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Thread: Uploaded ;inventory-buddy

  1. #1

    Default Uploaded ;inventory-buddy

    This script tracks the inventory and locker contents of all of your characters. You can then bring up the window and look through the containers on different characters to see what is in each container, you can also see what is in their lockers.

    There is also a search feature where you can search through the inventory and lockers of all of your characters to find what you are looking for.

    Leave the script running in the background to keep the database up to date.
    To bring up the ;inventory-buddy window: while script is running enter ;send inv
    The database will update your character's inventory whenever you enter INV FULL.
    The database will update your character's locker contents whenever you LOOK in your locker.

    Future planned updates:
    ;send scan will LOOK in every item in your locker to track the contents of any containers in your locker. Right now the script just tracks what is in your locker.
    Locker contents will be updated when an item is put in your locker or taken out of your locker. Right now the only way to update your locker is to LOOK in it.
    Get script to work with premium lockers. Right now it only works with basic lockers because that's all I have an I'm a bit jealous of premium lockers

  2. #2


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    could you get the script to update locker content for premium folks if they use the game verb: locker manifest <town name> ?

    Here's what I see one one of my characters when I use it:

    >locker manifest solhaven
    Looking in front of you, you see the contents of your locker in Vornavis:
    On an armor stand:
          some tooled double leather
    In a clothing wardrobe:
          a large sack
            a miniature wizard figurine
            a small blue clay mortar
            a miniature ranger figurine
            an ornate Phoen statuette
            an ovoid smooth stone
            an ornate V'tull statuette
            an ornate Ivas statuette
            an ornate Cholen statuette
            an ornate Imaera statuette
            a miniature wizard figurine
            an ornate Marlu statuette
            an ornate Voaris statuette
            a threaded black pearl
            an ornate Amasalen statuette
            an ornate Khaarne statuette
            a mottled smooth stone
            an ornate Luukos statuette
            an ornate Marlu statuette
            a miniature cleric figurine
            a miniature wizard figurine
            a handful of iron flakes
            a sliver of rough moonstone
            a flat smooth stone
            a heavy smooth stone
            a heavy smooth stone
            a shiny smooth stone
            a piece of cloudy glass
            an ornate V'tull statuette
            a bundle of mangy kobold scalps
            an ornate Charl statuette
            a miniature paladin figurine
            a miniature paladin figurine
            an ornate Zelia statuette
            a miniature sorcerer figurine
            a threaded grey pearl
            an ornate Khaarne statuette
            an ornate Tilamaire statuette
            a flat smooth stone
            a sliver of rough moonstone
            a miniature empath figurine
    Obvious items:  42
    List of all storage units in a premium locker that show up with the locker manifest verb are:
    On a weapon rack:
    On an armor stand:
    In a clothing wardrobe:
    In a magical item bin:
    In a deep chest:

    The only thing the locker manifest verb doesn't show is what's in the shared trunk.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    could you get the script to update locker content for premium folks if they use the game verb: locker manifest <town name> ?
    I uploaded a new version that should work with the locker manifest, but I don't have a premium account so I can't test it myself. Let me know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    When I use the verb it does show everything in that locker for that particular town.

    >locker manifest solhaven
    Thinking back, you recall the contents of your locker in Vornavis:
    In a deep chest:
          a faceted glass jar
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a finished maoral dagger-hilt
          a heavy mithril slab
          a weathered leather sling
          a heavy ora slab
          a heavy mithril slab
          a heavy mithril slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a heavy white ora slab
          a gilded delicate case engraved with the image of a pile of gems (marked)
          a gold handaxe blade-glyph
    In a clothing wardrobe:
          a samite pack
          a tailored soot black backpack
    On a weapon rack:
          a blood red invar mace (marked)

    When I then use the verb for my landing locker all the inventory in the solhaven locker is cleared out and replaced with the landing's locker content.
    >locker manifest landing
    Thinking back, you recall the contents of your locker in Wehnimer's Landing:
    On a weapon rack:
     1     a vermilion steel broadsword
     2     an imflass twohanded sword (marked)
     3     a faenor halberd
    In a clothing wardrobe:
     4     a leather crafter's apron
    In a deep chest:
     5     a faceted glass jar
     6     a heavy zorchar slab
     7     a razern slab
     8     a razern slab
     9     a razern slab
     10    a razern slab
     11    a razern slab
     12    a heavy white ora slab
     13    a finished maoral flamberge-hilt
     14    a finished maoral flamberge-hilt
     15    a heavy gornar slab
     16    a heavy razern slab
     17    a heavy white ora slab
     18    a heavy razern slab
     19    a heavy white ora slab
     20    a heavy white ora slab
     21    a zorchar slab
     22    a gornar slab
     23    a zorchar slab
     24    a zorchar slab
     25    a drakar slab
     26    a heavy gornar slab (marked)
     27    a faceted glass jar containing uncut diamonds  (8/20)

    Any way that it could keep track of multiple lockers for premium since we get one in each town?

  6. #6


    Oh, didn't realize you all got one for each town. I'll have to update this later.

  7. #7


    Uploaded version 3 to the repo:

    Version 3: Script should now wait until the database file is no longer in use before saving/loading to the file. This should avoid issues where 2+ characters are trying to save/load from the file at the same time.
    Version 3: Script was only tracking the locker contents of one town when using the locker manifest. The script should now track the locker contents of all towns when using a locker manifest.
    Version 3: The "Delete Character" feature is working again.
    Version 3: You can now search through the items of all characters or search through the items of just one character.
    Version 3: There is now an option to track or not track the (marked) and (registered) status of items.
    Version 3: Script now tracks each character's bank information, resource information, tickets information, and experience.
    Version 3: New command: ;send update. Using this command will update all information except for locker information.

  8. #8


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    I grabbed the latest version and was checking the locker content for one of my characters. He doesn't have much in lockers. Nothing in mist harbor, nothing in landing and just a handful of things in solhaven.

    Here's what happened when I used the "locker manifest <town>" for him:

    (locker manifest mist)
    J>locker manifest mist
    Thinking back, you recall the contents of your locker in Mist Harbor:
    There are no items in this locker.
    A middle-aged human priestess wanders away, moving slowly.
    A street urchin skips in.
    Great Lady Shalaara just arrived.
    A middle-aged human priestess wanders in, moving slowly.
    A street urchin ambles about, skipping stones across the street.
    Name: Grumdel Race: Giantman  Profession: Warrior (shown as: Knifeman)
    Gender: Male    Age: 0    Expr: 1,027,722    Level:  30
                      Normal (Bonus)  ...  Enhanced (Bonus)
        Strength (STR):   100 (40)    ...  100 (40)
    Constitution (CON):    68 (19)    ...   68 (19)
       Dexterity (DEX):    94 (17)    ...   94 (17)
         Agility (AGI):    94 (17)    ...   94 (17)
      Discipline (DIS):    70 (10)    ...   70 (10)
            Aura (AUR):    86 (13)    ...   86 (13)
           Logic (LOG):    74 (7)     ...   74 (7)
       Intuition (INT):    65 (7)     ...   65 (7)
          Wisdom (WIS):    64 (7)     ...   64 (7)
       Influence (INF):    53 (6)     ...   53 (6)
    Mana:  33   Silver: 1,800
    Shalaara gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
    Shalaara gestures.
    Shalaara suddenly looks more powerful.
    Shalaara gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
    Shalaara gestures.
    The air thickens and begins to swirl around Shalaara.
    Shalaara gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
    Shalaara gestures.
    Shalaara suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
    Shalaara is surrounded by a white light.
    Shalaara traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
    Shalaara gestures.
    A dim aura surrounds Shalaara.

