loves the taste of GM asshole. He's an Envoy on Discord, which to my knowledge the entire purpose of an Envoy is to act like a cheerleader over everything the GMs do. And oh yeah, now that GMs are receiving decent pay they are apparently too good to moderate Discord anymore, so the Envoys do it for free now. Not even joking.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Yeah that part was wild to me. Like you guys have already decided 10k silvers would be the absolute most, the only hang up now is to possibly charge lower level characters less silvers? This is what the GMs waste their time on?

    Shit just make it free for characters under level 30 and 10k for everyone else. Boom! Took me 10 seconds to come up with this plan.

    At least Wyrom admitted it was wrong of them to have the Invoker up for 2 years more than necessary and they should have moved the Invoker after they were done with all of their testing and fixes.

    And yeah, Whirlin loves the taste of GM asshole. He's an Envoy on Discord, which to my knowledge the entire purpose of an Envoy is to act like a cheerleader over everything the GMs do. And oh yeah, now that GMs are receiving decent pay they are apparently too good to moderate Discord anymore, so the Envoys do it for free now. Not even joking.
    That's just sad.

    This is the most time I've spent on Discord since Simu made it their shitty go-to for everything. It took me a long time to find any kind of announcement about the invoker on that shitty site. I don't know how people can stand to use it. My eyes hurt from using it, too. I'd rather watch screen scroll from a group of ten alts all selling gems at the same time in the gemshop over trying to navigate my way through discord again.

    I hope it all just comes back to bite them in the ass. What a stupid waste of time. A missed opportunity to setup something a lot of people use as a constant silver drain for the game only so they can try to monetize their invoker spellup pills on the simustore.
    Last edited by drumpel; 02-23-2024 at 01:03 PM.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    That's just sad.

    This is the most time I've spent on Discord since Simu made it their shitty go-to for everything. It took me a long time to find any kind of announcement about the invoker on that shitty site. I don't know how people can stand to use it. My eyes hurt from using it, too. I'd rather watch screen scroll from a group of ten alts all selling gems at the same time in the gemshop over trying to navigate my way through discord again.

    I hope it all just comes back to bit them in the ass. What a stupid waste of time. A missed opportunity to setup something a lot of people use as a constant silver drain for the game only so they can try to monetize their invoker spellup pills on the simustore.

    When one's ultimate goal in life is to receive GM attention for a 35 year old text game, a trash interface like Discord isn't going to get in their way.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  6. Default

    Any reason wyrom gives is just a pretext for the actual reason, which he won't state
    Last edited by gilchristr; 02-22-2024 at 10:08 PM.
    Comment removed by community filter, pending further review.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by gilchristr View Post
    Any reason wyrom gives is just a pretext for the actual reason, which he won't state

  8. #28


    2 months later and they still haven't moved the Invoker.

    I guess they are still squabbling over how much silvers a level 2 character pays compared to a level 100 character, even though they have already stated the most the Invoker will charge is 10k silvers.

    GMs: We're talking about 10k silvers! This is very serious business!

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    GMs: We're talking about 10k silvers! This is very serious business!
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Methais View Post
    They could have easily slapped 100k for these spellups and I bet most people would pay that in a heartbeat.

    Shit people used to spend what, 50k-150k for just wizard spells? And that was back when silvers were actually worth something.

    Now the GMs think 10k for a complete spellup means anything at all and they are now bickering over whether 10k silvers is too much for low level characters to pay.

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