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Thread: Uploaded ;stat-maximizer

  1. #1

    Default Uploaded ;stat-maximizer

    This script calculates the highest stat total you can achieve at cap. It is very similar to the calculator found online, but this one you can use from the comfort of your own FE!

    By default it will use the growth intervals of the race+profession combination you select to calculate the most total stat points you can get at cap and tell you how to assign your stats at level 0/reassinging your stats at an inn to achieve this stat total.

    You also have the option of telling the script you want a minimum value in each stat. For example if the script gives you the highest stat total but it has your strength at 90, you can tell the script to recalculate everything but make strength 100 by cap.

    If you enter a combination of minimums that is impossible to achieve then the script will tell you your stat request isn't possible.

    Once you have found the stat totals you like you can tell the script to auto assign the starting values of each stat while you are checked in at the inn. Keep in mind you MUST start the script BEFORE you check in and you must already be at the stat reassignment screen.

    Also some things to keep in mind:

    The monk growth intervals on the website don't match up with the growth intervals on the wiki. My script goes by the wiki. If the wiki is wrong then let me know.

    In the case of a Halfling warrior my script calculated a stat total of 1 higher than what the website calculated. So like, my script is better...maybe...

    I tested about a dozen other race/profession combinations and everything else matched perfectly. Let me know if you notice anything wrong with the calculations so I can fix it.

    Last edited by Tgo01; 05-19-2023 at 06:24 AM.

  2. #2


    Oh yeah! Almost forgot most important part. My script has the stats listed in order they appear when doing INFO in game. That is one thing that always bugged me about the website. I don't know if the stats were ordered differently at that time or what, but it always drove me crazy.

  3. #3


    Sweet! What about an option that could calculate the cheapest ASC path to all 100’s?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by wetsand View Post
    Sweet! What about an option that could calculate the cheapest ASC path to all 100’s?
    I have plans to make other planners someday. Might put this in a different planner.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I have plans to make other planners someday. Might put this in a different planner.
    Cool beans.

  6. #6


    very nice, ty, I will make good use of this

  7. #7


    hard to read the red text on the charcoal background though

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by onurb View Post
    hard to read the red text on the charcoal background though
    Your window is black instead of white?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    yo mama


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Your window is black instead of white?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post

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