    It seems your script is grabbing everything immediately after checking a locker manifest and there is nothing in it. The script should stop after the line "There are no items in this locker." if there are no items in that locker.

    When I typed in "locker manifest landing" and it showed there was nothing in the locker. I decided to run from the Solhaven, to the Landing, and drop something in the locker to see if it works and then I used "locker manifest landing" again and I saw the one item I put in the locker, but I also so everything else from the story window from when I first used the locker manifest verb and it showed "There are no items in this locker." all the way to the point from when I ran from Solhaven to the Landing, put an item in my locker and used the "locker manifest landing" verb again.

    This is all the information that currently shows up for my character when I look at the "Locker in" from the drop down menu:
    s>locker manifest landing
    Thinking back, you recall the contents of your locker in Wehnimer's Landing:
    There are no items in this locker.
    s>;go2 390
    --- Lich: go2 active.
    [go2: input: 390]
    [go2: ETA: 0:00:52 (190 rooms to move through)]
    You scoot your chair back and stand up.
    [Solhaven Inn, Dining Room - 5716] (u4740034)
    White tablecloths and vultite tableware grace the tables in this room.  Surrounding each table are comfortable chairs padded in royal blue.  Brass and crystal lamps hang from the ceiling shedding light on the tables and diners below.  Impeccably dressed waiters bustle around taking care of the diners' every need.  You also see some dining tables and an ornate marble arch.
    Obvious exits: south
    [go2]>go arch
    [Solhaven Inn, Main Hall - 5713] (u4740019)
    Royal blue wall hangings and marble sheathed walls lend an air of elegance to the main hall of the Inn.  Black, white, and rose marble is placed in an elaborate pattern covering the floor.  Several vultite inlaid modwir tables are ranged around the edge of the room, each with a pair of heavy carved modwir chairs in attendance.  The centerpiece of the room is an immense crystal and candle chandelier, which sends sparks of soft light throughout the room.  You also see an ornate marble arch and a wide marble staircase.
    Obvious exits: north, southwest, out
    [Solhaven, Abalone and Chiton - 1455] (u4209033)
    Snow blankets the nearby rooftops and accumulates in the corners of the street.  Here and there, icicles can be seen hanging from windows and high peaks.  The elegant limestone facade of the Solhaven Inn and Restaurant dominates the street here.  Deep blue awnings hang above the glaes-paned windows and front walk.  A white-gloved doorman stands at the ready, ushering guests through the arched doors.
    Obvious paths: east, south, west
    [Solhaven, Abalone Street - 1454] (u4209032)
    Snow blankets the nearby rooftops and accumulates in the corners of the street.  Here and there, icicles can be seen hanging from windows and high peaks.  Throngs of people travel westward towards the Market Square and the shouts of peddlers hawking their wares reach your ears.  The unmistakable scent of chocolate wafts from the doorway of a small, whitewashed shop on the north side of the street.  To the east you can see the hulking facade of the Solhaven Inn.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Solhaven, North Market East - 1453] (u4209031)
    Snow blankets the nearby rooftops and accumulates in the corners of the street.  Here and there, icicles can be seen hanging from windows and high peaks.  A brown awning stretches across the front of the large stone building here.  Hanging above the entrance is a metal breastplate, rusted from exposure to the salty sea air.  Two giantmen, deeply engrossed in conversation, lean casually against the building.  You also see a green and white oak barrel with an oilcloth haversack on it.
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
    [Solhaven, North Market NE - 1448] (u4209023)
    Snow blankets the nearby rooftops and accumulates in the corners of the street.  Here and there, icicles can be seen hanging from windows and high peaks.  The northeast corner of the market is somewhat quieter than the bustling center.  A steady stream of customers flows through the door of an elegant stone building.  Windowboxes burst with bright red begonias.  A gleaming brass plaque is affixed to the bright blue front door.  You also see a stooped old woman and a middle-aged human priestess.
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, southwest, west
    [Solhaven, Bayside Road - 1437] (u4209022)
    Snow blankets the nearby rooftops and accumulates in the corners of the street.  Here and there, icicles can be seen hanging from windows and high peaks.  Bayside Road widens here, as throngs of people head southward into the North Market.  More than a few are drawn by the mouthwatering aroma of fresh-baked goods wafting from the doorway of the half-timber building opposite the bridge.  To the northwest, the Market Bridge spans the bay, heading towards Marshtown.  You also see an old green oak barrel pinned with a loosely woven wreath of verdant green holly and bright red glass beads.
    Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
    [Market Bridge - 1607] (u4744103)
    This section of bridge descends to the southeast to a stone pier, where it is anchored firmly in place at the edge of Solhaven.  To the northwest, the bridge rises above the Cairnfang delta and continues down into Marshtown.  The bridge is well maintained and very clean on this slope.  You also see a dark ladder leaning against a large iron-plated tower topped by a blue-edged Solhaven Bay banner.
    Obvious paths: southeast, up
    [Market Bridge - 1608] (u4744105)
    Small board-and-plank shops wearing the odious whitewash of perching gulls line either side of the bridge.  Relying on the bridge's traffic for business, and taking advantage of the gentle incline from here to the peak of the bridge, the shops look to be an odd mix that might appeal to Marshtowner and 'Havener alike.  You notice a small, weathered cask hangs above the doorway of one of the shops.  You also see an old barrel.
    Obvious paths: northwest, down
    [Market Bridge - 3907] (u4744102)
    This tall and sturdy bridge rises high above the currents of the Cairnfang delta.  From the top of the wide bridge, both Marshtown and the entire layout of Solhaven are clearly visible.  To the northwest, the bridge slopes down into Marshtown, kept afloat by barrels and planks.  To the southeast, Solhaven spreads out under the walls of Vornavis, a massive urban sprawl stretching from the walls to the shore.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Market Bridge - 3906] (u4744104)
    Perhaps feeling there is less risk on the exposed timbers of the bridge than on the floating platforms of Marshtown, a series of small shops crowd the sides of the bridge.  While more stable, they still appear precariously perched.
    Obvious paths: southeast, down
    [Market Bridge - 3905] (u4744101)
    This section of the market bridge slopes strongly upward toward the center of the bridge high above the Cairnfang delta, and down into Marshtown to the north.  The timbers that make up the bridge are reinforced with thick ropes and iron bands.  Long spikes hold planks firmly in place.
    Obvious paths: northwest, up
    [Marshtown, Shoreline - 3904] (u4744007)
    Occasional splashing waves wet the planks of the walkway here, making footing treacherous in places.  Warped and cracked planks are difficult to navigate and are in dire need of repair.  To the south, the Market Bridge rises out of the marsh curves to the southeast, crossing Solhaven Bay to lead down into the heart of Solhaven.
    Obvious paths: north, northeast, west
    [Marshtown, Shoreline - 1274] (u4744002)
    As the raised platform approaches the Cairnfang river, less and less stable soil is available to support the buildings and inhabitants of Marshtown.  Rafts of large barrels have been tied together and serve as flotation for the walkway and the squat wooden buildings that line either side.  A breathtaking and living display of color takes place in the waters to the southeast as the crystal waters of the Cairnfang mingle with the bluer waters of Solhaven Bay.  You also see Langi's pier to the southeast.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Marshtown, Land's End - 3902] (u4744001)
    The firm soil of the path to the northeast quickly turns to mud and pools of stagnant water to the southwest.  As progress becomes more difficult, a raised walkway made of wooden planks elevates travelers above the treacherous, sliding mud.  The falls to the northeast, known as Kaskara Zahar, or the Cascade Taehhar, pour from the Cairnfang River above, and the delta of the mighty Cairnfang rushes into Solhaven Bay to the south.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Marshtown Road, Tidal Marsh - 3901] (u2130014)
    The road dips lower as it heads south, the marsh grass and tides encroaching on the gravel causeway that tries to keep the roadway above the muck.  To the northeast the road enters a ravine and begins to climb.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [go2]>go ramp
    [Marshtown Road, Ravine - 3900] (u2130013)
    The walls of the ravine rise high on either side, wrapping the trail in constant shadow except for high noon.  Close to sea level, the dampness and odor of the tidal marsh are carried into the ravine by the onshore breeze, while cattails fill the ditches to either side of the trail.  You also see a wide beaten trail.
