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Thread: sanctify (330) set - 30 wis, 40 inf, 50 SMC

  1. #1

    Default sanctify (330) set - 30 wis, 40 inf, 50 SMC

    Sanctification set! 30 wisdom base, 40 influence base, 50 spirit mana control. Has one free pin slot for your badge, or get the last 10 wisdom base with a BOOST ENH STATS. Or drink a potion. Or some combination of those. So many options! This set will increase your 330 bonus by 60 (or 65, if you can fill that 10 wisdom gap) above baseline.

    Sold for now!
    Last edited by Slark; 06-20-2023 at 09:18 PM.

  2. #2


    I'll take it

  3. #3


    Why do people remove the selling price? This was listed for 3 minutes before being bought and I'd really like to know what the purchase price was for reference reasons. Would you mind disclosing that please?

  4. #4


    Selling price was 20m - didn't remove it with any malice in mind. When I deleted the whole block of stuff the price came along for the ride.

  5. #5


    I can understand that.... damn 20 million, that was a steal.

  6. #6


    Bump - another set available!

  7. #7


    perfect I'll take it

  8. #8


    Another available!

  9. Default

    I'll take it.

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