    Obvious paths: southwest, up
    [Marshtown Road, Ravine - 3899] (u2130012)
    Following a course carved into the cliff by centuries of drainage, the roadway swerves to the east and west.  You also see a dark ladder leaning against a large iron-plated tower topped by a blue-edged Solhaven Bay banner.
    Obvious paths: north, down
    [Marshtown Road, Ravine - 3898] (u2130015)
    An ancient stone bridge stretches overhead from one side of the ravine to the other and as the ravine shallows to the north, a gravel ramp provides an easy route to the the eastern lip.  Beyond the bridge the roadbed drops as it heads south.
    Obvious paths: south
    [Marshtown Road - 3897] (u2130010)
    To the west, an ancient stone bridge stretches across a north-south ravine, but the road veers northward, then arcs back to the south and enters the ravine just north of the bridge.  Looking more closely, you see that the ravine has ceased to be an obstacle.  Decades of silt have been topped off with a roadbed of gravel, and the ravine now provides a comfortable descent to the tidal marshes below.  You also see an ancient stone bridge.
    Obvious paths: east
    [Marshtown Road - 3896] (u2130009)
    The road follows the cliff edge southeast toward the head of the falls and also to the west.  Gazing south beyond the rising mist of the Cascade of Tears, the rooftops of Solhaven stretch south between Vornavis' west wall and the waters of the bay.  Closer at hand, the docks, floating catwalks, and shabby buildings of Marshtown spread across the salt marsh.
    Obvious paths: southeast, west
    [Marshtown Road - 3895] (u2130008)
    To the southwest, the vista of ivory sailed fishing boats scattered across the sparkling blue of Solhaven Bay spreads out below, while nearer at hand the mist and roar of the Cascade of Tears rise above the cliff edge.
    Obvious paths: east, northwest
    [Marshtown Road - 3894] (u2130007)
    A weed-infested jumble of weather-worn rocks at the break of the riverbank marks where a bridge spanned the Cairnfang long ago.  Across the river, the blue granite walls of Vornavis' north wall dwarf the roofs, tents, and low stone wall of the caravansary.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Marshtown Road - 3893] (u2130006)
    Almost hidden among the tall grasses, brush, and young trees north of the road, charred timbers and blackened chimney stones show that farms and cottages once spread north of the river.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Cairnfang Crossing, North - 1415] (u2130005)
    Black flies cover the dessicated remains of several criminals who ran afoul of the law one too many times.  The stench of death and decay, as well as the ghastly, slack-jawed visages of the eyeless corpses keeps passersby a healthy distance from the gibbets.  Bearing almost as much traffic as the road south across the bridge, although of a decidedly more squalid strain, a well-worn dirt road heads west.  You also see the Hangman's Bridge.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Cairnfang, North Bank - 1414] (u4745001)
    Following the northern bank of the river as it heads east, the caravan trail quickly leaves the settled fields and pastures behind.  The trail and the ancient, piled stone markers that pierce the river's surface are soon the only signs that intelligent life has passed this way before.  To the west, the trail appears more used as it follows the Cairnfang towards the cliffs above Solhaven Bay.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Cairnfang, North Bank - 1413] (u4745002)
    Avoiding the cattails and marshgrass within the bend of the river, the trail drops away from the bank and sticks to higher ground.
    Obvious paths: northeast, west
    [Cairnfang, North Bank - 1412] (u4745003)
    An expanse of cattails and open pockets of water spread westward from the river just south of here, forcing the trail to veer to the southwest to stay on dry ground.  To the north, the trail is able to keep close to the river atop its firm western bank.  You also see a small mound.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Cairnfang, North Bank - 1411] (u4745004)
    Still following the river, the trail begins to climb.  The cairns of stone that give the river its name appear infrequently here.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1410] (u4745005)
    Trees crowd in from either side, casting the trail into constant shadow, and briars and creepers weave a tangle of green close alongside the path.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1409] (u4745021)
    The striking gold-and-black curls of peeling bark draw your eye to a stand of ragbark modwirs a few yards east of the trail.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1408] (u4745025)
    The trail climbs a gentle slope as it continues to the northeast beneath the trees.  Southward, the sun-dappled expanse of ferns and tree trunks stretches downhill, only to be lost among the grey and black columns of the trees.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1407] (u4745022)
    A carpet of splayed monkapple leaves hides the forest floor to either side of the trail, broken only by the trunks of ancient oaks rising like pillars to the green canopy above.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1406] (u4745026)
    Having reached the top of a small rise, the trail levels off for a bit before heading downhill again.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1405] (u4745023)
    The caravan trail parallels a small gully.  The fallen trunks of trees undercut by the collected rainwaters span the miniature chasm -- moss-covered foot bridges to nowhere in particular.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1404] (u4745027)
    The sharp hammering of a hungry woodpecker echoes amongst the trees, as the trail follows a valley northward between ridgelines to the east and west.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1403] (u4745024)
    The prone trunk of a massive modwir lies to either side of the trail.  Easily thicker than the height of a tall Giantman, a large section of the rotted wood has been chopped away so the trail could avoid detouring around the fallen giant.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1402] (u4745028)
    Marred only by the trail's pathway of trampled mud, a blanket of deep, green moss carpets the ground between the ancient trees.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Forest - 1401] (u4745006)
    The caravan route passes beneath the arching branches of a giant thrakwood bush, growing close alongside the trail.  About head level on a Giantman, the branches are too high to be a hindrance to anyone shorter.  Sunlight reaches down through the canopy and highlights a cluster of snowblossoms in a clearing to the northeast.  You also see a newly-cut path.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Cairnfang Forest, Clearing - 1400] (u4745007)
    Obviously used by caravans as a campsite, this clearing is marred by the remains of firepits and the signs of recent trampling by shod hooves.  The river is just visible through the trees to the south.  You also see a cluster of snowblossoms.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang, Stepfalls Gorge - 1399] (u4745008)
    The caravan trail ascends a series of sandstone shelves alongside the river.  Having cut through the soft stone, the river fills the air with rainbowed mist as it cascades over several small falls in the gorge below.  To the southwest the trail veers from the river and enters a large clearing.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang, Stepfalls Gorge - 1398] (u4745009)
    A silvery mist wells up from the gorge, dulling vision with a gossamer shroud and drowning out sounds with the constant roar of the churning waters below.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang, Stepfalls Gorge - 1397] (u4745010)
    The roar of the river from the gorge below makes talking almost impossible here.  The black granite walls of the gorge reflect the river's thunder upward as the water tumbles over huge boulders and arcs from jagged ledges.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang, Stepfalls Gorge - 1396] (u4745011)
    The force of the water and the jumble of unyielding stone churns the water to a foaming white along this stretch of the river.  As the going becomes more difficult along the top of the gorge, the trail turns north for the safer footing of the forested slopes.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1395] (u4745012)
    A silvery mist and the roar of falling water drifts through the trees from the south, while to the north the pines close in along the trail.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1394] (u4745013)
    Along a sandy stretch of trail unshadowed by trees, the ringed blossoms of crimson wreath flowers provide a bright contrast to the muted tones of sand and pineneedles.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [go2]>go bridge
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1393] (u4745014)
    Beneath the shadow of tall pines, a small log-and-plank bridge spans a tributary of the Cairnfang River.
    Obvious paths: southwest
    [Cairnfang Pineforest, Bridge - 1392] (u4745015)
    In the gully below, a line of wrack and driftwood marks the upper reaches of the stream during floods.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1391] (u4745016)
    A layer of brown needles, decades deep beneath the towering pines, muffles any sounds of movement.  The going is easier and quieter, but the silence is almost sinister.  A log-and-plank bridge spans a gully to the southwest.
    Obvious paths: northeast
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1390] (u4745017)
    The trees here are more sparse, finding fewer places to sink their roots amidst the outcroppings and boulders.  Underfoot, the black granite wears a thin layer of fallen pine needles, each rain sweeping the rock clean of any that have fallen before.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Pineforest - 1389] (u4745018)
    Weaving between rock formations and twisted pines, the trail seems almost to have lost its way at times, while overhead a pine siskin calls to its mate.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Cairnfang Rapids - 1388] (u4745019)
    The trail rejoins the river, crossing smooth expanses of black granite to the water's edge.  The Cairnfang churns past, and the thunder of falling water is carried down the river to you.
    Obvious paths: southwest, northwest
    [Cairnfang Falls - 1387] (u4745020)
    Avoiding the jumbled rocks and vast pool at the fall's base, the trail has circled to the west as it climbs towards the cliff.
    Obvious paths: southeast, up
    [Cairnfang Falls - 1386] (u4745030)
    Clouds of mist rise to the edge of the trail, the bottom of the falls being lost amid the rocks below.  Close to the cliff face the trail turns sharply west, beginning a series of switchbacks to reach the top of the cliff.  You also see a greater orc.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Switchback - 1385] (u4745035)
    The trail is as narrow and as steep as caravan traffic will allow, seeking to reach the land above.  The bottommost leg of the switchbacks ends below.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Switchback - 1384] (u4745036)
    The trail doubles back on itself.  Dropping sharply to the west and rising to the east, this section sacrifices distance for height.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Switchback - 1383] (u4745037)
    A broad shelf of rock forms a safe turning point for the trail, so the trail takes the opportunity to reverse itself again and continue to climb.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Switchback - 1382] (u4745038)
    The trail threads its way between outcroppings and boulders as it traverses the cliff.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Switchback - 1381] (u4745039)
    This portion of the trail exists only with the help of rock retaining walls and crushed stone made from the boulders that once stood in its way.  The new level ground has also been discovered by seeds and runners, and the edges of the trail are crowded with tall grasses and brush.  Above and to the east the trail reaches the top of the cliff.
    Obvious paths: up, down
    [Cairnfang Falls, Top - 1380] (u4745040)
    The river disappears over the brink of the cliff here, the dull roar of its fall rising through the mist and the pinetops below.  The caravan trail follows a narrow ledge of angled rock as it begins its descent to the cliff's base.
    Obvious paths: northwest, down
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1379] (u4745041)
    Crossing a barren stretch of flat rock, the trail runs from the edge of a sparse forest of stunted modwirs to the rocky bank of the river.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1378] (u4745042)
    The fast running waters of the Cairnfang are easily seen through the trees to the east.  To the north, west, and south the needled limbs of the trees cast a light shade on the thin soil of the uplands.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1377] (u4745043)
    The clatter of claws on bark, and fleeting glimpses of a bushy tail proclaim this stand of modwirs as the home of a family of red squirrels.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1376] (u4745044)
    The trail jogs to the west to avoid the head of a small gully.  Extending to the east, and likely harboring a tributary or backwater of the Cairnfang, the gully is filled with young willows, giant thrakwoods, and tall grasses.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1375] (u4745045)
    The trail forms a 'T' here, with the base of the 'T' stretching south.  One arm of the trail heads west, and the other heads east towards the river.  A dauntingly sheer face of rock rises just beyond the intersection, a shoulder of the mountain to the north shrugging itself free of trees and soil.
    Obvious paths: east, south, west
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1374] (u4745046)
    The forest ends, and to the west the land drops.  A wide upland meadow overrun with blooming grass widows fills the hollow between the hills with a flood of purple.  A small pond ringed with cattails and marsh grasses nestles in the center of the meadow.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1373] (u4745047)
    The trail reaches the edge of the marsh grass, then turns.  Running northwest, it climbs a grassy ridge and disappears over the top.  Scaling rockier ground to the east, the trail enters a stand of stunted modwirs.
    Obvious paths: east, northwest
    [Cairnfang Uplands - 1372] (u4745048)
    From the vantage of the ridgetop the land opens to the north and south.  Appearing as almost a border between the wholesome and the unwholesome, the ridge separates an idyllic meadow to the south, filled with wildflowers and a pond, from a mist-shrouded bog, littered with boulders and standing water to the north.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast
    [go2]>go columns
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1371] (u4748200)
    The land drops to the north, forming a large mist-filled swale.  Pale, weatherworn boulders and black water can be glimpsed as vagrant breezes worry brief gaps in the blanket of vapors.
    Obvious paths: south, down
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1370] (u4748201)
    Like giant teeth protruding from the tall grass, the jagged remains of a massive stone wall stretch into the mist on either hand.  The trail continues north between a pair of shattered columns that once formed a gateway in the ancient wall.
    Obvious paths: up
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1369] (u4748202)
    Within the small circle that the mists allow you to survey, black water fills the gaps between the tussocks of marsh grass.  A worn trail emerges from the bog just a few feet from a pair of shattered columns and passes between them as it heads south.
    Obvious paths: west
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1368] (u4748203)
    Rising out of the grasses and black water to the north, a massive pile of white granite blocks marks the site of what must have been an impressive building.
    Obvious paths: east, northwest
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1367] (u4748204)
    Aside from guaranteed wet feet, this place doesn't look too bad.  Then again, the constant fog, the opaqueness of the water, and the total absence of any living creature larger than a snail can't all be coincidences, can they?
    Obvious paths: north, southeast
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1366] (u4748205)
    The time-rounded stumps of stone columns stand at regular intervals in an expanse of black water, perhaps once a reflecting pool and bordering colonnade.  With the water's rise the remains of the columns now stand within the pool, and marsh grasses mark the boundaries of the surrounding stonework.
    Obvious paths: south, northwest
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1365] (u4748206)
    Verdant tussocks, huge granite blocks, and black water -- different arrangements of the same three elements appear and reappear in the sea of mist.
    Obvious paths: southeast, west
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1364] (u4748207)
    A series of flat stone blocks protrudes above the marsh grass to the west.  Whether once a road, an elevated walk, or the top of a wall, it's impossible to tell.  At this point they look like they'll serve admirably as a road.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1363] (u4748208)
    Judging from the small gravel ramp that rises out of the bog to reach the top of this paving stone, caravaners rely on these blocks to safely cross the swale.
    Obvious paths: north, east
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1362] (u4748209)
    The ever-present fog reduces visibility to no more than a few paces in any direction.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1361] (u4748210)
    The end of the blocks must lie further to the north or south, since there's no sign of it here.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1360] (u4748211)
    Bordered on either hand by the interminable grasses and water, the huge paving blocks run north and south across the bog.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1359] (u4748212)
    Fog and stone, grass and water.  Not much of interest here.  This might be a good opportunity for some introspection.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [go2]>go roadway
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1358] (u4748213)
    Just visible to the east, an obelisk of black granite crowns a low, grass-covered mound.  A wide gap filled with black water separates the mound from the roadway.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Stoneharrow Swale, Roadway - 1357] (u4748214)
    A gravel ramp reaches from the waters of the swale up to the top of this granite paving block, and another block abuts this one to the south.
    Obvious paths: east, south
    [Stoneharrow Swale - 1356] (u4748215)
    A white gravel roadway surfaces intermittently above the black water.  Evidently created by crushing some of the frequent granite blocks, the gravel must need constant replacement to make up for settling.
    Obvious paths: west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Tail's End - 1355] (u4748029)
    An ancient stone ramp rises from the tall grass and heads north, growing into a battlemented roadway as it reaches above the mist.  To the east, south, and west an expanse of black water stretches, uninterrupted by stone blocks or marsh grass.
    Obvious paths: north
    [Zortahg's Spine, Tail - 1354] (u4748028)
    Intact and impressive only a stone's throw above the grasses, the crenellated highroad appears to have decayed as soon as it touched the bog.  Rounded, white humps of stone and pockets of black water dot the green expanse of marsh grass to the south.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Zortahg's Spine, Tail - 1353] (u4748027)
    Wooded vales flank the highroad's ridge to the east and west.  To the south, the road ends in a fog-bound swale.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Zortahg's Spine, Tail - 1352] (u4748026)
    The white granite roadway descends gently as it bends to the southwest.  The barren rock of Tor Aganrahk's flank gives way to stunted modwirs and patches of mountain laurel.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Zortahg's Spine - 1351] (u4748025)
    Arcing over a chasm to the north, a grey stone bridge connects the highroad with a cut stone archway set into the mountain's side.
    Obvious paths: north, east, southwest
    [Zortahg's Spine, Wings - 1350] (u4748024)
    The roadway's white granite melds into red granite where matching rock formations grow up to the north and south.  Rising slowly to the east, the formations close in, confining the highroad in an unnatural ravine where the wind moans constantly.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Wings - 1349] (u4748030)
    Fork-tailed mountain swallows appear above the high rock formations to either hand, dropping into the more protected air above the roadway and darting into nests built high in the folds of the Wings.  The surface of the roadway is almost hidden beneath a layer of white droppings, and a constant chorus of shrill chirping echoes between the rock walls.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Wings - 1348] (u4748023)
    Hemmed in on both hands by the sheer rock walls, the roadway continues.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Wings - 1347] (u4748022)
    Sheer rock formations rise abruptly on either side of the road, transforming the ridgeline into a ravine.  Battlements are of no use here, yet the crenellations persist, half-carved from the red granite walls.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Highroad - 1346] (u4748021)
    Blackened areas on the surface of the road mark where someone recently chose to build several campfires.  Arkati only know what they used for fuel, or what became of the ashes and unburnt fuel.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [go2]>go ramp
    [Zortahg's Spine, Highroad - 1345] (u4748020)
    A small flash draws your attention to a stone block in the northern parapet, where a wire-thin band of metallic ore has caught the light.  Knowing that it wouldn't still be there if it was of any monetary value, you realize that the block was probably placed there specifically to do what it has just done and brighten a possibly dull journey.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Highroad - 1344] (u4748002)
    Following the ridge, this raised and fortified stone roadway stretches out of sight to the east and west.  A newly built ramp climbs the ridge from the north and meets the road at a gap in the battlements.  The ramp and the recent changes to the ancient roadway evidence the precision and craftsmanship that are hallmarks of dwarven stonecraft.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Zortahg's Spine, Ramp - 1343] (u4748001)
    Halfway up the north face of the ridge, the sheer size of the battlements to the south is evident.  Either they were built by Giantmen, or by hundreds of dwarves with more time and energy than they knew what to do with.  A ramp, displaying the crisp colors of freshly worked stone, begins here and rises to intersect the wall where the crenellations have been removed.
    Obvious paths: north
    [Tor Aganrahk, Ravine - 1342] (u4748321)
    Gazing northward, the trail climbs towards a gap between Tor Aganrahk and Tor Soranrahk, while stark against the southern sky a patterned silhouette of crenellations crowns an east-west ridge.  From here the caravan trail runs straight up the ridge and meets the battlements at a gap marked by the sharper outlines of new stonework.
    Obvious paths: south, up
    [Tor Aganrahk, Ravine - 1341] (u4748312)
    Lacking the room to go around a large outcropping, the trail dips abruptly to pass beneath it.
    Obvious paths: north, down
    [Tor Aganrahk, Ravine - 1340] (u4748311)
    Rising as steeply as caravan traffic will allow, the trail climbs within the shadow of the ravine's western wall.  The blunt peak of Tor Soranrahk is easily visible to the northeast. 
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Tor Aganrahk, Ravine - 1339] (u4748310)
    Following a shelf that keeps it above the deadfall and loose stones of the ravine bottom, the caravan trail hugs the mountainside as it climbs toward the pass to the north. 
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [The Saddle - 1338] (u4748300)
    Sun-bleached bones and the rusted remains of weapons and armor poke through the windswept snow.  Cold winds blowing across the plateau from the north are funneled through the pass, and carry enough moisture to bear a bone-chilling bite.  You also see a well-worn path.
    Obvious paths: south, down
    [Tor Aganrahk, Switchbacks - 1337] (u4024018)
    Wind shifts the ever-present snow, covering the trail with a thin layer and filling the ruts and bootprints.  Upslope to the south, the trail enters the pass between Tor Soranrahk to the east and Tor Aganrahk to the west.
    Obvious paths: northwest, up
    [Tor Aganrahk, Switchbacks - 1336] (u4024014)
    Carved into the shoulder of the mountain, and broadened with the crushed rock, the trail descends to the northeast.  Further upslope the gravel is dusted with snow.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southeast
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1335] (u4024013)
    A hut nestles forlornly in the lee of a large rock outcropping.  Just beyond it, the trail veers southwest in the first of a series of switchbacks, climbing towards the pass between Tors Aganrahk and Soranrahk.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1334] (u4024012)
    A discarded wagon wheel lies partially buried in the ground.  A vine has grown through it, intertwining with the remaining spokes.  Some spokes of the wheel point north along the trail, while others point southward towards the gap between Tor Soranrahk and Tor Aganrahk.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1333] (u4024011)
    A chilly, moisture-laden breeze blows over the edge of the plateau to the west.  It continues across the plain, tumbling weeds in a bounding dance.  Further to the south, mountain peaks rise in the distance.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1332] (u4024010)
    A bush grows along the side of the trail, its ripening berries peeking out from under the brown leaves.  A pile of gravel has been dumped to the side of the track, likely to be used for filling in the wheel ruts.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1331] (u4024009)
    Grass valiantly tries to grow between the wheel tracks on the trail.  To the west, a herd of rolton grazes peacefully.  They spook at some imagined horror and run northward, only to stop and begin grazing again.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1330] (u4024008)
    A flock of birds flies overhead in a V-shaped formation heading northwest.  A couple of stragglers strive to catch up with the main group, casting their shadows on the dried grass beneath you.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1329] (u4024007)
    A single tree stands a lonely vigil on the plain.  Its outstretched limbs reach for the sky, straining to touch the clouds that pass overhead.  A bird, sitting in the tree, suddenly bursts into song, filling the air with music.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1328] (u4024005)
    The trail swings eastward around a hill, saving the legs of the oxen pulling the laden wagons from the extra strain the slope would provide.  Sunlight reflects off something on the top of the hill.
    Obvious paths: southwest, northwest, up
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1327] (u4024004)
    Grasshoppers jump wildly across the trail in a bizarre dance only understood by others of their kind.  The air is filled with a buzzing that changes from loud to soft with the rhythm of the dance.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1326] (u4024003)
    Without any trees to block the wind, a breeze blows the entire length of the grasslands.  The grass ripples in green and brown waves as far as the eye can see.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1325] (u4024017)
    The blackened and scorched ground of the north fades into the grassy plain of the south.  Only small burned areas show where the fire fed on the fertile growth.  The prevailing winds are northeast across the plateau, which drove the fire back towards the river.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1324] (u4024016)
    Scattered remains of a burned-out wagon litter the east side of the trail.  Although it appears the fire was extinguished before getting completely out of hand, a large area was destroyed.  A crow pecks through the debris looking for a tidbit that escaped the flames.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [go2]>go ford
    [Plateau, Grasslands - 1323] (u4024002)
    Patches of burnt grass survive despite a spark that went astray from the fire to the south.  The ground is scorched, blackened by spidery patches of black grass ash.  Fortunately, the winds drove the fire towards the river or the entire grasslands would be gone.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1322] (u4024001)
    Scattered along the trail is some gravel from the river ford, caught in wagon wheels and carried southward.  Tangled threads flutter from a thorny bush where previous travelers have draped their clothing to dry.
    Obvious paths: south
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1321] (u2131024)
    To the southwest, gravel lines the banks of the Flynth River where the trail crosses it.  A natural ford has been built up over time, widening the river, but making it shallow enough not to cause undue hardship for the caravans.
    Obvious paths: northeast
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1320] (u2131020)
    Game trails crisscross the area, most heading towards a copse of trees to the east.  A grouse, flushed from the tall grass, squawks loudly as it flies up and away.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1319] (u2131019)
    Fallen leaves covering the ground cavort in the breeze, resting again as the wind dies down.  The trees shade the north-south trail from the fierce sun overhead, where the river gently curves towards the trail forming a wide bank.
    Obvious paths: north, south, west
    [Plateau, Flynth Lake - 1318] (u2131018)
    The southern end of Flynth Lake has a number of cattails and other water plants growing around the edge of it.  Croaking bullfrogs compete in a rousing chorus, with harmony provided by crickets hiding in the tall grass.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Plateau, Flynth Lake - 1317] (u2131017)
    A cabin at the water's edge provides protection from the elements for those who travel the trail regularly.  Built more recently, a barn similarly shelters their animals.  Pulled up onto the shore and tied to a nearby tree, a dinghy looks big enough for two fishermen.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [go2]>go stream
    [Plateau, Flynth Lake - 1316] (u2131016)
    Clouds scudding across the sky are reflected in the still lake that is west of the trail.  The water is the same brilliant shade of blue as the sky, set off beautifully by the intense white clouds.  Sitting on a partially submerged rock, a turtle basks in the sun.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1315] (u2131015)
    Flowing from the northwest, the Flynth River is joined by the stream flowing across the trail in a turbulent junction.  A log, not able to float past some rocks, spins continuously in the churning water.
    Obvious paths: southwest
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1314] (u2131014)
    Many caravans have stopped here, taking advantage of the stream gurgling westward across the trail.  A blackened ring of stones is surrounded by a larger circle of flat rocks used as seats by the drivers and guards.  The ground where oxen have trampled the grass shows signs of recovery from its ill treatment, and the overgrown ruts of a long-abandoned road are just visible among the tall grasses leading eastward.  You also see a rocky stream.
    Obvious paths: north
    [Plateau, Flynth River - 1313] (u2131013)
    The peak of Zeltoph Mountain is directly to the north, while the plateau stretches southward.  In the distance, Flynth Lake shimmers, reflecting blinding glints of sunlight in the crisp, clear air.
    Obvious paths: south, northwest
    [Zeltoph Pass - 1312] (u2131050)
    Northward, the land is a patchwork of dark green forests and golden fields, and beyond it the sea stretches like grey-green slate to the horizon.  In the opposite direction, a grass covered plateau is bordered to the south by a line of blunt, snow-covered peaks.  Crossing Zeltoph's flank, the trail begins its descent to the grassland.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1311] (u2131010)
    The trail reaches a pass through the mountain range and although Zeltoph towers over the trail to the east and Wehntoph to the west, the air is thin enough to make breathing a bit difficult.  The glorious vista mesmerizes even the most hardened of travellers as they gaze upon the foothills to the north.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1310] (u2131009)
    Just below the peak of Zeltoph Mountain, the trail has been washed out by a recent avalanche.  The loose scree makes crossing difficult and potentially hazardous.  You also see an urgh.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1309] (u2131008)
    The trail to the south is wider than the path leading westward.  Below, it snakes around the mountain with a ledge jutting out midway between here and the level below.
    Obvious paths: southeast, west
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1308] (u2131007)
    The trail makes a tight curve up the side of the mountain, no doubt creating problems for the larger caravans.  Some scrubby bushes cover the west side of the trail.
    Obvious paths: northeast, east
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1307] (u2131006)
    Wildflowers blooming along the side of the track carpet the ever present grey rocks.  The flowers are quite resilient, coming back from many tramplings by passersby, both of the two-footed and four-footed kind.
    Obvious paths: east, southwest
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1306] (u2131005)
    Bits of cloth are stuck to the rock wall where others have boldly climbed up to a ledge that shadows the trail.  Huddling under the ledge would also provide protection from the occasional showers of rocks that rain down from above.
    Obvious paths: northeast, west
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1305] (u2131004)
    Narrowing severely, the trail bends around a rock outcropping that appears to have grown from the side of the mountain.  You stay close to the western side of the trail after glancing cautiously over the edge and seeing that the bottom is several hundred feet below.
    Obvious paths: southwest, northwest
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1304] (u2131003)
    A trickle of water runs down the mountainside, dripping into a pool at the side of the trail.  The overflow runs down the trail muddying the path.  Moss grows up the rock wall, working its way into old cracks and causing new ones.
    Obvious paths: southeast, west
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1303] (u2131002)
    Reaching an impassable rock wall, the trail doubles back, climbing to the east.  Deep ruts have formed in the steep trail, causing wheels to break on the caravan wagons.
    Obvious paths: northeast, east
    [Zeltoph Switchbacks - 1302] (u2131001)
    On a trailbed built from crushed rock and bone-aching labor, the caravan trail climbs the base of Zeltoph Mountain from northeast to southwest.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Zeltoph's Base - 1301] (u2131044)
    Unprotected by any rock formations, the trail above the treeline is windswept and cold.  Racing along the face of the mountain, vicious gusts tug at the scant gorse bushes growing tightly against the rocks.
    Obvious paths: southwest, west
    [Zeltoph's Base - 1300] (u2131043)
    To the east the trail parallels the mountain's base, keeping the slope more gradual and less wearing for travelers, two- and four-legged alike.  To the north it heads directly downslope among the pines.
    Obvious paths: north, east
    [Zeltoph's Base - 1299] (u2131042)
    The west wind soughs through the pinetops high over head.  In every direction, ancient pines stretch toward the heavens, and their trunks hide the path even a short distance ahead.  The only young plants in sight are those along the trail, sprouting where hooves and boots have disturbed the earth.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Zeltoph's Base - 1298] (u2131045)
    Patches of sunlight on the forest floor are filled with green grasses, shrubs, and a small tree or two -- pockets of grassland amidst the silver trunks and brown-carpeted twilight of pineshadow.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Foothills - 1297] (u2131041)
    Scattered pines stand above the hillside grasses, with brown needles blotting out the vegetation beneath their boughs.  To the south the trees close in and the grasslands give way to forest.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Foothills - 1296] (u2131040)
    To the south the trail heads straight towards the western shoulder of Zeltoph Mountain and the band of pine forest that shrouds the slope at its base.  The serried points of a log palisade rise above a hilltop to the northeast.  You also see a signpost.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south
    [Northern Caravansary, Stockade - 1295] (u4746001)
    Vertical, rough-hewn logs form a stockade, providing some margin of safety this far from the walls of Wehnimer's Landing.  A trail worn by the passage of hooves, wheels, and booted feet leads off to the southwest.  You also see the stockade gate.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest
    [Foothills - 1294] (u10004)
    The hills become steeper to the south, dotted with patches of scrub, but between the hills the top of a log palisade is visible.  You also see a dagger.
    Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south
    [Foothills - 1293] (u10003)
    From these gently sloping hills you can see a vast plain of tall grasses that stretches as far as the eye can see when gazing northward.  To the south lies the eastern stretch of the Dragonsclaw Mountains, a range of rugged snow-capped peaks.  The tallest of these peaks, Zeltoph Mountain, rises to a height of nearly fifteen thousand feet above the level of the sea to the north.  You also see some full leather, a dagger and some working leathers.
    Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, west
    [Upper Trollfang - 1292] (u16026)
    You are on the eastern edge of a vast region of hills and forest.  To the east and south stretches a rolling plain of tall grasses.
    Obvious paths: north, east, south
    [Upper Trollfang - 1291] (u16025)
    The trees in this area are tall and the branches are well above the ground allowing you to glimpse some of the surrounding countryside.  To the south can be seen a bright area, perhaps a meadow.  To the northwest grows a stand of tall evergreen trees.
    Obvious paths: south, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1290] (u16022)
    This wide clearing serves as the intersection of several wide paths.  A deep blanket of brown fir needles covers the ground which muffles the tread of passing feet and wheels.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast, west
    [go2]>go bridge
    [Upper Trollfang - 1289] (u16023)
    Chest high ferns sway slowly as you pass along this stretch of shadowed roadway.  Tall fir trees stand like great red pillars against the deep blue sky and provide the cooling shade necessary for the ferns to thrive.
    Obvious paths: south, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1288] (u16024)
    You are on the southern bank of a wide, slow moving stream.  Spanning the water is a stone bridge that arcs gracefully to the northern shore.
    Obvious paths: southeast
    [Upper Trollfang - 1287] (u15015)
    The stream meanders considerably here but runs in a general southwest to northeast direction.  At a particularly narrow stretch, you notice a stone bridge crosses to the opposite bank.
    Obvious paths: northeast, west
    [Upper Trollfang - 1286] (u15014)
    The stream tumbles quietly over moss covered rocks as it flows from the west to the east.  The trail is soft and wet.  A large willow tree grows between the trail and the stream casting a deep shadow on both the water and the ground.
    Obvious paths: east, west
    [Upper Trollfang - 1285] (u15013)
    The chirping and croaking of a myriad of frogs fill the air here.  A large number of lily pads grow in the pond formed by the slowing of the water that enters the area as a stream to the southwest.  A smaller stream exits the pond to the east and carries the water further into the forest.
    Obvious paths: east, southwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1284] (u15012)
    The stream is wide and slow here.  While not very deep, the muddy bottom is too soft to allow you to cross.  The trail follows along the bank and heads to the southwest.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1283] (u15011)
    The stream enters this area from the northwest and then meanders back to the northeast.  The water moves fast enough to allow large numbers of trout to live in the cold depths.  The trail is very wet and the going is difficult.
    Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1282] (u15010)
    A small rise in the terrain allows the path to dry slightly here, providing a welcome bit of relief.  The stream appears to be slowing as it moves to the southeast.
    Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1281] (u15009)
    You are standing on the northern bank of a wide and surprisingly deep stream.  The trail splits here as it follows the course of the water.  The main trail runs off to the southeast while a smaller trail heads northwest.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 1280] (u15008)
    This part of the forest is damp and moss covered.  The sound of running water can be heard to the south and the terrain of this area slopes down in that direction.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Upper Trollfang - 1279] (u15007)
    The shrill "cyeeak!" of an unseen bird comes as a start as you continue to walk along the path.  Apparently you are too close to the nest, even though the nearest branch is clearly fifteen or more feet above the ground.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Upper Trollfang - 1278] (u15006)
    A carpet of oak and maple leaves cover the trail in this part of the forest.  A stand of oak trees lies further to the north while the forest becomes mixed to the south.  You also see a forest troll that appears dead.
    Also here: Varess
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Upper Trollfang - 1277] (u15005)
    Several grey squirrels bark in protest as your presence has greatly disturbed their work.  Countless numbers of acorns litter the ground surrounding the many large oak trees that grow here.  Obviously, these squirrels will be busy for quite some time yet.  You also see a shaded path.
    Obvious paths: east, south
    [Upper Trollfang - 475] (u15004)
    The trail is flat and the going is easy through this part of the forest.  The high branches of the hardwood trees creating a cooling canopy of leaves.  The shadows prevent much of the smaller plant life from establishing themselves and you can see most of the surrounding hillsides quite clearly.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, west
    [Upper Trollfang - 455] (u15003)
    A high, steep hill lies directly to the south and the trail splits as it makes its way around.  The wider, and obviously more used trail, runs off to the southwest while a smaller trail heads off to the southeast.
    Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 454] (u15002)
    The scurrying of unseen creatures occassionally cause the snapping of a tiny twig and you oft times catch the glimpse of brown fur or black feather.  The dense and low-lying flora of the area quickly conceal anything that is not directly on the path however and you are feeling a bit apprehensive about moving further.  You also see a rolton and a kobold shepherd.
    Obvious paths: southeast, west, northwest
    [Upper Trollfang - 453] (u15001)
    The trail winds along the bottom of a series of low hills.  A wall of thick underbrush lines the trail, effectively preventing you from wandering far from the worn track.
    Obvious paths: north, southeast, west
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 433] (u9041)
    There is a break in the trees here, several charred trunks bearing witness to a past forest fire or act of nature.  A modwir lies across the ground, the scars of a lightning strike etched into its blackened trunk.  Just near the remaining tree stump, you notice a dirt footpath leading south.  You also see a black truffle, a spotted truffle and a clearing to the east.
    Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, northwest
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 430] (u9038)
    Pine cones are scattered about the ground here, knocked down by the movement of small animals through the trees and the wind that buffets this outlying section of the forest.  You also see a wide dirt-covered trail.
    Obvious paths: north, southwest, west
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 429] (u9037)
    The forest floor slopes noticeably downhill here, thinning out somewhat at the bottom, where modwir, thick pine and fir trees predominate.
    Obvious paths: north, south, southwest
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 422] (u9036)
    You come across a burnt-out fire pit, evidence that others have travelled through this deep forest.  The charred remains of a large log hold no lingering warmth, but do provide a certain security with their assurance that others have passed the night here safely.  You also see a withered grey modwir tree.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 421] (u9035)
    Modwir trees predominate this section of forest, as though the oak, satisfied with its allotted space, has made room for the tall pines.  You also see a charred skull on a pike.
    Obvious paths: north, south, northwest
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 214] (u9033)
    Deeper in the trees, the light dims oppressively.  The surrounding oaks loom larger and are interspersed with modwir trees, further blocking the rays of the sun.  In their midst, a sizeable pond encircles a towering modwir tree, its surface roiling with fog.  You also see a spotted truffle.
    Obvious paths: north, south, west
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 215] (u9032)
    Your ears are becoming more attuned to the sounds of the forest surrounding you.  Over your footsteps you hear the sounds of small birds overhead, comfortably nested in the sturdy oak trees.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 216] (u9031)
    You release the scents of the various herbs growing on the forest floor with your steps.  They mingle with the breeze that courses through the trees to create an ever-changing, but always pleasant, aroma.  You also see a rolton.
    Obvious paths: north, northeast, southwest
    [go2]>go path
    [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest - 218] (u9029)
    The underbrush is quite thick here near the forest's edge, forcing you to slow your steps as you maneuver through the trees.  You also see a vine-covered arch and a briar patch.
    Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, west
    [Wehnimer's, Exterior - 419] (u9009)
    As you progress on this north-south path, the dark forest to the west catches your eye.  A little forbidding in its primeval appearance, it is sure to offer a good source of small-game hunting.  You also see a mottled rolton hide tent.
    Obvious paths: north, south, west
    [go2]>go wooden gates
    [Wehnimer's, Exterior - 220] (u9008)
    You are standing at the northwest corner of the Landing.  The path, which bends to the northeast as it moves along this section of the western wall of the fortified trading post.  To the west can be seen a dark forest while to the south can be seen a rolling plain of high grasses.  You also see a cobblestoned trail leading to a wooded glade and a tall wooden archery tower.
    Obvious paths: northeast, south, west
    [Wehnimer's, Outside Gate - 221] (u9004)
    Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing.  Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post.  A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest.  Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read.  You also see the Wayside inn.
    Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
    [Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd. - 223] (u7000)
    Vigilant guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gates spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing.  The frenetic pace of the city to the south is a far cry from the deceptive calm of the wilds of Elanith outside.  Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west.  You also see a large wooden barrel and a polished green steel lantern mounted on a wooden post.
    Obvious paths: south
    [Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd. - 224] (u7001)
    The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade.  Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers.  Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro.  Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier.  You also see a muscular red-armored guard and a silvery green tent with a House Aspis banner on it.
    Obvious paths: north, east, west
    [Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd. - 225] (u7002)
    The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city.  The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings.  The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead.  You also see an old weathered cart with some stuff on it and a polished red steel lantern mounted on a wooden post.
    Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
    [Wehnimer's, Talon St. - 226] (u7041)
    The street runs between the northern palisade and the central square to the south and east.  The traffic is varied here, as shoppers, traders, travelers and merchants mix with the ever-present and watchful militiamen.  The pristine walls of the Stone Baths occupy nearly the entire block.  You also see a tall black bulwark tower and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
    Obvious paths: north, south
    [Town Square, Northwest - 227] (u7044)
    This corner of the square is lively and hectic.  A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.  You also see a shaggy mutt, a large wooden makeshift stand with some stuff on it, a polished granite statue, a muscular red-armored guard, an ivy-covered white monir tower and a polished green steel lantern mounted on a wooden post.
    Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
    [Town Square, Northeast - 276] (u7047)
    The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square.  All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar.  Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest.  You also see a narrow alleyway, a muscular red-armored guard and a polished red steel lantern mounted on a wooden post.
    Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west
    [go2]>go Moot Hall
    [Town Square, East - 229] (u7048)
    Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions.  Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous and bustling shops.  You also see a large purple wooden barrel and a wood-framed message board.
    Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
    [Moot Hall, Great Lobby - 387] (u2021)
    The great lobby is quite spacious, with an oak bannister wrapping around a staircase leading to the second story of Moot Hall.  The walls are draped in rich tapestries framing niches that hold marble busts of local dignitaries.  To the north is a double door, and to the west, a mahogany door bearing a silver plaque.  A carpeted pathway leads toward the Debt Collector's Office.  You also see a large wooden chest, a large wooden chest, a veil iron shield-shaped plaque, a blackboard and an old stained table with some stuff on it.
    Obvious exits: north, east, south, out
    [Moot Hall, Storage Facility - 388] (u54001)
    You are in the anteroom of the public storage locker facility.  This area is busy with clerks going over paperwork.  A hallway leads east to the locker booths.
    Obvious exits: east, west
    [Moot Hall, Storage Hall - 389] (u54002)
    You are in a darkly lit hallway which travels east and west.  On the north wall is a curtained opening.
    Obvious exits: east, west
    [go2: travel time: 0:00:13.387]
    --- Lich: go2 has exited.
    [Moot Hall, Storage Hall - 390] (u54003)
    You are in a darkly lit hallway which travels east and west.  On the north wall is a curtained opening.
    Obvious exits: east, west
    >go op
    You step through the curtained opening.
    [Public Lockers - 3855] (u54005)
    You are standing in a tiny room whose facing wall is an array of small, locked doors.  One of the lockers has been removed for you and is sitting on a small counter.  You also see a curtained opening.
    Obvious exits: none
    >op lock
    As you open the locker, you hear the faint creak of a pulley turning behind the wall.  Descending from above, a weapon rack, armor stand, and clothing wardrobe come to rest at your feet.  Two panels slide open on the floor, and a magical item bin and a deep chest rise up from their hidden depths.
    A click can be heard as trapdoor opens to reveal a dark stained antique oak trunk bound in wrought iron.
    You can expand your locker by up to 750 extra item slots through acquiring a locker expansion contract.
    Your locker is currently holding 0 items out of a maximum of 100.  Your family vault is currently holding 48 items out of a maximum of 50.
    You are wearing a silvery green leather cap, a golden spidersilk cloak, a crystallized silvery fossil charm, a white opal inset gold clasp, a burnished imflass weapons harness, a bone-clasped forest green backpack, a scarred leather breastplate, a polished wide modwir wristcuff, a wrist sheath, a pair of jaguar skin gloves with zorchar-studded knuckles, a slate grey sailcloth belt, a luxurious storm grey satchel, a pair of rat fur trousers, a pair of jackal skin boots with smooth zorchar toes, and a scratched hoarbeam greatshield.
    >l in cloak
    In the spidersilk cloak you see a bundle of dobrem snouts, a bundle of dobrem snouts, a thin-lipped clear glass bottle, some gleaming mithril arm greaves and a yellow cotton swathe.
    >get my bottle
    You remove a thin-lipped clear glass bottle from in your spidersilk cloak.
    >put bottle in locker
    You place the clear glass bottle in the locker, and it quickly disappears.
    >cl lock
    You hear the faint creak of a pulley turning behind the wall.  The weapon rack, armor stand, and clothing wardrobe ascend into the ceiling above.  Two panels slide open on the floor, and a magical item bin and a deep chest disappear into their hidden depths.
    A click can be heard as a dark stained antique oak trunk bound in wrought iron disappears behind a trapdoor.
    >locker manifest landing
    Thinking back, you recall the contents of your locker in Wehnimer's Landing:
    In a deep chest:
     1     a thin-lipped clear glass bottle
    All that information does clear out once I used the locker manifest verb again.

    The only thing now is that the locker data doesn't give any option for what town locker I want to look at. It only updates the most current locker I just checked with the "locker manifest" verb.

    Let me know if I need to clarify anything better for you.

  10. #10


    The problem is someone showed me a log of their locker manifest and the verb ended in "Obvious items" so the script is waiting for this line before it stops tracking locker contents. But looking back at their message, apparently only the SimuCoin locker manifest does that when you're on a basic account so since the script never sees this line it just keeps tracking forever.

    This problem should be fixed now.

    Also the script was supposed to track locker contents of different towns separately but I had a bug in the script where it wasn't tracking the city name of the locker so it was just throwing everything in the same Hash.

    This bug should also be fixed now.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 01-04-2024 at 04:29 PM.

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